"Ongelooflike Herstel in Nieu-Seeland!!!"
This man came to our website seeking help. After getting the menâs book, he wrote to our Q&A Column with this:
Hierdie man het na ons webwerf toe gekom en om hulp gesoek. Nadat hy die mans se boek gekry het, het hy aan ons V&A Kolom geskryf met dit:
My wife has left. What do I do about seeing our children? I agree with your books on my marriage. The law in NZ is that if I donât contest the custody order then I wonât see the children until they are 16. My wife has alleged abuse by me of the children. Should I not fight to see our 7 (age 1-13) children? If I donât go to court and she does then she will have no legal obligation to let me ever see our children again.â
My vrou het my verlaat. Wat doen ek daaraan om ons kinders te sien? Ek stem saam oor julle boeke oor my huwelik. Die wet in NS is dat as ek nie die bewaringsbevel teenstaan nie dan sal ek nie die kinders sien totdat hulle 16 is nie. My vrou het beweerde mishandeling van die kinders deur my. Moet ek nie baklei om ons 7 (ouderdomme 1-13) kinders te sien nie? As ek nie hof toe gaan nie en sy gaan dan sal sy geen wetlike verpligting hĂȘ om my toe te laat om ooit weer ons kinders te sien nie.â
This man had not seen his seven children for over SIX MONTHS!! We advised him to trust the Lord, RELEASE his attorney and not DEFEND himself against the allegations. The magnitude of his decisions and his ultimate trust in the Lord has brought about an AWESOME blessing. Here it is:
Hierdie man het sy sewe kinders vir meer as SES MAANDE nie gesien nie!! Ons het hom aangeraai om op die Here te vertrou, sy prokureur te LAAT GAAN en homself nie teen die aantuigings te verdedig nie. Die grootte van sy besluite en sy uiterste vertroue in die Here het ân ONTSAGWEKKENDE seĂ«n teweeg gebring. Hier is dit:
After he agreed that trusting the Lord was the ONLY WAY, he experienced a tremendous peace. He was able to work his farm better. Then he called and asked for a large packet of materials to be sent to him to give to all the men he knew who also needed help.
Nadat hy ingestem het dat die Here die ENIGSTE MANIER was, het hy ân geweldige vrede ervaar. Hy was in staat om sy plaas beter te bewerk. Toe het hy geskakel en vir ân groot pakkie hulpmiddels gevra om na hom toe gestuur te word om vir al die mans wat hy geken het en wie ook hulp nodig gehad het te gee
A few weeks later, he wrote about all the Lord was doing in his life. I felt impressed to tell him to agree with my husband and me in prayer that âhis wife would need his help and call him.â The laws in effect said that she could contact him, but that he would be thrown in jail if he contacted her! We agreed and prayed. Three days later, we received this praise report:
ân Paar weke later, het hy geskryf oor alles wat die Here besig was om in sy lewe te doen. Ek het hom imponeer om saam my en my man in gebed saam te stem dat sy âvrouâ sy hulp sou nodig hĂȘ en hom sou skakel.â Die wet het effektief gesĂȘ dat sy hom kon skakel, maar dat hy in die tronk sou gegooi word as hy haar sou skakel! Ons het saam gestem en gebid. Drie dae later, het ons sy lofverslag ontvang:Â
Last night at 7.15 I got a phone call from my wife. First contact with her for just over 6 months!!! I couldnât believe it!! She rang ME! You said you would pray she had a need. She has no money and wasnât going to give the children any Christmas at all. But she (God) decided to ring me only ONE time and ask if I would send her some money for the children. She then talked to me for 7 and a half hours. Yes, till 2.45 this morning!!! I was in a state of shock for much of the call, but thanks to your books etc., must have done some right things for her to talk so long.
âGisteraand om 7:15 het ek ân telefoonoproep van my vrou ontvang. Eerste kontak met haar na net meer as 6 maande!!! Ek kon dit nie glo nie!! Sy het MY geskakel! Jy het gesĂȘ jy sou bid dat sy ân behoefte het. Sy het geen geld gehad nie en was glad nie van plan om vir die kinders ân Kersfees te gee nie. Maar sy (God) het besluit om my EEN keer te skakel om te vra of ek vir haar geld sou stuur vir die kinders. Sy het to vir 7 en ân half uur met die kinders gepraat. Ja tot 2:45 vanoggend!!! Ek was in ân toestand van skok vir die meeste van daardie oproep, maar danksy julle boeke ens., moes ek sommige dinge reg gedoen het vir haar om so lank te praat. Â
I didnât once say âI love youâ even at the end. If she had said it then I would have. I didnât even ask if I could see the children or her or anything like that so there was no pressure for her to do anything for the money. She gave me her address to send some money to (I agreed but she didnât give an amountâleft that up to me).
Ek het nie een keer gesĂȘ âek is lief vir jouâ selfs nie aan die einde nie. As sy dit gesĂȘ het dan sou ek. Ek het nie eens gevra of ek die kinders of vir haar kon sien nie of so iets nie so daar was geen druk vir haar om enigiets te doen vir geld nie. Sy het vir my haar adres gegee waarnatoe ek die geld moes stuur (ek het ingestem maar sy het nie ân bedrag gegee nieâdit aan my oorgelaat).
She told me most of what had happened to her and the children during the past 6 months. At about 1 oâclock she said she hadnât meant to talk for so long and then carried on for a lot longer. I tried to listen to her and agree wherever I could. We had a great talk about the Word and God and the good things of God.
Sy het my vertel wat met haar en die kinders oor die afgelope 6 maande gebeur het. Teen omtrent 1 uur het sy gesĂȘ dat sy nie bedoel het om so lank te praat nie en toe vir baie langer aangehou. Ek het prober om na haar te luister en ingestem waar ek kon. Ons het ân puik gesprek gehad oor die Woord van God en die goeie dinge van God.
There was no mention of another call or anything. I didnât even hint that I was wanting to see her or talk again. When we were talking I wasnât sure if I should be asking her for forgiveness yet or if it was the right time. I couldnât remember if you said I should as soon as possible or not. Because I was unsure I didnât say anything. ???
Daar was geen sprake van nog ân oproep of enigiets nie. Ek het nie eens geskimp dat ek haar wou sien of weer gesels nie. Toe ons besig was om te gesels was ek nie seker of ek haar om vergifnis moes vra of dit die regte tyd was nie. Ek kon nie onthou of jy gesĂȘ het so gou as moontlik of nie. Omdat ek onseker was het ek niks gesĂȘ nie. ???
Her talk about her walk seemed pretty good. She said a lot about rebellion and how bad it was and things like that. How can what she was saying line up with the Word and yet in the area of marriage she canât see it (YET?????)
Haar praat oor haar wandel het nogals goed gelyk. Sy het baie oor rebellie gesĂȘ en hoe sleg dit was en dinge soos dit. Hoe kan wat sy besig was om te sĂȘ met die Woord oplyn en tog op die gebied van die huwelik kan sy dit nie sien nie (NOG NIE?????)
She also seemed to accept that the marriage was over and it was going to be like her parents (who split when she was 2 and are both on their 3rd marriage). Then she said, âI donât want it to end like my parents.â ???? This was a miracle!
Dit het ook gelyk asof sy aanvaar het dat die huwelik veby was en dat dit gaan wees soos haar ouers (wat uitmekaar is toe sy 2 was en is albei op hulle 3de huwelik). Toe sĂȘ sy, âek wil nie hĂȘ dit moet opeindig soos my oues nie.â????Dit was ân wonderwerk!
And yes, I am thanking God. Is there anything I should do now other than pray that God continues to turn her heart back to me?????. This is the scary time because one wrong word could wreck everything. I believe she will ring again. After all she rang once that I didnât expect. (Yes, I know by faith I should have, but after the place I got to last night I no longer did.)
En ja, ek bedank God. Is daar enigiets wat ek nou behoort te doen anders as om te bid dat God voortgaan om haar hart na my toe terug te draai?????. Dit is die angswekkende tyd omdat een verkeerde woord kan alles vernietig. Ek glo sy sal weer skakel. Buitendien sy het een keer geskakel to ek dit nie verwag het nie. (Ja, ek weet in geloof moes ek, maar na die plek waar ek gisteraand gekom het het ek nie meer nie.)Â Â
I will try to read through both the books again, today, in case she rings again tonight, but I have a very busy day on the farm (hay time).
Ek sal probeer om vandag weer deur albei boeke te lees, net in geval sy vanaand weer skakel, maar ek het ân baie besige dag op die plaas (hooityd).
I tried not to say anything bad about anything she was doing with the children or the house that she has bought.
Ek het probeer om niks slegs te sĂȘ oor enigiets wat sy besig was om met die kinders of die huis wat sy gekoop het te doen nie.
I want to praise God and tell everyone who has been praying, but I feel I shouldnât tell anyone (how not to) because she didnât give me any permission to share that she had rung me.
Ek wil God loof en vir almal vertel wie gebid het, maar ek voel ek moet nie vir enigiemand vertel nie ( hoe om nie) omdat sy my nie toestemming gegee het om te deel dat sy my geskakel het nie.
Must go. I got 2 and a half hours sleep and am late leaving for the milking now. I just wanted to share this. Is this awesome or what? I know itâs God!! Bless you heaps and heaps.
Moet gaan. Ek het 2 en ân half ure slaap gekry en ek is laat om te gaan melk. Ek wou net dit deel. Is dit ontsagwekkend of wat? Ek weet dit is God!! SeĂ«n jou hope en hope.
He did give her a substantial check for the childrenâs Christmas. Then a new test came:
Hy het vir haar ân aansienlike tjek vir die kinders se Kersfees gegee. Toe kom ân nuwe toets:
My wife rang again today. Praise God!!!! She wants to work out the money between ourselves and not involve the lawyer. She has already run up $15,000 + legal bills and doesnât want any more. She asked if I would pay off a gift that she got of $30,000 to put a deposit down on the house she bought. She wanted me to give her $100 a week for 6 years. She wants me to keep the farm for the children. She was talking about a divorce and not sure whether to carry on with it. I think she realizes she canât marry again in Godâs eyes.
My vrou het my vandag geskakel. Loof God!!!! Sy wil die geld tussen ons twee uitwerk en nie die prokureur betrokke hĂȘ nie. Sy het alreeds R227000 se skuld + regskostes en sy wil nie meer hĂȘ nie. Sy het gevra of ek ân geskenk van R454000 wat sy gekry het om ân deposito neer te sit op die huis wat sy gekoop het kon afbetaal. Sy wou gehad het dat ek vir haar R1500 per week moes gee vir ses jaar. Sy wil hĂȘ ek moet die plaas hou vir die kinders. Sy het van egskeiding gepraat en was nie seker of sy daarmee wou voortgaan nie. Ek dink sy besef dat in God se oĂȘ sy nie weer kan trou nie.
I said âyesâ I liked her principle, but could I pray about it before deciding. What I want to do and believe God wants me to do. (If you agree then please pray that my wife will accept it.) I want to give her the $30,000 as a gift so she can not owe these other people. She was not happy because they are already telling her what to do even though it was supposed to be a gift. I can get the money (GOD is great) as a gift to me (real gift) and no one will ever know how she got the money. Is it good for me to do as much as possible for her money wise???
Ek het gesĂȘ âjaâ dat ek gehou het van haar beginsel, maar kon ek daaroor bid voordat ek besluit. Wat ek wil doen en glo wat God wil hĂȘ ek moet doen. (As jy saamstem bid dan asseblief dat my vrou dit aanvaar.) Ek wil vir haar die R454000 gee as ân geskenk sodat sy nie hierdie ander mense sal skuld nie. Sy was nie gelukkig nie omdat hulle haar alreeds begin vertel het wat om te doen alhoewel dit veronderstel was om ân geskenk te wees. Ek kan die geld kry (GOD is groot) as ân geskenk aan my (regte geskenk) en niemand sal ooit weet hoe sy die geld gekry het nie. Is dit goed vir my om soveel as moontlik vir haar te doen geldsgewys???
Also I want to offer to pay her mortgage. I can take this from the farm as part of my personal drawings and no one will ever know what it is being used for except my wife and God. Does this sound right???? If I havenât heard from you before she rings again (I believe that she will, GOD is working big time) then this is the offer I will make her.
Ek wil ook offer om haar huisverband te betaal. Ek kan dit van die plaas af vat as deel van my personlike rekening en niemand sal ooit weet waarvoor dit gebruik word nie behalwe vir my vrou en God. Klink dit reg???? As ek nie van jou gehoor het voordat sy weer skakel nie (ek glo dat sy sal, GOD is besig om te werk) dan is dit die offer wat ek vir haar sal maak.
Also, I want to offer that if she needs money for anything else to ask me first. This seems right to me. Am I right in all this? Should I be doing as much to help as I can ???
Ook, wil ek offer dat as sy geld nodig het vir enigiets anders om my eerste te vra. Dit lyk reg vir my. Is ek reg in dit alles? Behoort ek so baie te doen om te help soos wat ek kan???Â
She has long-term plans for everything, but I know God has started turning her heart back to me. Why else would she be ringing?
Sy het lang-termyn planne vir alles, maar ek weet dat God begin het om haar hart terug te draai na my toe. Waarom anders sou sy skakel?
She said today that she has never stopped loving me. I think God is so awesome and awesome.
Sy het vandag gesĂȘ dat sy nooit opgehou het om my lief te hĂȘ nie. Ek dink God is so ontsagwekkend en ontsagwekkend.
Here are just three more of his praise reports:
Hier is net nog drie van sy lofverslae:
Do you know how awesome it is to pick up the phone and hear âHi, itâs me hereâ on the other end! After over 6 months of not hearing her voice and now Iâve had my 3rd phone call!!! We talked for 4 hours until she was late getting the children from school. Thank you for all your prayers. I can never repay you but God can.
Weet jy hoe ontsagwekkend dit is om die telefoon op te tel en haar te hoor sĂȘ âHello, dit is ek hierâ aan die ander kant! Na 6 maande waar ek nie haar stem gehoor het nie het ek nou my 3rde oproep gehad!!!! Ons het vir 4 ure gepraat totdat sy laat was om die kinders by die skool op te tel. Dankie vir al julle gebede, Ek kan julle nooit terug betaal nie maar God kan.
My wife came around tonight for two hours with all 7 children!!! She didnât seem totally comfortable. She talked and came inside and had a coffee. The children got heaps of their things and loaded up the van. It was awesome! Before today, I hadnât seen her or 4 of the children for 6 and a half months. Then in town, and here at our house tonight. This praise report seems impossibleâit was just 6 days ago when I talked with her for the first time in 6+ months.
My vrou het vanaand vir twee ure hiernatoe gekom met al 7 die kinders!!! Sy het nie heeltemal gemaklik gelyk nie. Sy het gepraat en binne gekom vir koffie. Die kinders het hope van hulle goed gekry en in die bakkie gelaai. Dit was ontsagwekkend! Voor vandag, het ek vir haar of 4 van die kinders vir 6 en ân half maande nie gesien nie. Toe in die dorp, en hier by ons huis vanaand. Die lofverslag lyk onmoontlikâdit was net 6 dae gelede wat ek vir die eerste keer in 6+ maande met haar gepraat het.
Hierdie getuienis en nog baie meer is
Die Woord Van Hul Getuienis: Ongelooflike en Kragtige Getuienisse van Herstelde Huwelike deur Mans
KLIK HIERÂ om jou eie eksemplaar te kry en merk en lees hoe ander, soos jy, dit deur hulle Reis na Herstel gemaak het en 'n HERSTELDE HUWELIK ervaar het.