Wow. New Men Blog!!!

Hello Brothers,

I am really excited to share with all of you that Lord has been doing amazing things in all Restore Ministries International as you probably have seen,  there are many changes with our new and easy way to post praises.
Today, I would like to invite you to go to site and see ALL He has done. The Men site is now focused in what is most important, our walk, our restoration our intimacy with Him!
He has shown us a way to make and present the resources available for sons, nephews, brothers, uncles, husbands, work colleagues, friends or male family members that are interested to learn and grown in their Spiritual life.

The blog was previously oriented mostly to hurt men searching for marriage restoration but we know that we need to restore our relationship with our father before anything else.  Many of us are hurting,  we are in pain,  many areas like family relationships, finances, work, friendships are broken and even ourselves.  We are lost, we can't feel happy with anything and we have no idea that the Lord, our father is waiting for us to go back to him to show us the way.

I want to encourage you!  Would you like to see a change in your life?  Let's help others to find Him in the way we did! Share his Word, his Miracles, his Glory!
