Adultery Over! Wife Says, “Come on Home!”
God is Good! My wife has been involved in adultery for almost two years with a guy she works with. This is the second time she has been involved in adultery in the past three years. She completed divorce papers in April, but had not gone forward in signing them. Yesterday my wife informed me that she is ending her relationship with the other guy today! She also said that she will allow God to restore our marriage!! She asked me to come back to our home!!!
The materials I received from you, How God Will Restore Your Marriage and A Wise Man, were a Godsend. Also, visiting your web site daily for the past 7 months was a blessing and an
inspiration. I was able to draw so much from others and truly see how God was working in their lives.
The key things that God taught me, and it truly was from God as my previous personality would not have done these things, were to humble myself before God and my family and not let pride make my decisions. To fast and pray and take spiritual authority in Christ and do battle.
One point in the book that I took to heart was that my battle was not against my wife but against the enemy attacking her and our family. I learned to pray feverishly and to rely on the Word of the Lord to keep me focused. Also, I was taught the power of prayer; I will never again underestimate the power of prayer and others who pray for you! When two or more agree in
prayer it shall be done!!
I learned to be patient, which was the hardest thing of all for me to learn. I always wanted things to happen faster and would then do things in the flesh, which would only make matters worse. God’s timing is not my timing, but God’s work is eternal.
I also learned to love unconditionally. Love my wife as Christ loves His church. Through this entire process, God has strengthened my love for my wife.
And lastly, TRUST GOD with everything; when I totally submitted to Him, and gave Him my
marriage, restoration started.
Erin, I pray for God’s continued blessing on your ministry and your marriage. I will also continue to pray for those seeking God to restore their marriages.
This testimony and many more are
Word of Their Testimony: Incredible and Powerful Testimonies of Restored Marriage From Men
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