KEY Principle: We Reap What We Sow

SLEUTEL Beginsel: Ons Oes Wat Ons Saai

One of the most important principles in the Bible is sowing and reaping. To reap a harvest, we must FIRST sow seeds.

Een van die mees belangrikste beginsels in die Bybel is saai en oes. Om ‘n oes in te samel, moet ons EERS saad saai.

There are many Scriptures that give us an insight into the subject of sowing and reaping. Here are just a few that are important for you to ponder and really think about:

Daar is baie Bybel verse wat ons insig gee oor die onderwerp van saai en oes. Hier is net ‘n paar wat belangrik is vir jou om oor te besin en regtig oor na te dink:

“Now this I say, he who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he who sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully” (2 Cor. 9:6).

“Dink daaraan: wie karig saai, sal karig oes; en wie volop saai, sal volop oes” (2 Kor. 9:6).

“Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting” (Ps. 126:5).

“Wie met trane saai, sal die oes met gejuig inbring” (Ps. 156:5).

“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap”(Gal. 6:7).

“Moenie julleself mislei nie: God laat nie met Hom spot nie. Wat 'n mens saai, dit sal hy ook oes” (Gal. 6:7).

“For the one who sows to his own flesh shall from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit shall from the Spirit reap eternal life” (Gal. 6:8).

“Wie op die akker van sy sondige natuur saai, sal van die sondige natuur dood en verderf oes. Maar wie op die akker van die Gees saai, sal van die Gees die ewige lewe oes” (Gal. 6:8).

“And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary” (Gal. 6:9).

“Laat ons dan nie moeg word om goed te doen nie, want as ons nie verslap nie, sal ons op die bestemde tyd ook die oes insamel” (Gal. 6:9).

When we focus on this truth during our Restoration Journey and begin to follow what we learn, only then can we fully understand and REAP the benefits of this principle—or any other principle. When we don't apply or move forward with what we've learned, because we are waiting until we understand, then we find our paths are crooked and we become lost.

Wanneer ons op hierdie waarheid gedurende ons Herstel Reis fokus en begin om te volg wat ons leer, net dan kan ons ten volle verstaan en die voordele van hierdie beginsel—of enige ander beginsel OES. Wanneer ons dit nie aanwend of vorentoe beweeg met wat ons geleer het nie, omdat ons wag tot ons verstaan, dan vind ons dat ons paaie krom is en ons raak verlore.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight" (Proverbs 3:4-6).

“Vertrou volkome op die Here en moenie op jou eie insigte staatmaak nie. Ken Hom in alles wat jy doen en Hy sal jou die regte pad laat loop” (Spreuke 3:5-6).

In regard to this principle, sowing and reaping, we must move forward and put our trust in the Lord with our whole heart, based on the truth of His Word, and sow—expecting to reap a harvest! And once you begin to do this, that is when your Restoration Journey will become really exciting!

Met betrekking tot hierdie beginsel, saai en oes, ons moet vorentoe beweeg en ons vertroue met ons hele hart in die Here plaas, gebaseer op die waarheid van Sy Woord, en saai—verwagtend om ‘n  oes in te samel! En sodra jy dit begin doen, is dit wanneer jou Herstel Reis regtig opwindend sal begin word!   


No farmer would take the time or the money to sow seed if he did not expect to reap a harvest. In addition, if he wanted to reap a harvest of corn, he would sow corn. If he wanted to reap wheat, he would sow wheat. This means:

Geen boer sal die tyd of geld vat om saad te saai as hy nie verwag om ‘n oes in te samel nie. Addisioneel, as hy ‘n oes van mielies verwag, dan sal hy mielies saai. As hy koring wil oes, dan sal hy koring saai. Dit beteken: 

  • If you want to reap kindness, sow kindness.
  • As jy vriendelikheid wil oes, saai vriendelikheid.
  • If you want to reap forgiveness, forgive!
  • As jy vergifnis wil oes, vergewe!
  • If you want to reap love, then sow love.
  • As jy liefde wil oes, saai dan liefde.
  • If you want to reap financially, sow financially.
  • As jy finansieĂ«l wil oes, saai finansieĂ«l.
  • If you want to reap encouragement, sow Encouragement!
  • As jy bemoediging wil oes, saai Bemoediging!

—then anticipate a harvest of what you sowed—since God’s principles and His promises are true, and He is faithful!!

—verwag dan ‘n oes van wat jy gesaai het—aangesien God se beginsels en Sy beloftes waar is, en Hy is getrou!!

Not only will this mean that God will be faithful to what He promised and you'll reap a harvest here on earth, but you'll also be investing into your eternal future.

Nie net sal dit beteken dat God getrou is met wat Hy belowe het nie en dat jy ‘n oes hier op aarde sal insamel, maar jy sal ook in jou ewige toekoms in belĂȘ.

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:19–21).

“Moenie vir julle skatte op aarde bymekaarmaak waar mot en roes dit verniel en waar diewe inbreek en dit steel nie. Maak vir julle skatte in die hemel bymekaar, waar mot en roes dit nie verniel nie en waar diewe nie inbreek en dit steel nie. Waar jou skat is, daar sal jou hart ook wees.” (Matteus 6:19-21).

This means any treasures you sow, no one here on earth can steal!

Dit beteken dat enige skatte wat jy saai, kan niemand hier op aarde steel nie!

This is significant to most of us who've experienced the loss of our spouse, our family life, our home, and our happiness!! And the reason it was stolen was due to giving the enemy permission, in addition to not sowing into the right soil. Soil that has been neglected from water and cultivation.

Dit is betekenisvol vir meeste van ons wie die verlies van ons gade, ons familie lewe, ons huis, en ons geluk ervaar het!! En die rede wat dit gesteel was was as gevolg van die vyand wat toestemming gekry het, saam met om nie in die regte grond te saai nie. Grond wat afgeskeep is van water en ontwikkeling.

What we do with our money, or our time and energy, here on earth, is a true indicator of where our hearts are and will result in how we are blessed or why we are NOT blessed.

Wat ons met ons geld, of ons tyd en energie, hier op aarde doen, is ‘n ware aanduiding van waar ons harte is en sal die resultaat wees van hoe ons geseĂ«n is of waarom ons NIE geseĂ«n is nie.

“Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness; you will be enriched in everything for all liberality, which through us is producing thanksgiving to God” (2 Corinthians 9:10–11).

“God wat saad verskaf om te saai en brood om te eet, sal ook aan julle saad gee en dit laat groei en julle vrygewigheid 'n ryk oes laat oplewer. Hy maak julle altyd in alles ryk genoeg om by elke geleentheid vrygewig te kan wees. Deur ons bemiddeling het julle vrygewigheid tot gevolg dat God gedank word” (2 KorintiĂ«rs 9:10-11).

Since coming to Encouraging Men, everything you've benefited from, each Restored Marriage Testimony, and all the resources that have helped you, just about everything, came from women who SOWED. Only the few men you've read about, just a fraction, have sowed, which is why the men's harvest has been so small in comparison.

Vandat ek na Bemoedigende Mans toe gekom het, alles waarvan julle voordeel getrek het, elke Herstelde Huweliks Getuienis, en al die hulpbronne wat jou gehelp het, omtrent net alles, het gekom van vrouens wat GESAAI het. Net die paar mans van wie ons lees, net ‘n fraksie, het gesaai, wat is waarom die mans se oes in vergelyking so klein is.

Sowing & Increasing
Saai & Vermeerdering

One morning the Lord reminded me of the two most hopeless Restoration Journeys that I still have ever seen over more than two decades of ministering. They were two women who came to me, years apart, but each had absolutely HOPELESS situations!

Een oggend het die Here my herinner aan die twee mees hopelose Herstel Reise wat ek al ooit gesien het in meer as twee dekades van bediening. Hulle was twee vrouens wat na my toe gekom het, jare uitmekaar, maar elkeen het absoluut HOPELOSE situasies gehad!

Yet would you believe that God used these women to teach ME something I almost missed? Let me introduce you to the first woman, Melanie, an older woman and her Restored Marriage Testimony.

Tog kan jy glo dat God hierdie vrouens gebruik het om vir MY iets te leer wat ek amper gemis het? Laat my jou aan die eerste vrou, Melanie, voorstel, ‘n ouer vrou en haar herstelde Huweliks getuienis.

Helping & Focusing on Others!!
Help & Fokus op Ander!!

Melanie had believed God for her marriage for over 10 long YEARS!! When she found my ministry and began coming to my weekly fellowship meetings. Very soon she and I became close friends and my four children began calling her Aunt Melanie.

Melanie het vir God vir haar huwelik oor 10 lang JARE geglo!! Toe sy die bediening gevind het en na my weeklikse fellowship vergaderings gekom het. Het sy en ek baie gou vriendinne begin word en my vier kinders het haar Tannie Melanie begin noem.

Hearing all the things she was doing in her desire to restore her marriage to her husband, nothing made any sense to me. She was doing EVERYTHING right and yet she still did not have a restored marriage after almost 10 years. So I began to seek God for wisdom.

Deur na al die dinge te luister wat sy besig was om te doen om haar huwelik aan haar man te herstel, het niks enigsins sin aan my gemaak nie. Sy was besig om ALLES reg te doen en tog het sy na amper 10 jaar nie ‘n herstelde huwelik gehad nie. So ek het begin om God te soek vir wysheid.

Melanie was from a long line of powerful Christians: well-known missionaries and pastors. And interesting to me, also, was that she and her husband were still surprisingly very close, spending a lot of time together as he came and went from their very spacious home. She was not at all contentious or many of the other things that usually caused marriage destruction.

Melanie was van ‘n lang lyn van kragtige Christene: wel-bekende sendelinge en pastore. En interessant vir my, ook, was dat sy en haar man verrassend na aan mekaar was, hulle het baie tyd saam spandeer soos wat hy gekom en gegaan het uit hulle baie ruim huis. Sy was glad nie twisgerig nie of baie van die ander goed wat gewoonlik huweliks verwoesting veroorsaak.

Yet like all of us, Melanie wanted her husband to choose her over the other woman he had been involved with for all those very long and painful ten years! But after so many years of her seeking restoration, it seemed impossible to me, to her, and to everyone but God!

Tog soos almal van ons, wou Melanie gehad het dat haar man haar bo die ander vrouens moes kies met wie hy vir al daardie baie lang en pynvolle tien jaar betrokke was! Maar na so baie jare van herstel soek, het dit onmoontlik vir my, vir haar, en vir almal maar vir God gelyk!

What God did to change Melanie's situation instantly, suddenly, and miraculously. And my guess is that it will surprise you as much as it surprised me. It is something that I have tried to encourage men and women to do  whenever anyone came to me or my ministry in desperation for their marriage to be restored. Yet, it was only recently that I realized it was that very special hidden KEY that would undoubtedly unlock restoration and to find and begin living the abundant life!

Wat God gedoen het om Melanie se situasie oombliklik te verander, skielik, en wonderbaarlik. En ek raai dat dit jou sal verras net soveel as wat dit my verras het. Dit is iets wat ek probeer het om mans en vrouens aan te moedig om te doen wanneer enigiemand na my en of my bediening toe gekom het vir hulle huwelik om herstel te word. Tog, dit was net onlangs dat ek besef het dat dit daardie baie spesiale sleutel was wat weggesteek is wat ongetwyfeld herstel sal oopsluit en om die oorvloedige lewe te begin vind en te begin lewe!

Not surprisingly it's the very message that Jesus taught and lived—but oh so very few Christians are willing to follow. And by the way, the word "Christian" actually translates to "followers of Christ" therefore all of us who claim to be Christians need to be willing to follow Him and His example, which means

Nie verrassend dit is die einste eerste boodskap wat Jesus onderrig  en geleef het—maar O’ so min Christene gewillig is om te volg. En terloops, die woord “Christen” vertaal eintlike oor na “volgers van Christus” daarom almal van ons wat eis om Christene te wees moet gewillig wees om Hom en sy voorbeeld te volg, wat beteken

Our lives must be about caring for OTHERS more than caring about ourselves.

Ons lewens moet gaan oor die versorging van ANDER meer as om vir onsself te sorg.

Caring for OTHERS was what I saw in Melanie. She always lived that way, but once she began coming to our Restoration Fellowship meetings, from the very beginning, she forgot all about how long she had waited for her miracle. Instead, she began to think of the other women, caring for them, and not with the mindset that if she helped them, then God would do anything for her.

Versorging van ANDER was wat ek in Melanie gesien het. Sy het altyd so geleef, maar toe sy begin het om na Herstel Fellowship vergaderings toe te kom, van die begin af, het sy alles vergeet van hoe lank sy vir haar wonderwerk gewag het. In plaas daarvan, het sy begin dink aan die ander vrouens, hulle te versorg, en nie met die gedagte dat as sy hulle gehelp het, dan sou God enigiets vir haar doen nie.

Once she was surrounded by women who had needs, she began focusing on them, and she no longer thought about herself or her restoration!! Once Melanie had forgotten about herself, but instead began focusing on helping and blessing others—that GOD remembered her and blessed HER!!

Toe sy omring was met vrouens wat behoeftig was, het sy op hulle begin fokus, en sy het nie meer aan haarself of haar herstel gedink nie!! Dit was toe Melanie van haarself vergeet het, en in plaas daarvan begin fokus het om ander te help en te seĂ«n—dat GOD haar onthou het en HAAR geseĂ«n het!

After 10 YEARS Melanie's husband left the other woman for good! And to prove it was final, he wrote a song for Melanie that he sang to her at her church in front of hundreds of people!! People who knew what had been going on all those long ten years, who thought she was crazy for believing that God could restore her marriage—they ALL watched GOD do what He had promised! Even the men who witnessed Melanie's husband singing to his wife, brought all the men (and the women) to tears!!

Na 10 JAAR het Melanie se man die ander vrou vir altyd verlaat! En om te bewys dat dit finaal was, het hy ‘n liedjie vir Melanie geskryf wat hy vir haar in die kerk gesing het voor honderde mense! Mense wat geweet het wat aangaan al daardie tien lang jare, wat gedink het sy is gek om te glo dat God haar huwelik sou herstel—hulle het ALMAL toegekyk hoe God gedoen het wat Hy belowe het! Selfs die mans wat gesien het hoe Melanie se man vir sy vrou sing, het hulle almal (en die vrouens ) in trane gehad!! 

How about you? Are you still waiting to see something happen in your restoration? If so, more than likely you are withholding seeds that should be sown:

Wat van jou? Wag jy nog steeds om iets in jou herstel te sien gebeur? Indien so, heelwaarskynlik weerhou jy saad wat gesaai behoort te word:

  • If you want to reap kindness, sow kindness.
  • As jy vriendelikheid wil oes, saai vriendelikheid.
  • If you want to reap forgiveness, forgive!
  • As jy vergifnis wil oes, vergewe!
  • If you want to reap love, then sow love.
  • As jy liefde wil oes, saai dan liefde.
  • If you want to reap financially, sow financially.
  • As jy finansieĂ«l wil oes, saai finansieĂ«l.
  • If you want to reap encouragement, sow Encouragement!
  • As jy bemoediging wil oes, saai Bemoediging!

How can you help others?
Hoe kan jy ander help?

"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it."For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it" (Matthew 7:13-14)

“Gaan deur die nou poort in. Die poort wat na die verderf lei, is wyd en die pad daarheen breed, en diĂ© wat daardeur ingaan, is baie. Maar die poort wat na die lewe lei, is nou en die pad daarheen smal, en diĂ© wat dit kry, is min.” (Matteus 7:13-14)

The truth is—no matter how LONG or how SEVERE your situation is or continues to be, helping OTHERS is what will change EVERYTHING—and why your RESTORATION may have stalled or is not moving along in a positive way.

Die waarheid is—maak nie saak hoe LANK of hoe ERNSTIG jou situasie is of voortgaan om te wees nie. Om ANDER te help is wat ALLES sal verander—en waarom jou HERSTEL TOT STILSTAND GEKOM HET of nie op ‘n positiewe manier aanbeweeg nie.

Yes, following the principles that you learned during these 30-Days are important. But what it takes is to sow where you want to reap AND to open the last narrow gate very few are willing to open and walk through.

Ja, om die beginsels wat jy gedurende hierdie 30-Dae geleer het is belangrik. Maar wat dit neem is om te saai waar jy wil oes EN om die nou poort oop te maak wat baie min gewillig is om oop te maak en deur te loop.

Men instinctively care about themselves, all humans do. All humans are selfish and self-centered by nature. Our sinful nature. But as we begin to renew our minds and live what we've learned, we actually choose to open and walk through the narrow gate we've been searching for "For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it" (Matthew 7:13-14) it's then when we begin to see God doing what He promises to do.

Mans gee instinktief oor hulself om, alle mense doen dit. Alle mense is selfsugtig en self-gesentreerd van natuur. Ons sondige natuur. Maar soos wat ons begin om ons gedagtes te vernuwe en leef wat ons geleer het, het ons eintlik gekies om die nou poort waarvoor ons gesoek het oop te maak en deur te loop. “Gaan deur die nou poort in. Die poort wat na die verderf lei, is wyd en die pad daarheen breed, en diĂ© wat daardeur ingaan, is baie. Maar die poort wat na die lewe lei, is nou en die pad daarheen smal, en diĂ© wat dit kry, is min.” (Matteus 7:13-14) dit is dan wat ons sien God doen wat Hy belowe om te doen.

It begins by first changing our focus from our own restoration to encouraging and helping others:

Dit begin deur ons fokus te verander van ons eie herstel na ander te help en te bemoedig:

First, sow financially into the lives of others by helping to provide the same resources that our PARTNERS provided for you: your FREE 30-Day RYM Restoration Journey. And perfect way is to Pay it Forward for at least ONE man.

Eerstens, saai finansieĂ«l in die lewens van ander deur te help om die selfde hulpbronne wat ons VENNOTE vir jou voorsien het te voorsien: jou GRATIS 30-Dae HJH Herstel Reis. En ‘n perfekte manier is om dit vorentoe te betaal vir ten minste EEN man.

  • “Now this I say, he who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he who sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully” (2 Cor. 9:6).
  • “Dink daaraan: wie karig saai, sal karig oes; en wie volop saai, sal volop oes” (2 Kor. 9:6).
  • “Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting” (Ps. 126:5).
  • “Wie met trane saai, sal die oes met gejuig inbring” (Ps. 156:5).
  • “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap”(Gal. 6:7).
  • “Moenie julleself mislei nie: God laat nie met Hom spot nie. Wat 'n mens saai, dit sal hy ook oes” (Gal. 6:7).
  • “For the one who sows to his own flesh shall from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit shall from the Spirit reap eternal life” (Gal. 6:8).
  • “Wie op die akker van sy sondige natuur saai, sal van die sondige natuur dood en verderf oes. Maar wie op die akker van die Gees saai, sal van die Gees die ewige lewe oes” (Gal. 6:8).
  • “And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary” (Gal. 6:9).
  • “Wie op die akker van sy sondige natuur saai, sal van die sondige natuur dood en verderf oes. Maar wie op die akker van die Gees saai, sal van die Gees die ewige lewe oes” (Gal. 6:8).

For your final lesson we want to provide you with an opportunity to write a short "Thank You" note to those who made this MRYM course available to you and also

Vir jou finale les wil ons jou met ‘n geleentheid voorsien om ‘n kort “Dankie” nota te skryf aan die wat hierdie MHJH kursus beskikbaar vir jou gemaak het en ook

To give YOU the opportunity to BLESS other men just like you, men who are about to find us and begin their Restoration Journey after finding out about the other man or that they've returned home to find their wife and children are gone.

Om vir JOU die geleentheid te gee om ander mans soos jy te SEËN, mans wie op die punt staan om ons te vind en hulle Herstel Reis te begin nadat hulle oor die ander man uitgevind het of dat hulle by die huis gekom het en hulle vrou en kinders is weg.

Much like the world says about "paying it forward" actually works—it works because it is a principle Jesus lived when He died on the cross for us—sowing salvation.

Baie soos die woord sĂȘ om dit “vorentoe te betaal’ werk regtig—dit werk omdat dit ‘n beginsel is wat Jesus geleef het toe Hy aan die kruis gesterf het vir ons—redding gesaai.

Galatians 6:7 says, "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap." And Proverbs 3:27 says, "Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, When it is in your power to do it." While Proverbs 11:24 is clear, "There is one who scatters and gives, and then increases all the more, and there is one who withholds what is justly due, and yet it results only in want."

GalasiĂ«rs 6:7 sĂȘ, “Moenie julleself mislei nie: God laat nie met Hom spot nie. Wat 'n mens saai, dit sal hy ook oes.” En Spreuke 3:27 sĂȘ, “Moenie 'n weldaad weerhou van iemand aan wie dit toekom, terwyl dit in jou mag is om dit te bewys nie.” Terwyl Spreuke 11:24 duidelik is, “Daar is mense wat vrylik uitdeel en tog steeds meer het, daar is ander wat suinig is en tog arm word.

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