Hoofstuk 1 "Op Die Rots"
âElkeen dan wat hierdie woorde van My hoor en daarvolgens handel,
kan vergelyk word met ân verstandige man wat sy huis op die rots gebou het.
Die stortreën het geval, vloedwaters het afgekom,
winde het teen daardie huis gewaai en daaraan geruk,
en tog het dit nie ingestort nie, want die fondament was op rots.â
âMatteus 7:24-25

Is your house built upon the rock? Are you sure? Because Godâs Word says that the rains are going to come. They may be in the form of a financial crisis, the death of a loved one, unfaithfulness, or health problems. How about your marriage; will it stand? Great is the fall of most marriages; will yours be next? Or, perhaps it has already fallen. Men, it is time for all of us to rebuild our homes firmly on the Rock of Jesus Christâfirmly on His Word. The ways of the world will only guarantee the fall of our home along with our hopes and plans for our families.
Is jou huis op ân rots gebou? Is jy seker? Want God se Woord sĂȘ dat die reĂ«n gaan kom. Dit mag in die vorm van ân finansiĂ«le krisis wees, die dood van ân geliefde, egbreuk, of gesondheidsprobleme. Wat van jou huwelik; sal dit staan? Groot is die val van meeste huwelike; sal joune volgende wees? Of, miskien het dit alreeds geval. Mans, dit is tyd vir ons om ons huise ferm op die Rots van Jesus Christusâferm op Sy Woord te bou. Die wee van die wĂȘreld sal die val van ons huis saam met ons hoop en planne vir ons families waarborg.Â
Do you really know what Godâs Word says about your responsibilities? Have you read Godâs blueprints and modeled your home after them? Here are a few of the questions that will be answered by Scripture in the following chapters: Should we only discipline our children for âdeliberate defianceâ? Why is it that most wives seem to display toward their employers those attitudes and characteristics of an ideal wife? How has the practice of birth control and sterilization actually encouraged and spread homosexuality? Is there anything wrong with divorceâin certain circumstances?
Weet jy regtig wat God se Woord sĂȘ oor jou verantwoordelikhede? Het jy God se bloudrukke gelees en jou huis na hulle modelleer? Hier is ân paar vrae in die volgende hoofstukke wat deur Die Bybel beantwoord sal word: Behoort ons net ons kinders te dissiplineer vir âdoelbewuste versetâ? Waarom lyk dit asof meeste vrouens daardie houdings en karaktertrekke van ân ideale vrou aan hulle wergewers ten toon stel? Hoe het die beoefening van geboortebeperking en sterilisasie eintlik homoseksualiteit bemoedig en versprei? Is daar enigiets verkeerd met egskeidingâin sekere omstandighede?
Why are insults and evil brought into our lives, and how does this relate to Godâs blessings? What danger is present when a wife fulfills all of her own needs, and the couple is no longer dependent upon each other? Why does Scripture tell us that we are not to be frightened by any fear? Some preachers tell us that we are commanded to be angry; is this true? Should your pastor be the spiritual leader of your family? If you put your wife first in your life, what will happen to your marriage?
Waarom word beledigings en boosheid in ons lewens gebring, en hoe hou dit verband met God se seĂ«ninge? Watter gevaar is teenwoordig wanneer ân vrou al haar eie behoeftes vervul, en die paartjie is nie meer van mekaar afhanklik nie? Waarom sĂȘ Die Bybel vir ons dat ons nie bang moet wees vir enige vrees nie? Sommige predikers sĂȘ vir ons dat ons beveel word om kwaad te word; is dit waar? Behoort jou pastoor die geestelike leier van jou familie te wees? As jy jou vrou eerste in jou lewe plaas, wat sal met jou huwelik gebeur?
Most men are so occupied with hobbies, sports, and their jobs that they spend little or no time studying Godâs Word. In many instances, their wives are tirelessly saturating themselves with Bible studies and seminars, yet their homes are out of order and crumbling. Have you ever wondered if your marriage will last? Are you certain that it will stand the test of time? Well, Godâs Word says, âTherefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fallâ (1 Cor. 10:12).
Meeste van ons mans is so behep met stokperdjies, sports en hulle werk dat hulle min of geen tyd spandeer om God se Woord te bestudeer. In baie instansies, deurweek hulle vrouens hulle onvermoeid met Bybel studies en seminare, tog is ons huise buite orde en besig om te verkrummel. Het jy al ooit gewonder of jou huwelik sal hou? Is jy seker dit sal die toets van die tyd deurstaan? Wel, God se Woord sĂȘ, âDaarom, wie meen dat hy staan, moet oppas dat hy nie val nie.â (1 Kor. 10:12).
Sound doctrine? We as Christians enjoy the messages from the pulpit or Christian radio that get us all fired up for the Lord, but what about those messages that bring about conviction? Do we run from those words? A lot of preachers and speakers today need to minister to large crowds for financial reasons. The ministers tell their congregations or listeners what they want to hear, because it brings in the largest offerings. âFor the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will turn away their ears from the Truth, and will turn aside to mythsâ (2 Tim. 4:3â4).
Gesonde leer? Ons as Christene geniet die boodskap van die kansel of Christen radio wat ons opvlam vir die Here, maar wat van die boodskappe wat oortuiging bring? Hardloop ons weg van hierdie woorde af? Baie van ons predikers en sprekers van vandag moet aan groot skares minister vir finansiĂ«le redes. Die ministers of predikers vertel hulle gemeente of luisteraars wat hulle wil hoor, omdat die die grootste offerande vir hulle bediening inbring. âWant daar sal ân tyd kom wanneer die mense die gesonde leer nie meer sal verdra nie. Hulle sal hulle eie begeertes volg en vir hulle leermeesters bymekaarmaak wat net sal sĂȘ wat hulle graag wil hoor. Hulle sal die waarheid nie wil hoor nie en hulle tot verdigsels wend.â (2Tim. 4:3-4).
Ravenous wolves. Jesus warned us of spiritual leaders who will try to deceive us. âBeware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheepâs clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits . . .â (Matt. 7:15â16). We can see the financial fruits of their ministries, yet most of their followers are perishing for a lack of knowledge. âMy people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge . . .â (Hos. 4:6).
Verskeurende wolwe. Jesus het ons gewaarsku teen geestelike leiers wat ons sal probeer bedrieg. âPas op vir die vals profete. Hulle kom na julle toe in skaapsklere, maar in werlikheid is hulle verskeurende wolwe. Aan hulle vrugte sal julle hulle kenâŠ.â (Matt. 7:15-16). Ons kan die finansiĂ«le vrugte van hulle bedienings sien, tog gaan die volk onder omdat hulle nie aan hom toegewy is nie. âMy volk gaan onder omdat hulle nie aan My toegewy is nieâŠ.â (Hos. 4:6).
Finds wisdom. If you heard a strong message entitled âSpiritual Leader,â âLusts of the Flesh,â or âA Lover of Self,â and it convicted you, would you embrace or run from that conviction? Not condemnation, but conviction. Do you know the difference? âMy son, do not reject the discipline of the Lord, or loathe His reproof; for whom the Lord loves He reproves, even as a father, the son in whom he delights. How blessed is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding. For its profit is better than the profit of silver, and its gain than fine goldâ (Prov. 3:11â14).
Vind wysheid. As jy ân sterk boodskap met die titel âSpirituele Leier,â âBegeerlikheid van die Vlees,â of âân Liefhebber van Self.â gehoor het, en dit jou oortuig het, sal jy dit omhels of weghardloop van die oortuiging? Nie veroordeling nie, maar oortuiging. Ken jy die verskil? âMy seun, aanvaar die straf wat van die Here kom en moet jou nie teen sy teregwysing verset nie, want die Here straf die mens wat Hy liefhet net soos ân vader doen met sy seun. Dit gaan goed met die mens wat wysheid gevind het, wat insig as sy deel ontvang het, want dit bring meer winste in as silwer en lewer ân groter opbrengs as goud.â (Spr. 3:11-14).
His purpose. Satan brings condemnation to usâthoughts that make us feel hopeless. The Lord convicts us in our spirit in order to show us the things in our life that need changing. However, all guilt is not bad. On the contrary, we should feel guilty when we sin. If a person feels no guilt or remorse for his sin, why would he want to repent? Even the hopelessness that condemnation brings can be used for good if we turn to God for our hope. We know that we have the assurance â. . . that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purposeâ (Rom. 8:28). Did you know that, many times, God brings adversity into our lives to strengthen our relationship with Him? It was God who brought the many trials into Jonahâs life to bring about obedience. And it was the Lord who blinded Saul in order to change him into the godly Paul. Does it really matter where the adversity is coming from as long as we allow each of these tribulations to mold us more into the Lordâs image?
Sy doel. Satan bring veroordeling na ons toe - gedagtes wat ons hopeloos laat voel. Die Here oortuig ons in ons gees met die doel om vir ons die dinge in ons lewens te wys wat verandering benodig. Alle skuldgevoelens is nie sleg nie. Inteendeel, ons moet skuldig voel wanneer ons sondig. As ân persoon geen skuld of berou vir sy sondes voel nie, hoekom sal ons tot inkeer wil kom? Selfs die hopeloosheid wat veroordeling bring, kan ten goede gebruik word as ons na God toe keer vir ons hoop. Ons weet dat ons die versekering het dat â. . . God alles ten goede laat meewerk vir diĂ© wat Hom liefhet, diĂ© wat volgens Sy besluit geroep isâ (Rom. 8:28). Weet jy dat God baie keer teenspoed in ons lewens bring om ons verhouding met Hom te versterk? Dit was God wat baie beproewings in Jona se lewe gebring het om gehoorsaamheid voort te bring. En dit was die Here wat Saul verblind het om hom in die goddelike Paulus te verander. Maak dit regtig saak waar die teenspoed vandaan kom solank as wat ons elke beproewing toelaat om ons meer in die Here se beeld te vorm?
My ways, my thoughts. As you read through the chapters in this manual, much of what is written may seem foreign to you. Many of these truths are rarely, if ever, preached from the pulpit, discussed on Christian radio, or written about in Christian books. âFor as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughtsâ (Isa. 55:9). These teachings are found easily in Scripture but are often overlooked, watered down, or taken out of context to justify an opposing view or even to justify sin. âEvery word of God is tested; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him. Do not add to His Words, lest He reprove you, and you be proved a liarâ (Prov. 30:5â6).
My optrede, my gedagtes. Soos wat jy deur die hoofstukke in hierdie handleiding lees mag baie wat geskryf staan vir jou vreemd voorkom. Baie van hierdie waarhede word skaars, indien ooit, van die preekstoel af gepreek, bespreek op Christelike radio of oor geskryf in Christelike boeke. âSoos die hemel hoĂ«r is as die aarde, so is my optrede verhewe bo julle optrede en my gedagtes bo julle gedagtes.â (Jes. 55:9). Hierdie onderrig is maklik om in die Woord te vind, maar word dikwels oorsien, afgewater, of buite verband geneem om ân teenstaande oogpunt te regverdig of selfs om sonde te regverdig. âElke belofte van God is betroubaar; Hy beskerm die wat by Hom skuil. Moet niks byvoeg by wat Hy gesĂȘ het nie; Hy sal jou bestraf, en jy sal daar staan as ân leuenaarâ (Spr 30:5-6).
A broken and a contrite heart. Is your heart broken and contrite? It must be to receive the Truth. âThe sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despiseâ (Ps. 51:17). This is the fertile ground that the Lord says will produce much fruit. âHear then the parable of the sower. When anyone hears the Word of the kingdom, and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart. This is the one on whom seed was sown beside the road. And the one on whom seed was sown on the rocky places, this is the man who hears the Word, and immediately receives it with joy; yet he has no firm root in himself, but is only temporary, and when affliction or persecution arises because of the Word, immediately he falls away. And the one on whom seed was sown among the thorns, this is the man who hears the Word, and the worry of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches choke the Word, and it becomes unfruitful. And the one on whom seed was sown on the good soil, this is the man who hears the Word and understands it; who indeed bears fruit, and brings forth, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirtyâ (Matt. 13:18â23).
ân Hart vol ootmoed en berou. Is jou hart gebroke en vol berou? Dit moet wees om die Waarheid te ontvang. âDie offer wat U wil hĂȘ, o God, is verootmoediging: U sal ân hart vol ootmoed en berou nie gering ag nie, o Godâ (Ps. 51:19). Dit is die vrugbare grond wat die Here sĂȘ baie vrugte sal afwerp. âLuister julle dan na wat die gelykenis van die saaier beteken: Die Bose kom by elkeen wat die woord van die koninkryk hoor maar dit nie verstaan nie, en vat dan weg wat in sy hart gesaai is. Dit is hy by wie daar op die pad gesaai is. Die man by wie daar op die klipbanke gesaai is, is hy wat die woord hoor en dit dadelik met blydskap aanneem. Hy laat dit egter nie by hom wortel skiet nie, en hy hou nie lank uit nie. As hy ter wille van die woord verdruk en vervolg word, word hy gou afvallig. Die man by wie daar tussen die onkruid gesaai is, is hy wat die woord hoor, maar die bekommernis van die lewe en die verleidelikheid van rykdom verstik die woord, en dit bly sonder vrug. Die man by wie daar op goeie grond gesaai is, is hy wat die woord hoor en dit verstaan. Hy dra inderdaad vrug en lewer ân oes: soms honderdvoudig, soms sestigvoudig, soms dertigvoudig.â (Matt. 13:18-23).
Did not hear it. âBut blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear. For truly I say to you, that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it; and to hear what you hear, and did not hear itâ (Matt. 13:16â17). You will need an âear to hear.â That means listening and desiring to gain the complete wisdom that the Bible has to offer.
Het dit nie gehoor nie. âMaar julle oĂ« is bevoorreg dat hulle sien, en julle ore dat julle hoor. Dit verseker Ek julle: Baie profete en gelowiges wou graag sien wat julle sien, maar het dit nie gesien nie, en wou graag hoor, maar het dit nie gehoor nie.â (Matt. 13:16-17). Jy sal ân âoor om te hoor,â nodig hĂȘ, wat beteken om te luister en te begeer om sodoende die volkome wysheid wat die Bybel bied, te kry.
Meditates day and night. You will need to renew your mind, to line it up with the instruction found in Godâs Word. Most people rely on what is popular according to the worldâs standards or follow the so-called âexpertsâ in the field. Letâs never forget that God is our Creator; does He not know how to deal with every circumstance or relationship He created? âBut his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night. And he will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospersâ (Ps. 1:2â3).
Nag en dag oordink. Jy sal jou gedagtes moet hernu om dit op te lyn met die instruksie in God se Woord gevind. Meeste maak staat op wat gewild is volgens die wĂȘreld se standaarde of volg die sogenoemde âdeskundigesâ in die veld. Laat ons nooit vergeet dat God ons Skepper is nie; Weet Hy nie hoe om elke omstandigheid of verhouding wat Hy geskep het, te hanteer nie? âMaar wat in die woord van die Here sy vreugde vind, dit nag en dag oordink. Hy is soos ân boom wat by waterstrome geplant is, wat op die regte tyd vrugte dra en waarvan die blare nie verdroog nie; Hy is voorspoedig in alles wat hy aanpak.â (Ps. 1:2-3). Â
Thy Word is Truth. Satan will try to tempt you into rejecting what is written in this manual. He will also try to cause division by getting you to think or say that you do not agree with the author. First of all, it doesnât matter what this author is writing or saying. What matters is what God says, since He is the Author and Creator of life. Secondly, remember that Satan will try to discourage you; division is one of his favorite tactics. If you donât believe what is written in these chapters, you have three choices: You can talk to someone you know will agree with you. You can just take what you want and pass over the rest like a buffet. Or you can search the Truth. âSanctify them in the Truth; Thy Word is Truthâ (John 17:17).
U Woord is die Waarheid. Satan sal probeer om jou te verlei om wat in die handleiding geskryf staan, te verwerp. Hy sal ook probeer om verdeling te veroorsaak deur jou te laat dink of sĂȘ dat jy nie met die skrywer saamstem nie. Eerstens, dit maak nie saak wat die skrywer sĂȘ of dink nie. Wat saak maak is wat God sĂȘ, aangesien Hy die Skrywer en Skepper van die lewe is. Tweedens, moet ons onthou dat Satan sal probeer om jou te ontmoedig; verdeling is een van sy gunsteling taktieke. As jy nie glo wat in hierdie hoofstukke geskryf staan nie, het jy drie keuses: Jy kan met iemand praat wat jy weet met jou sal saamstem. Jy kan vat wat jy wil en die res oor slaan soos ân buffet. Of jy kan die Waarheid soek. âLaat hulle aan U toegewy wees in die Waarheid. U woord is die Waarheid.â (Joh. 17:17).
Seek and you shall find. âBut seek for His kingdom, and these things shall be added to youâ (Luke 12:31). âAnd I say to you, ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to youâ (Luke 11:9). Use your concordance; allow the Lord to direct you to all Truth. Memorize a verse and ruminate on it over and over in your mind. And then, one day, it will be as if a light were turned on in a dark room; you will know the Truth! Itâs worth the effort! You must make the time! âSo teach us to number our days, that we may present to Thee a heart of wisdomâ (Ps. 90:12). If we seek Him first, He promises that everything else will be given to us.
Soek en jy sal vind. âBeywer julle vir Sy koninkryk, dan sal Hy julle ook hierdie dinge gee.â (Lukas 12:31). âEk sĂȘ vir julle: Vra en vir julle sal gegee word. Soek, en julle sal kry. Klop, en vir julle sal oopgemaak word.â (Lukas 11:9). Gebruik jou konkordansie; laat toe dat die Here jou in alle Waarheid lei. Memoriseer ân vers en herkou dit oor en oor in jou gedagtes. Dan, op ân dag, sal dit wees asof die lig aangeskakel word in ân donker kamer; jy sal die Waarheid ken! Dit is die moeite werd! Jy moet die tyd maak! âLeer ons ons dae so gebruik dat ons wysheid bekom.â (Ps. 90:12). As ons Hom eerste soek, belowe Hy dat al die ander goed vir ons gegee sal word..
Hunger and thirst. If we are believers, Christians, then our purpose on earth is to glorify God in all that we do. Isnât that what Jesus did with His life? And, if we call ourselves Christians, we are supposed to be followers of Christ. But, are we? How do we follow Christ? Maybe youâve tried to follow Christ many times before, but you stumbled and were unable to go on. If you can open your heart to God and continue to read the Scriptures that are found in the following chapters, His Word will cause you to hunger and thirst for Him and His truths. âBlessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfiedâ (Matt. 5:6). âAs the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants for Thee, O Godâ (Ps. 42:1). What a marvelous way to feel about the Lord and His Word!
Honger en dors. As ons gelowiges is, as ons Christene is, dan is ons doel op die aarde om God te verheerlik in alles wat ons doen. Is dit nie wat Jesus met Sy lewe gedoen het nie? En, as ons onsself Christene noem, is ons veronderstel om volgelinge van Christus te wees. Maar is ons? Hoe volg ons Christus? Miskien het jy menigte kere vantevore probeer om God te volg, maar jy het gestruikel en was nie in staat om aan te gaan nie. As jy jou hart vir God kan oopmaak en voortgaan om Sy Woord te lees, wat in die volgende lesse gevind kan word, sal Sy Woord veroorsaak dat jy sal honger en dors na Hom en Sy waarheid. âGeseĂ«nd is die wat vervolg word omdat hulle doen wat reg is want aan hulle behoort die koninkryk van die hemel.â (Mat 5:6). âSoos ân wildsbok smag na waterstrome, so smag ek na U, o God.â (Ps. 42:1). Wat ân wonderlike manier om so oor die Here en Sy Woord te voel!
His Word. Godâs Holy Scriptures will be the most important words on the following pages. His Word heals. âHe sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructionsâ (Ps. 107:20). His Word is the light that will illuminate the darkness. âThy Word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my pathâ (Ps. 119:105). His Word is Truth. âThe sum of Thy Word is Truth, and every one of Thy righteous ordinances is everlastingâ (Ps. 119:160). And itâs the Truth that shall set you free. â. . . And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you freeâ (John 8:32).
Sy Woord. God se Heilige Woord sal die mees belangrikste Woorde op die volgende bladsye wees; Sy Woord genees. âHy het hulle met ân enkele Woord gesond gemaak, hulle aan die dood laat ontkom.â (Ps. 107:20). Sy Woord is die lig wat die donkerte sal verlig. âU woord is die lamp wat my die weg wys.â (Ps. 119:105). Sy Woord is Waarheid.â Op U woord kan ân mens hom geheel en al verlaat. Al u bepalings is regverdig.â Ps. (119:160). En dit is die Waarheid wat jou sal vrystelâŠen julle sal die waarheid ken, en die waarheid sal julle vrymaak.â (Joh. 8:32).
Just do it! Once you begin to understand and accept Godâs truths, you must then become a doer of the Word. âFor if anyone is a hearer of the Word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he wasâ (James 1:23â24). You must put action behind what you have learned or there will never be any change in your life!
Doen dit net! Sodra jy begin om God se waarhede te verstaan en te aanvaar, moet jy ân doener van die Woord word. âIemand wat altyd net die Woord aanhoor en nooit doen wat dit sĂȘ nie, is soos een wat na sy gesig in ân spieĂ«l kyk: hy bekyk homself, gaan van die spieĂ«l af weg en vergeet dadelik hoe hy gelyk het. (Jak. 1:23-24). Jy moet aksie byvoeg by wat jy geleer het, of daar sal nooit enige verandering in jou lewe wees nie!
Zealous for what is good? Let this thought be prevalent in your mind: the teachings in this manual have been written to help you become a zealot (a fanatic for the Truth found in Godâs Word). Youâll get that way when youâre backed into a corner, when youâre sinking and youâre looking for something to save you, and when you see a real void in your life that makes your heart and your gut ache because you desperately need that void filled. If this is where you are in your life, then you too will become a zealot. Obey zealouslyâenthusiastically! Zealous teaching needs zealous obedience.
âAnd who is there to harm you if you prove zealous for what is good?â (1 Pet. 3:13). Jesus called for that kind of zealous obedience in His teaching while He walked on earth. âAnd if your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it from you; it is better for you to enter life crippled or lame, than having two hands or two feet, to be cast into the eternal fire. And if your eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out, and throw it from you. It is better for you to enter life with one eye, than having two eyes, to be cast into the fiery hellâ (Matt. 18:8).
Ywerig vir wat goed is? Laat hierdie gedagte heersend in jou gedagtes wees: die onderrig in hierdie handleiding is geskryf deur ân seloot (ân fanatikus). Ek het so geword toe ek in ân hoek gedryf is in my lewe. Ek het so geword toe ek besig was om te sink en gesoek het vir iets of Iemand om my te red, âMaar toe Petrus sien hoe sterk is die wind, het hy bang geword en begin sink en uitgeroep: âHere red my!ââ Ek het so geword toe ek ân leemte in my lewe ervaar het wat my hart laat pyn het omdat ek desperaat was om daardie leemte te vul. As dit is waar jy in jou lewe is, dan sal jy ook ân fanatikus word. Gehoorsaam fanaties â entoesiasties! Ywerige onderrig benodig ywerige gehoorsaamheid. âWie sal julle kwaad aandoen as julle julle beywer vir wat goed is?â (1Pet. 3:13). Jesus het daardie soort ywerige gehoorsaamheid verlang in Sy onderrig terwyl Hy op die aarde geloop het. âAs jou hand of jou voet jou van My afvallig maak, kap hom af en gooi hom van jou af weg. Dit is vir jou beter om vermink of kreupel die lewe in te gaan as om met altwee jou hande of voete in die ewige vuur gegooi te word.â (Matt. 18:8:).
Come, follow Me. âAnd looking at him, Jesus felt a love for him, and said to him, âOne thing you lack: go and sell all you possess, and give to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.â But at these words his face fell, and he went away grieved, for he was one who owned much property. And Jesus, looking around, said to His disciples, âHow hard it will be for those who are wealthy to enter the kingdom of God!ââ (Mark 10:21â23). Are we like the rich man, unwilling to follow Jesus? How many times has He called you but you were all tied up with the things of this world, so you didnât follow?
Kom, volg My. âJesus het na hom gekyk en hom liefgekry en vir hom gesĂȘ: âNet een ding kom jy kort; Gaan verkoop alles wat jy het, en gee die geld vir die armes, en jy sal ân skat in die hemel hĂȘ. Kom dan terug en volg My!â Hy het geskrik toe hy dit hoor en het bedruk weggegaan, want hy het baie besittings gehad. Jesus kyk toe na sy dissipels rondom Hom en sĂȘ vir hulle: âHoe moeilik sal mense wat ryk is, in die koninkryk van God kom.ââ (Markus 10:21-23). Is ons soos die ryk man, onwillig om Hom te volg? Hoeveel keer het Hy jou geroep maar jy was te besig met die dinge van die wĂȘreld, so jy het nie gevolg nie.  Â
Lay aside every encumbrance. âTherefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us . . .â (Heb. 12:1). âThe night is almost gone, and the day is at hand. Let us, therefore, lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of lightâ (Rom. 13:12). â. . . In reference to your former manner of life, you lay aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit . . .â (Eph. 4:22). You must make changes in your life; you must do it now and commit yourself to follow Jesus Christ. When will be the next time He calls you? When will be the last time He calls you? Could this be your last opportunity? Ponder now this sobering verse: âYet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes awayâ (James 4:14).
Laat ons elke las van ons afgooi. âTerwyl ons dan so ân groot skare geloofsgetuies rondom ons het, laat ons elke las van ons afgooi, ook die sonde wat ons so maklik verstrik, en laat ons die wedloop wat vir ons voorlĂȘ, met volharding hardloopâŠ.â (Hebr. 12:1). âDie nag is byna verby; dit is amper dag. Laat ons dan ophou met die werke van die duisternis; laat ons die wapens van die lig opneem.â (Rom. 13:12). â...hou dan op om te lewe soos julle vroeĂ«r gelewe het; breek met die ou, sondige mens in julle wat deur sondige begeertes verteer wordâŠ.â (Efe. 4:22). Jy moet onmiddelik veranderinge in jou lewe maak en jouself toewy om Jesus Christus te volg. Wanneer sal die volgende keer wees wat Hy jou roep? Wanneer sal dit die  laaste keer wees wat Hy jou roep? Dink na oor hierdie ontnugterende vers: âJulle wat nie eers weet hoe julle lewe mĂŽre sal wees nie! Julle is maar ân damp wat ân oomblik verskyn en sommer weer verdwyn.â (Jakobus 4:14).       Â
Lukewarm. God despises the lukewarm Christian. Are you on fire for Him? What does He need to do in your life to move you toward Him and His Word? âI know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I would that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouthâ (Rev. 3:15â16). Make every moment, every day, count.
Louwarm.God verafsku ân louwarm Christen. Is jy vuur en vlam vir Hom? Wat moet Hy in jou lewe doen om jou te kry om nader aan Hom en Sy Woord te beweeg? Â âEk weet alles wat julle doen. Ek weet dat julle nie koud is nie, en ook nie warm nie. As julle tog maar koud of warm was! Maar nou, omdat julle lou is nie warm nie en ook nie koud nie, gaan Ek julle uit my mond uitspoeg.â (Open. 3:15-16). Maak elke oomblik, elke dag, tel.
Spirituallypoor. Are you spiritually bankrupt? If you were financially bankrupt, youâd certainly be scrambling to find the money you need to pay your bills and to feed your family, but what about the spiritual food that you need to share with your family?
Geestelik Arm. Is jy geestelik bankrot? As jy finansieël bankrot is sal jy sekerlik haastig probeer om die geld te vind wat jy nodig het om jou rekeninge te betaal en jou familie te voer, maar wat van die geestelike kos wat jy met jou familie moet deel?
Built his house upon the sand. Letâs face it: many of us men have built our house on the sinking sand of the worldâs values. We put our desire for riches, fame, and position ahead of our desire to follow Christ. Itâs only a matter of time before this house of cards falls. Weâve seen the signs; weâve seen other Christian brothers fall. The men who find and read this manual, whose houses have already fallen âand great was its fall,â really have the advantage. They have nowhere to live, so they pick up the pieces of rubble and begin rebuilding. They have no choice to make; God made it for them. âAnd everyone who hears these words of Mine, and does not act upon them, will be like a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and burst against that house; and it fell, and great was its fallâ (Matt. 7:26â27). Begin to build, step by step, board by board, your house upon the rock of Jesus Christ. Use His Word alone as your blueprints. Let this manual motivate you and help illuminate those areas that pertain to the circumstances of your life.
Huis op sand gebou. Kom ons wees eerlik, baie van ons mans het ons huis op die sinkende sand van die wĂȘreld se standaarde gebou. Ons plaas ons begeerte vir rykdom, roem en posisie bo ons begeerte om Christus te volg. Dit is net ân kwessie van tyd voor hierdie huis van kaarte val. Ons het die tekens gesien; ons het gesien hoe ander Christen broers val. Die mans wat hierdie handleiding vind en lees wie se huise alreeds geval het en âheeltemal verwoes is,â het regtig die voordeel. Hulle het nĂȘrens om te bly nie, so hulle tel die stukke puin op en begin herbou. Hulle het geen keuse om te maak nie; God het dit vir hulle gemaak. âEn elkeen wat hierdie woorde van My hoor en nie daarvolgens handel nie, kan vergelyk word met ân dwaas wat sy huis op sand gebou het. Die stortreĂ«en het geval, vloedwaters het afgekom, winde het teen daardie huis gewaai en daaraan geruk, en die huis het ingestort en is heeltemal verwoes.â (Mat:7:26-27). Begin te bou, stap vir stap, baksteen vir baksteen, op die Rots van Jesus Christus. Gebruik Sy Woord alleen as jou bloudruk. Laat hierdie handleiding jou motiveer en jou help om die areas met betrekking tot omstandighede in jou lewe te illumineer.
Do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord. âAnd he spoke in the presence of his brothers and the wealthy men. . . . What are these feeble Jews doing? Are they going to restore it for themselves? Can they offer sacrifices? Can they finish in a day? Can they revive the stones from the dusty rubble, even the burned ones? . . . Even what they are buildingâif a fox should jump on it, he would break their stone wall down!â (Neh. 4:2). Expect ridicule and mocking as you begin to rebuild your house. Read the entire fourth chapter of Nehemiah for motivation. Highlight in your Bible those passages that explain what they did to overcome those who tried to stop them. First, they prayed when others began to ridicule them, and God gave them direction along with âa mind to work.â Next, they set up a defense day and night. They were also aware of their weak points and set up an extra defense in those positions. (Sounds a bit like war, doesnât it? See Chapter 5, âWeapons of Our Warfare,â for more knowledge.) The leaders fought against the fear of those they were leading. âWhen I saw their fear, I rose and spoke to the nobles, the officials, and the rest of the people: âDo not be afraid of them; remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your housesââ (Neh. 4:14). Ultimately, the enemy saw that it was God who was on their side.
Moenie vir hulle bang wees nie; dink aan die Here. âEn vir sy medeamptenare en vir die soldate in Samaria gesĂȘ: âWaarmee is die arme JudeĂ«rs besig? Wil hulle vir hulle ân stadsmuur bou? Wil hulle offerandes bring en in een dag klaarmaak? Wil hulle die klippe laat herleef uit daardie hope stof en as?.... Laat hulle bou! Daardie klipmuur van hulle sal omval as ân jakkals daarteen spring!ââ (Neh. 4:2). Verwag om gespot te word soos wat jy jou huis herbou. Lees die hele hoofstuk vier van Nehemia vir motivering en voorbereiding. Merk die verse in jou Bybel wat verduidelik wat hulle gedoen het om diĂ© wat hulle probeer keer het te oorkom. Eerstens, het hulle gebid toe ander hulle begin spot het en God het hulle rigting gegee gepaard met ân âverstand om te werk.â Volgende, het hulle ân verdediging opgestel, dag en nag. Hulle was ook bewus van hulle swak punte en het ekstra verdediging in daardie posisies geplaas. (Klink ân bietjie soos oorlog, doen dit nie? Vir meer oor geestelike oorlogvoering wat jy daagliks in die gesig staar, sien les 5, âWapens van ons Oorlogvoering,â vir meer kennis) Die leiers het baklei teen die vrese van die wie hulle gelei het. âDaarna, toe ek agterkom dit is nodig, het ek die vooraanstaande burgers, die ampsdraers en die res van die volk toegespreek: âMoenie vir hulle bang wees nie. Dink aan die Here, groot en ontsagwekkend, en veg vir julle broers, julle seuns en julle dogters, julle vrouens en julle huise.ââ (Neh. 4:14). Uiteindelik, het die duiwel gesien dat dit God was wat aan hulle kant was.
Counsel you with My eye. Will you continue on through the following chapters with the zealous commitment needed? We really will not be able to make the changes ourselves. We are sinners; our righteousness is nothing but filthy rags. But when we allow God to work in us and through us, He will begin to make the changes from within us. âI will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you. Do not be as the horse or as the mule which have no understanding, whose trappings include bit and bridle to hold them in check; otherwise, they will not come near to youâ (Ps. 32:8â9).
My oog oor jou hou. Sal jy voortgaan met die volgende lesse met die fanatiese toegewydheid wat benodig word? Ons is regtig nie in staat om die veranderinge self te maak nie. Ons is sondaars; ons eie geregtigheid is niks meer as vuil klere. Maar wanneer ons toelaat dat God in ons werk en deur ons werk, sal Hy begin om die veranderinge binne in ons te maak. âEk wil jou onderrig en jou die pad leer wat jy moet volg. Ek wil jou raad gee en my oog oor jou hou. Moenie onverstandig wees nie, soos ân perd of ân muil wat met ân stang in die bek beteuel moet word as jy hom wil lei.â (Ps. 32:8-9).
According to His purpose. The Lord comes to us at the very time of our need. He is the one who allows us to come to the turning points in our lives, through various trials, so we will depend upon Him. Itâs during these times of distress that we seek Him and then He lets us find Him. Brokenness many times brings about real lifelong change. Thatâs why we can praise Him in all things because we have this assurance: âAnd we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purposeâ (Rom. 8:28). We can see from this passage that our goal must be according to His purposeâwhat then is His purpose for our lives? Most of us are familiar with verse 28, but to really understand His purpose we must read the next three verses. âFor whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the first-born among many brethren; and whom He predestined, these He also called; and whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified. What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?â (Rom. 8:29â31).
Volgens Sy besluit. Die Here kom na ons toe op die presiese tyd van ons nood. Hy laat ons toe om na die keerpunte in ons lewens te kom (deur verskeie beproewings) sodat ons op Hom kan staatmaak. Dit is gedurende die tye van nood dat ons Hom nastreef, en dan laat Hy ons Hom vind. Baie keer bring gebrokenheid egte lewenslange veranderinge teweeg. Dit is waarom ons Hom kan loof in alle dinge omdat ons die versekering het âdat God alles ten goede laat meewerk vir die wat Hom liefhet die wat volgens sy besluit geroep is.â (Rom. 8:28). Ons kan van hierdie gedeelte sien dat ons doel moet wees volgens Sy besluit â Wat dan is Sy besluit vir ons lewens? Meeste van ons is bekend met vers 28, maar om regtig sy besluit te verstaan moet ons verder lees. âDie wat Hy lank tevore verkies het, het Hy ook bestem om gelykvormig te wees aan die beeld van Sy Seun, sodat Sy Seun baie broers kan hĂȘ van wie Hy die Eerste is. Die wat Hy daartoe bestem het, het Hy ook geroep. En diĂ© wat Hy geroep het, het Hy ook vrygespreek. En diĂ© wat Hy vrygespreek het, het Hy ook verheerlik. Wat is nou ons gevolgtrekking oor al hierdie dinge? Dit: God is vir ons, wie kan dan teen ons wees?â (Rom 8:29-31).
Do your deeds deny Him? Do you truly love Him enough to obey Him? Are we concerned with our purpose in each situation in our life or His purpose? Where is your heart? Many times we start out in our trial with the selfish point of view in order to comfort ourselves or protect ourselves from whatever is hurting us. But as the trial or suffering continues, we begin to see more of a need for change. We develop an insight, which reveals the reason(s) why God has allowed the trial. It was possibly for our salvation or for the salvation of a loved one, but certainly, the trial is for our sanctification so our deeds will stop denying Him. âThey profess to know God, but by their deeds, they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient, and worthless for any good deedâ (Titus 1:16).
Weerspreek jou dade Hom? Is jy werklik lief genoeg vir Hom om aan Hom gehoorsaam te wees? Is ons meer besorg met ons doel of Sy doel in elke situasie van ons lewens? Waar is jou hart? Baie keer begin ons ons beproewing met ân selfsugtige standpunt om onsself te troos en te beskerm teen watookal ons seermaak. Maar soos wat die beproewing of lyding voortgaan begin ons die nodigheid sien vir verandering. Ons ontwikkel insig, wat die rede(s) openbaar hoekom God die beproewing toelaat. Moontlik, is dit vir ons redding of die redding van ân geliefde; maar, sekerlik, is die beproewing vir ons heiligmaking sodat ons dade sal ophou om Hom te ontken. âHulle gee voor dat hulle God ken, maar hulle dade weerspreek dit. Hulle is verfoeilik en koppig en deug vir geen goeie werk nie.â (Titus 1:16).
My heart of stone. As we look ever forward to the day of our glorification, He encourages us to be specific in our prayer life. He wants us to get to the point of crying out to Him. When will you come to this point? Will you cry out in a time of frustration, or must you get to the point of losing a loved one through death? Maybe it is merely the threat of losing the loved one that will bring you to that point. Possibly, the destruction of your marriage will make you cry out to God. We must ask ourselves, how hard is my heart? âMoreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of fleshâ (Ezek. 36:26). Are you willing to ask God for this heart change, âwhatever it takesâ?
My hart van klip. Terwyl ons uitsien na die dag van ons verheerliking, moedig Hy ons aan om spesifiek in ons gebeds lewens te wees. Hy wil hĂȘ ons moet op die punt kom om na Hom uit te roep. Wanneer sal jy hierdie punt bereik? Sal jy uitroep gedurende ân tyd van frustrasie of moet jy tot die punt kom wat jy ân geliefde aan die dood moet af staan? Miskien is dit eenvoudig die moontlikheid om die geliefde te verloor wat jou tot op daardie punt sal bring. Moontlik sal die vernietiging van jou huwelik jou laat uitroep na God. Ons moet onsself vra, hoe hard is my hart? âEk sal julle ân nuwe hart en ân nuwe gees gee, Ek sal die kliphart uit julle liggaam uithaal en julle ân hart van vleis gee.â (Eseg. 36:26). Is jy gewillig om God te vra vir hierdie harts verandering, âwatookal dit vergâ?
Hardens his neck. The Lord said if you will only ask, you will receive. âAsk, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to youâ (Matt. 7:7). If we are truly Christians, followers of Christ, then we yearn to be closer to Him. Do you yearn? Or, are you surrounding yourself with the things that deaden that desire? If so, my friend, you are not a Christian on fire for God, but a backslider. âThe backslider in heart will have his fill of his own ways . . .â (Prov. 14:14). Have you had your fill? Or must you be broken? âA man who hardens his neck after much reproof will suddenly be broken beyond remedyâ (Prov. 29:1).
Bly verset. Die Here het gesĂȘ as jy net wil vra, sal jy ontvang. âVra, en vir julle sal gegee word; soek, en julle sal kry; klop en vir julle sal oopgemaak word, want elkeen wat vra, ontvang en elkeen wat soek, kry; en vir elkeen wat klop, sal oopgemaak word.â (Matt. 7:7) As ons werklik Christene is, volgelinge van Christus, dan smag ons om nader aan Hom te wees. Smag jy na Hom? Of omring jy jouself met dinge wat daardie begeerte verdoof? Indien so, my vriend, is jy nie ân Christen vuur en vlam vir God nie, maar afvallig. âân Onbetroubare mens kry sy verdiende loonâŠ.â (Spr. 14:14). Het jy genoeg gehad? Of moet jy gebreek word? âân Man wat hom bly verset teen teregwysings, kom skielik tot ân val en staan nie weer op nie.â Spr. 29:1.
Sorrowful to the point of repentance. In order to repent and turn away from the lukewarm life we have lived for too long, we must be sorry. âI now rejoice, not that you were made sorrowful, but that you were made sorrowful to the point of repentance; for you were made sorrowful according to the will of God, in order that you might not suffer loss in anything through us. For the sorrow that is according to the will of God produces a repentance without regret, leading to salvation; but the sorrow of the world produces deathâ (2 Cor. 7:9â10).
Hartseer dat julle tot inkeer kom. Sodat jy tot inkeer kan kom en wegdraai van die louwarm lewe wat ons vir te lank geleef het, moet ons berou hĂȘ. âNou is ek egter bly, nie omdat ek julle hartseer gemaak het nie, maar omdat ek julle so hartseer gemaak het dat julle tot inkeer gekom het. Julle was immers hartseer soos God dit wou hĂȘ. Ons het julle dus in geen opsig benadeel nie, want droefheid volgens die wil van God bring bekering wat tot redding lei, en daaroor was niemand nog ooit jammer nie. Daarteenoor bring droefheid uit wĂȘreldse oorwegings die doodâ (2 Kor. 7:9-10).
Destroying speculations and every lofty thing. What is separating you from the knowledge of God? What keeps you from reading His Word daily? If God is not first in your life, what is? Your job? Your family? Entertainment? What keeps you so busy that you are even prevented from giving God a second thought? âWe are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, and we are ready to punish all disobedience, whenever your obedience is completeâ (2 Cor. 10:5â6).
Vernietig redenasies en elke hooghartige aanval. Wat skei ons van die kennis van God? Wat keer ons om sy Woord daagliks te lees? As God nie eerste in jou lewe is nie, wat is? Jou werk? Jou familie? Vermaaklikheid? Wat hou jou elke dag so besig en verhoed jou om God selfs ân gedagte te gee? âDaarmee vernietig ons die redenasies en elke hooghartige aanval wat teen die kennis van God gerig word. Ons neem elke gedagte gevange om dit aan Christus gehoorsaam te maak. Ons is ook gereed om met elke ongehoorsaamheid af te reken sodra julle eie gehoorsaamheid volkome is.â (2 Kor. 10:5-6).
Confess your sins to one another. If you are ready, if you have allowed yourself to become convicted, you are ready to change your life. Begin by confession. âTherefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish muchâ (James 5:16). If you are not broken, you will probably put these pages down now, or continue to read them just to prove to yourself that you are the good Christian you claim to be. But we both know it will never change your life because it will never penetrate your heart. It will merely pour over you like water off a duckâs back.
Bely julle sondes eerlik teenoor mekaar. As jy gereed is , as jy jouself toegelaat het om skuldig te voel, is jy gereed om jou lewe te begin verander. Begin met ân belyding. âBely julle sondes eerlik teenoor mekaar en bid vir mekaar, sodat julle gesond kan word. Die gebed van 'n gelowige het 'n kragtige uitwerking.â (Jak. 5:16). As jy nie gebroke is nie, sal jy moontlik hierdie bladsye nou neersit, of voortgaan om hulle te lees net om aan jouself te bewys dat jy die goeie Christen is wat jy voorgee om te wees. Ons weet albei nou dat dit nooit jou lewe sal verander omdat dit nooit jou hart sal binnedring nie. Dit sal bloot by jou rug afloop soos water van ân eend se rug.
Do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal. These pages are written by one who was broken. God often uses other people in our lives to break us. It may be just an annoyance at first; then it escalates into complete frustration. But do we turn to Him at that point, or do we instead harden our hearts and harden our necks? God is trying to change us, to mold us. âBeloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing; so that also at the revelation of His glory, you may rejoice with exultationâ (1 Pet. 4:12).
Moenie verbaas wees oor die vuurproef. Hierdie bladsye is geskryf deur iemand wat gebroke was. God gebruik dikwels ander mense in ons lewens om ons te breek. Dit mag dalk eers net ân irritasie wees; dan neem dit toe tot algehele frustrasie. Maar keer ons na Hom toe op daardie punt of verhard ons ons harte en nekke? God probeer om ons te verander, en ons te vorm. âGeliefdes moenie verbaas wees oor die vuurproef waaraan julle onderwerp word nie. Dit is nie iets vreemds wat met julle gebeur nie. Wees liewer bly hoe meer julle in die lyding van Christus deel want dan sal julle ook oorloop van vreugde by sy wederkoms in heerlikheid.â (1Pet. 4:12).
But, usually, we donât like the situation or the person that is bringing the trials into our lives because we canât see that God is behind it. We become bitter and angry with the persons or circumstances He uses. We try to break the relationships, only to find they follow us. Dear believer, it is the Lord who is trying to turn us, gently at first, and then a little more firmly. (See Chapter 10, âVarious Trials,â for more knowledge on the spiritual warfare that you face daily. âBut if they do not hear, they shall perish by the sword, and they shall die without knowledgeâ (Job 36:12). âMy people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you . . .â (Hos. 4:6).
Maar, gewoonlik hou ons nie van die situasie of die persoon wat die beproewings in ons lewens bring nie omdat ons nie kan sien dat God agter dit sit nie. Ons word bitter en kwaad vir die persoon en die omstandighede wat Hy gebruik. Ons probeer om verhoudings te verbreek, net om te vind dat dit ons volg. Geliefde gelowige, dit is die Here wat probeer om ons tot insig te bring, eers sagkens, maar dan ân bietjie meer ferm. (Sien hoofstuk 10, âVerskeie Beproewings,â vir meer kennis van die geestelike stryd wat jy daagliks in die gesig staar. âAs hulle nie luister nie, sal hulle sterf, sal hulle doodgaan omdat hulle nie tot insig wou kom nie. (Job 36:12)  âMy volk gaan onder omdat hulle nie aan My toegewy is nie. Omdat jy jou taak om hulle aan My toe te wy, verwerp het, verwerp ek jouâŠ.â Hosea 4:6)
Removed lover and friend. God oftentimes must remove a friend or our loved ones in order to put Himself in first place in our lives. We may be in a cold marriage or even separated or divorced. We may have children or parents who are not speaking to us. Possibly our brothers or sisters may no longer be communicating with us either. âThou hast removed lover and friend far from me; my acquaintances are in darknessâ (Ps. 88:18). âThou hast put me in the lowest pit, in dark places, in the depths. Thy wrath has rested upon me, and Thou hast afflicted me with all Thy waves. Selah. Thou hast removed my acquaintances far from me; Thou hast made me an object of loathing to them; I am shut up and cannot go outâ (Ps. 88:6â8). (Selah is found often in the book of Psalms. When you read the word Selah, the Psalmist is asking you to ponder and think over what you just read. Reread it if you need to. Whatâs your hurry?)
 U laat my bekendes ver van my af staan. God verwyder dikwels ân vriend of ân geliefde om Homself eerste in ons lewens te plaas. Ons mag dalk in ân koue huwelik wees of vervreem of geskei. Ons mag dalk kinders of ons ouers hĂȘ wat nie met ons praat nie. Moontlik mag ons broers of susters dalk ook nie met ons kommunikeer nie. âU laat my vriende en my bure ver van my af staan, die duisternis van die dood is my geselskap.â (Ps. 88:18). âU het my onder in die put laat beland, in ân diepe duisternis. U gramskap rus swaar op my, U laat al U golwe oor my breek. Sela. U laat my bekendes ver van my af staan en maak my vir hulle iets afskuweliks; ek sit vasgevang en kan nie uitkom nie.â (Ps. 88:6-8). (Sela word dikwels in die boek van Psalms gevind . Wanneer jy die woord Sela lees, vra die Psalmdigter om te oorweeg en na te dink oor wat nounet gelees is. Herlees dit as jy moet. Wat is jou haas)    Â
They shall see God. But how can I see the Lord? First, you must have had a born again experience; then, He will begin to bring about internal purification. If we do not understand Godâs ways, we will become discouraged and many doubts will creep into our minds. âBlessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see Godâ (Matt. 5:8). God wants to be first in our lives. (See the next chapter, âYour First Love,â for more knowledge.) He wants our life to reflect Jesus Christ.
Hulle sal God sien. Hoe kan ek God sien? Eerstens, moet jy ân wedergebore ondervinding hĂȘ; dan, sal Hy begin om inwendige suiwering aan te bring. As ons nie God se weĂ« verstaan nie, sal ons mismoedig word en baie twyfeling sal in ons gedagtes insluip. âGeseĂ«nd is die wat rein van hart is, want hulle sal God sien.â (Matt. 5:8). God wil eerste in ons lewens wees. (Sien die volgende hoofstuk, âJou Eerste Liefde,â vir meer kennis.) Hy wil hĂȘ ons lewens moet Jesus Christus weerspieĂ«l.  Â
They were radiant. Do you want to reflect the love and radiance of the Lord? Right now is your chance. Donât blow it, my brother in Christ. Donât turn away. Turn to Him and Him alone. Right now! âThey looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamedâ (Ps. 34:5).
Straal van blydskap. Wil jy die liefde en glans van die Here weerspieĂ«l? Nou is jou kans. Moet dit nie mis nie, my broer in Christus. Moenie wegdraai nie. Keer na Hom en Hom alleen. Nou dadelik! âDie wat swaar kry, sien op na Hom en straal van blydskap, hulle word nie teleurgestel in hulle verwagting nie.â (Ps. 34:5).
Practical Application
Praktiese Aanwending
Hearer of the Word and not a doer. At the end of each chapter, there will be either a test or practical application. âFor if anyone is a hearer of the Word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; but one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man shall be blessed in what he doesâ (James 1:23â24).
Die Woord aanhoor en nie doen wat dit sĂȘ nie. Aan die einde van elke hoofstuk, sal daar of ân toets of ân praktiese aanwending wees. âIemand wat altyd net die woord aanhoor en nooit doen wat dit sĂȘ nie, is soos een wat na sy gesig in ân spieĂ«l kyk; Maar iemand wat hom verdiep in die volmaakte wet wat ân mens vry maak, en hom daaraan hou en nie vergeet wat hy hoor nie, maar dit doen, hy sal gelukkig wees in wat hy doen.â (Jak. 1:23-24).
Against Thee, Thee only, I have sinned. The first thing we need in order to rebuild upon the Rock is to become aware of our sinfulness before God. Unless we understand that we are sinners, we cannot take another step. As you were reading this chapter, were you made aware of your sin, or did you make excuses and blame others? My friend, if you are imitating the world by rationalizing your sin and making excuses, while at the same time quickly pointing out the sin of others, you most certainly are headed for spiritual death. When you read these pages, did you think of how other men you know have fallen in certain areas but never really took a hard look at yourself? If you are under strong conviction, please stop now, get on your knees, and ask the Holy Spirit to show you and convict you of your sinfulness before God. Ask Him to reveal to you your offenses through His eyes and the eyes of others whom you have offended. Begin by praying this prayer:
Teen U alleen het ek gesondig. Die eerste ding wat ons nodig het sodat ons op die Rots kan herbou is om bewus te word oor ons sondigheid voor God. Tensy ons verstaan dat ons sondaars is, kan ons nie nog ân tree neem nie. Soos wat jy hierdie hoofstuk gelees het, was jy bewus gemaak van jou sonde, of het jy verskonings gemaak of ander blameer? My vriend as jy die wĂȘreld namaak deur jou sonde te rasionaliseer en verskonings te maak, en terselfdertyd gou die sondes van ander uit te wys, is jy heel sekerlik oppad na ân geestelike dood. Wanneer jy hierdie bladsye lees, het jy gedink aan ander mans wat jy ken wat in sekere areas geval het maar nooit hard na jouself gekyk het nie. As jy onder sterk oortuiging is, hou nou op, gaan op jou knieĂ«, en vra die Heilige Gees om jou te wys en jou te oortuig van jou sondigheid voor God. Vra Hom om jou oortredinge te openbaar deur Sy oĂ« en die oĂ« van ander wie jy te na gekom het. Begin deur hierdie gebed te bid:
âBe gracious to me, O God, according to Thy lovingkindness; according to the greatness of Thy compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Against Thee, Thee only, I have sinned, and done what is evil in Thy sight, so that Thou art justified when Thou dost speak, and blameless when Thou dost judge. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Thy presence, and do not take Thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Thy salvation, and sustain me with a willing spirit. Then I will teach transgressors Thy ways, and sinners will be converted to Thee. Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, Thou God of my salvation; then my tongue will joyfully sing of Thy righteousness. O Lord, open my lips, that my mouth may declare Thy praise. For Thou dost not delight in sacrifice, otherwise I would give it; Thou art not pleased with burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despiseâ (Ps. 51:1â17).
âWees my genadig, o God, in u troue liefde, wys my oortredings uit in u groot barmhartigheid! Was my skoon van my skuld, reinig my van my sonde! ja, my oortredings ken ek en van my sonde bly ek altyd bewus. Teen U alleen het ek gesondig, ek het gedoen wat verkeerd is in u oĂ«, U uitspraak is dus reg en u oordeel regverdig. Ek was al skuldig toe ek gebore is, met sonde belaai toe my moeder swanger geword het. Maar U verwag opregtheid diep in ân mens se hart: laat ek dan diep in my binneste weet hoe U wil dat ek moet lewe. Neem tog my sonde weg dat ek rein kan wees, was my dat ek witter as sneeu kan wees. Laat my weer vreugde en blydskap belewe. U het my verbrysel; laat my weer jubel. Moet tog nie ag slaan op my sondes nie, wis al my skuld uit. Skep vir my ân rein hart, o God, vernuwe my gees en maak my standvastig. Moet my tog nie van U af wegdryf en u Heilige Gees van my af wegneem nie! Laat my weer die blydskap ervaar van iemand wat deur U verlos is, laat my U weer met toewyding dien. Dan sal ek oortreders leer wat U van ân mens verwag; dat die sondaars hulle tot U sal bekeer. Red my van ondergang, o God, my Redder, dat ek kan jubel oor u verlossingsdaad. Here gee my die woorde om u lof te verkondig. ân Offer wat U wil hĂȘ, o God, is verootmoediging: U sal ân hart vol ootmoed en berou nie gering ag nie, o God." (Ps 51:3-19).
Confess your sins. Once we have confessed our sin before God, we need to admit we have fallen short, or confess our faults to one another. Again, if our conscience is seared (1 Tim. 4:2), we will minimize our sin and we will never have victory over sin in our life! âTherefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish muchâ (James 5:16).
Bely julle sondes. Sodra ons ons sondes bely, dan moet ons erken dat ons te kort skiet, of ons sondes aan mekaar bely. Weer, as jou gewete toegeskroei is, (1 Tim. 4:2)Â sal ons ons sonde minimaliseer, en nooit die oorwinning oor sonde in ons lewe hĂȘ nie! âBely julle sondes eerlik teenoor mekaar en bid vir mekaar sodat julle gesond kan word. Die gebed van ân gelowige het ân kragtige uitwerking.â (Jak. 5:16).
His Word healed them. It is Godâs Word that will change us and heal us. âHe sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructionsâ (Ps. 107:20). We must begin to renew our minds. Using 3x5 cards, write down the verses from this chapter that have brought about the greatest conviction in your heart. Then, do the same with each of the following chapters. Keep these cards in your pocket and bring them out regularly as the Holy Spirit prompts you. If you are not being prompted, pray that you will be.
Hy het hulle met ân woord gesond gemaak. Dit is God se Woord wat ons sal verander en genees. âHy het hulle met ân enkele woord gesond gemaak, hulle aan die dood laat ontkom.â (Ps.107:20). Ons moet begin om ons gedagtes te hernu. Gebruik 3x5 kaarte, skryf die verse van hierdie hoofstuk neer wat vir jou die grootste oortuiging in jou hart gebring het. Doen dan, dieselfde met elkeen van die daaropvolgende hoofstukke. Hou hierdie kaarte in jou handsak en haal hulle uit so gereeld as wat die Heilige Gees jou aanspoor. As jy nie aangespoor word nie, bid dat jy sal wees.
With God. We must not operate in the flesh. We must work âwith God,â moving in His direction by allowing His Spirit to direct us to do what we ought. âWith men this is impossible, but with God all things are possibleâ (Matt. 19:26). âBut He said, âThe things impossible with men are possible with Godââ (Luke 18:27). Any other plan will eventually wear us out and cause us to give up. âFor the one who sows to his own flesh shall from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit shall from the Spirit reap eternal lifeâ (Gal. 6:8). Operating in the flesh will only bring about a temporary external change versus a permanent internal change. â. . . For the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternalâ (2 Cor. 4:18).
Met God. Ons moet nie in die vlees optree nie. Ons moet âsaam met God werk,â in Sy rigting beweeg, en Sy Gees gebruik om te doen wat ons moet. âJesus het reguit na hulle gekyk en gesĂȘ: âVir mense is dit onmoontlik, maar vir God is alles moontlik.â (Matt.19:26). âDaarop antwoord Hy: âWat vir die mense onmoontlik is, is vir God moontlik.â (Lukas 18:27). Enige ander plan sal ons uiteindelik uitmergel en veroorsaak dat ons opgee. âWie op die akker van sy sondige natuur saai, sal van die sondige natuur dood en verderf oes. Maar wie op die akker van die Gees saai, sal van die Gees die ewige lewe oes.â (Gal. 6:8). Deur in die vlees op te tree sal net tydelike opervlakkige verandering bring teenoor ân permanente innerlike verandering. â...want die sigbare dinge is tydelik, maar die onsigbare ewig.â (2 Kor 4:18). Â
A righteous man falls. Be aware that stumbling and failure will come, but you must get back up. âFor a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again . . .â (Prov. 24:16). Every man will fall, but what you do when you fall divides the righteous from the unrighteous! The entire tenth chapter of this book is dedicated to making us keenly aware of the trials of Christian life. But for now, let us be aware that we may be held with the cords of our sin until we hate it so much that we will be forever cured of these temptations. âHis own iniquities will capture the wicked, and he will be held with the cords of his sinâ (Prov. 5:22). Again, we must work âwith Godâ because He knows best. âWoe to the one who quarrels with his Makerâan earthenware vessel among the vessels of earth! Will the clay say to the potter, âWhat are you doing?ââ (Isa. 45:9).
Al val die regverdige hoeveel keer. Wees bewus dat struikeling en mislukking sal kom, maar jy moet weer opstaan. âAl val die regverdige hoeveel keer, hy staan weer opâŠ.â (Spr. 24:16). Almal sal val, maar wat jy doen wanneer jy val skei die regverdige van die onregverdige! Die hele tiende hoofstuk in hierdie boek is gewy om ons intens bewus te maak van die beproewings van ân Christelike lewe. Maar vir nou, laat ons bewus wees dat ons onsself vasdraai in ons sonde, totdat ons dit so haat dat ons vir ewig genees sal wees van hierdie versoekings. âDie oortreding van die goddelose agterhaal hom, hy draai hom vas in sy sonde.â (Spr. 5:22). Ek sĂȘ weer, ons moet âsaam met God werkâ omdat Hy die beste weet. âEllende wag vir hom wat die Een verwyt wat hom gevorm het, ân potskerf tussen potskerwe van klei. Durf die klei vir die een wat dit vorm sĂȘ: âWat maak jy?ââ (Jes. 45:9).
Boast about my weaknesses. And finally, once we, âthrough Christ,â have gained the sweet victory, we must share our testimony with all those whom He brings into our lives. Some find it easy to share Jesus Christ as their Savior with every person they meet. If you are on fire like that for the Lord, praise God! Others fail to share their salvation with anyone; it is their little secret with the Lord. However, God will bring men into your life who will open a door for you to share what Christ has done for you. â. . . But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts,always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence . . .â (1 Pet. 3:15). Will you open your mouth? Let us retrain our lips to share Godâs power over sin by humbling ourselves and boasting about our weaknesses. âAnd He has said to me, âMy grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.â Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may dwell in meâ (2 Cor. 12:9).
Roem oor my swakhede. Uiteindelik, wanneer ons, âdeur Christusâ die soete oorwinning behaal het, moet ons ons getuienis deel met almal wie Hy in ons lewens bring. Sommige vind dit maklik om Jesus Christus as hulle Redder te deel met almal wat hulle ontmoet. As jy so vuur en vlam is vir die Here, prys God! Ander misluk om hulle redding met enigiemand te deel; dit is hulle klein geheimpie met die Here. Nietemin, sal God mans in jou lewe bring wat ân deur sal oopmaak vir jou om te deel wat Christus vir jou gedoen het. â. . . In julle harte moet daar net heilige eerbied wees vir Christus die Here. Wees altyd gereed om ân antwoord te gee aan elkeen wat van julle ân verduideliking eis oor die hoop wat in julle is. Maar doen dit met beskeidenheid en met eerbiedâŠâ (1 Pet. 3:15). Sal jy jou mond oopmaak? Laat ons, ons lippe herskool om God se krag oor die sonde te deel deur onsself nederig te maak en te roem oor ons swakhede.âDit gaan goed met die mens vir wie die Here die oortreding nie toereken nie! Toe ek oor my sonde geswyg het, het my liggaam uitgeteer.â Ps.32:1,3. Laat ons, ons lippe herskool om God se krag oor die sonde te deel deur onsself nederig te maak en te roem oor ons swakhede. âSy antwoord was: ââMy genade is vir jou genoeg. My krag kom juis tot volle werking wanneer jy swak is.â Daarom sal ek baie liewer oor my swakhede roem, sodat die krag van Christus my beskutting kan wees.â (2 Kor. 12:9).
Let the Power of Christ Dwell in Me . . . Amen and Amen!
Laat die Krag van Christus in My Woon...Amen en Amen!Â
Personal commitment: To begin to build or rebuild my home on the Rock. âBased on what I have learned from Godâs Word, I commit to confess my lukewarmness toward Christ and to take the proper steps to renew my mind. I commit to allow the Lord to work through me so that I may gain the sweet victory over my sinful life. I also commit to give God the praise and honor He deserves by sharing my testimony with others.â
Persoonlike verbintenis: Om te begin om my huis te bou of te herbou op die Rots. âGebaseer op wat ek uit God se Woord geleer het, verbind ek my daartoe om my louwarmheid teen Christus te bieg en om die behoorlike stappe te neem om my gedagtes te hernu. Ek verbind my ook daartoe om die Here toe te laat om deur my te werk sodat ek die soete oorwinning oor my sondige lewe kan win. Ek verbind my daartoe om God die lof en die eer te gee wat Hy verdien deur my getuienis met ander te deel.â