♕ Today's Promise: “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28
“How to Be Blessed”
English Principle #2 "Running Over & Spilling Over"
"Cómo Ser Bendecido"
Español Principio # 2 "Corriendo sobre y derramándose"
"Como Ser Abençoado"
Português Princípio #2 “Recalcada & Transbordante”
"Comment Être Béni"
Français Principe #2 “Coulant à flots et Débordant”
„Ako Byť Požehnaný"
Slovenský Princíp #2 „Pretekajúc & Prelievajúc”