Wife Is Home—Praise Him!
I have to give our Lord all the glory and praise; I have waited far too long to send my report. My wife of seventeen years divorced me in July of 2001 after only four months of separation (first time ever). That very weekend she began to show signs of wanting to work at rebuilding.
Since then, I have seen so many answered prayers that I cannot begin to list them all. With two children and twenty-two years of our lives together, I have finally let the Lord into my life in my
darkest hour. HE has given me so much strength and patience to endure many trials and much pain.
I became a newborn Christian in early 2001, struggling with my faith. Each time I have doubts, I come to Restore Ministries to renew myself and lift the Lord up in my life.
I made so many mistakes in and out of my covenant with her that I have beat myself up repeatedly. I have seen the Lord change both of us in so many ways that you cannot imagine. We have violated His ways and each other so much that I had thought our life could NEVER come to
what is happening now!
I held on to what the Lord had been telling me to do—“wait.” Seeing the pain she was in was hurting me so badly that I had to let her go several times. The trials have been many and tough; still, we are inseparable to the end. When we talk, we both agree that the LORD is holding us together until the work is complete.
She has been home (by her choice) for three weeks after a year and a half of being divorced and 21 months apart; she is still having a hard time with it. I know the Lord is working on both of us, but the enemy is still trying to steal our lives as well. We get along much better than we have in many, many years. It seems our minds are working overtime with what the enemy is placing in them to again separate our family.
Please pray that Satan will be removed from our lives so that GOD’S WILL be done. I have come to Erin’s site for nearly two years now and purchased the materials for others and myself.
Each time I come here or re-read the materials, I gain new hope and encouragement. I found this site by chance when searching for knowledge on why our lives were falling apart and how to repair them.
I have long let my unforgiveness to the OM for the happenings in our lives linger. PLEASE join me; lift me up so that I can have genuine forgiveness and faith to let this take its course in GOD’S WAY AND TIME.
After all, HE has brought her and our daughter home to our son and me. Now my wife and I are in dire need to let go of the past so we can build a future. For some reason, the OM is haunting
my mind as well as hers. Please pray for us as we take this journey that the LORD has planned for our children, to restore what has been taken from us and what we have taken from one
This testimony and many more are
Word of Their Testimony: Incredible and Powerful Testimonies of Restored Marriage From Men
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