Yes! Yes! Yes!!
First, a Praise Report From Lucas in Brazil
Thank you for everything you helped me learn in this great course. God is now leading my life and finally, my marriage restoration, in His time.
I would recommend that every man studies your free course—every man going through crises in their marriage. It's not enough to just read the book, journaling has changed me and my marriage. I'm not sure why every man doesn't do it since it’s free.
Before coming here my life was a mess. I was seeking aid from everyone, then on the Internet, I found this site. I filled out my questionnaire to access the course online since I'd heard such good things about it. I was living a life of despair and deep depression. This course is helping me a lot and I have much more hope now once I began to journal daily.
My Lord thank you for directing me to this site. Thanks for helping me in a difficult time of my life and for changing me. I know Your providence made me find this Ministry. Â I'm am finally reaping joy by your grace the more I invest into learning the truth.
Note: Lucas donated to pay for his course and another man in need and wants to tell him:
"My brother, you who are going through a dark valley or perhaps living in a time where you do not realize the hope there is still left if your marriage, but just know and trust that there is. Trust in GOD to do it. He is the Lord of all things. He is the God of the impossible. God bless you as you study this course!
Now for Lucas' RESTORED Marriage Testimony.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!!"
Lucas, please tell us how the crisis in your marriage started?
I realized there was a crisis one day when I was in the city where my wife was working. This city was 6 hours from our residence and I went after her in May. I thought we were about to resume our relationship, but it was there that she confessed to me that she was involved with another man (OM). Three days after my wife had asked for the separation, I was fired from my job. I lost everything in a week. All this was the beginning of God moving in my life. Â
Today I realize that the Lord protected me a lot during the revelations that my wife did, about this new relationship and her reasons for separation. It was a very bad day, it seems that the world had fallen on top of me.
Early that same day I said a prayer, "My God, My Lord, forgive me for my mistakes and sins. Please hear me, I do not want another family, I want this family you gave me Lord." And I see that it was right after this prayer that God led along the correct paths to get to my restoration.
It wasn’t due to what my wife had done, in being with this other man. No, all this happened because I was very disobedient to God. I say this, because, for 13 years of relationship with my wife (including dating, engagement, and marriage) I committed adultery, gave into the temptation of prostitution, I was rude, I gave room to the devil, to alcoholism and allowed pornography coming into my marriage and other things that displeased God.
That's what attracted me to God, my Father and to a unique experience for those who want to live in God's presence in their lives. I have always been a "religious" man, always been Catholic, but I was a Pharisee. I was a false prophet, although I was a minister of the Word and a preacher of the Word of God  I’d still be completely disobedient to God—but praise the Lord, He has drawn me to HIM during this tribulation. Because if it were not so, I would still be in dangerous error to this day.
Next, Lucas, please tell our readers, how did God change you & your situation as you sought Him wholeheartedly?
The Lord put a desire in my heart to seek testimonies of restored marriages, and find out if this would be possible. I even saw some testimonies, but it didn’t interest me much because I was very troubled and disgusted with the whole situation in my own life. But then God guided me to a couple of friends I have. And while talking to the wife of my college friend I made a decision to fight for my marriage.
His wife was an instrument in God’s hands. It was through talking to her that God showed Himself to me and conveyed His word to me.
During this conversation, she said, "GOD WILL NOT DESTROY A FAMILY TO BUILD ANOTHER." And after hearing this word I decided to look for more testimonies of restored marriages and to fight for my own marriage. God led me to find a restoration family website that was very good and ended up leading me to the RMI website.  And then a friend, who is also on this walk for his own marriage, sent me the book "HOW GOD CAN AND WILL RESTORE YOUR MARRIAGE." This book was the turning point in my life. When I started reading the testimonies, the praise reports, I subscribed and began to take the course for men in my own language, Portuguese. I ended up doing all of them, all 3 courses you offer men, even though the ones I first found were directed to women.
All this led me to seek God even more as a Father. The Psalms and Proverbs taught me to PRAY to God. During my search towards God— the Lord has transformed me. It was during this crisis that I had my first real and personal encounter with Jesus Christ.
I confess that I fell many times during this journey, but each of these falls is what He used to make me look more to God for my healing and deliverance.
What are the principles, from God's Word (or through our resources), did the Lord teach you during this trial Lucas?
The main principle was to have the grace to read the Scriptures more often and believe more in them. And also reading the books and taking the course that RMI offers us, they are full of truths of God's Word that help you grow spiritually like none I've ever found.
All these materials have taught me to live an intimate relationship with God as my Father and to have a personal relationship with the Lord. It's like nothing I've ever experienced before. All this led me to love God above all else, something I didn’t do before.
The other principle was practicing the LETTING GO. It is necessary, even though it's difficult. It is this principle that makes you take your hands off things so that God's hand becomes sovereign over all the situations or circumstances in our lives.
That's what I did and when I started applying it to my life, I obtained several victories. The secret is LETTING GO of everything to God is critical.
The word of God that caught my attention the most in this journey was:
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil.” 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-22
Lucas, what were the most difficult times that the Lord helped you through?
I realize that the most difficult times was at the beginning of the whole situation; when you find out about the other person in your spouse’s life. And when you discover, through God’s hand, that the error was totally YOURS. But when you start to learn and to understand, according to the word of God, and experience a relationship with God, the Lord protects our hearts from everything.
I say this because God protected me from everything, even when she said she did not love me anymore, and that she had found in another man what she did not find in me.
Please, help our readers to know if you suspected you were close to restoration. Were there any signs Lucas?
I did not suspect anything because things just got worse. Humanly speaking there was no hope.
Lucas were there other "turning points" during your restoration that you didn't already mention?
What I said before I can't say strongly enough. The turning point was when I started practicing the Letting Go principle. I said this always in my prayers, that I did not want to worry about the situation anymore and just let it go. I started to pray to God asking Him to deliver me from the DESERT because I couldn’t bear that situation anymore.
I wanted to live the best of God because all I was experiencing and learning always led me to  GOD'S FAITHFUL LOVE to humanity. And I knew that God's decision would be the best for me. Whether or not He chose to restore my marriage wasn't my main goal. This is about TRULY RELYING ON OUR FAITHFUL GOD. That was the phrase that I stuck to, and still do, GOD IS FAITHFUL and so is His plan for our lives.
If you would, Lucas, carefully explain just HOW it happened: Did your wife contact you by phone or just show up at your home?
I did not suspect anything because since May, when we signed the divorce, things have only become worse. She even asked me to take all my belongings out of the house, but whenever I tried to do that something happened to stop it.
Then, nine months later, in February, things actually got worse. She started showing her new relationship in social networks, according to a friend of mine, and then her father asked me to take my stuff out of the house. Then I felt obliged to do so within 60 days. Our house is on top of the house of my father-in-law.
I know that in that same month God put a desire in my heart to pray more for my wife, which I was not doing any longer; I'd stopped as part of my letting go. And this desire came to me one month before our restoration, which took place the following month.
My wife asked my mother-in-law to call me and say that she (my wife) would like to talk to me and in that same day the LORD DID HIS WORK OF RECONCILIATION AND DECLARED HIS VICTORY IN OUR LIVES. We should always say to HIM, Â "Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God forever and ever. Amen! " Revelation 7:12
Based on your own restoration, would you recommend any of our resource in particular that helped you, Lucas?
Everyone in a marriage crisis needs to get the book How God Will Restore Your Marriage and give it to friends and family in marriage crises. It will not only restore but it will also help them to find the Lord. Next, the A Wise Man and A Wise Woman for your wives. The courses, really help to keep you moving forward daily and to journal your heart and feelings to the Lord that really begins to change your life in amazing ways. I also would suggest the Encourager.
NOTE: For couples, we have a new couples course for husbands to lead and spiritually feed your wives.
Would you be interested in helping to encourage other men?
Either way, Lucas, what kind of encouragement you would like to leave for men, in conclusion?
Ladies and gentlemen, first of all, believe in God because nothing is impossible with Him, see Luke 1:37. And everything that this ministry says and shares is true and powerful by God's grace.
And the word of God is true. Read what it says:
"The man who hates and divorces his wife,” says the Lord, the God of Israel, “does violence to the one he should protect,” says the Lord Almighty. So be on your guard, and do not be unfaithful." Malachi 2:16) This is true because God did not allow the advancement of my divorce, which was already signed. He restored us before it took place, and we canceled it.
Today my wife talks about what happened to her during that period and I feel amazed because God does not act only in our lives, but He also acts in the life of the rebellious spouse. The change is completed in the Lord's time; first to you and then to your loved one.
I say this to you in closing, do not give up. God really hears our prayers, because my separation took one year and ten months. He is always by our side and, even if the circumstances are not agreeable to us, it is because the LORD is acting in our behalf.
Please experience the power of LET GO OF EVERYTHING TO GOD no matter what crisis or difficulty you're going through. It is the only way for God to take over and do the impossible.

Lucas and his wife were blessed with a baby daughter born 16 months after their restoration—after trusting God for their infertility—after reading A Wise Man Course The Fruit of the Womb!!!
This testimony and many more are
By the Word of Their Testimony (Book 5): He will Give You the Desires of Your Heart.
CLICK HERE to order your own copy to mark and read how others, like you, made it through their Restoration Journey and experienced a RESTORED MARRIAGE.