Is Your Marriage in Trouble?
Has Everyone told you it's Hopeless?
Is your wife in Adultery?
Is Your Marriage Headed for Divorce or has
your wife filed for a Divorce?
*Smile* GOD led you to Find...
Hope At Last!
If you have been searching for help, it's not by chance, nor is it by coincidence, that you have come to this website. God has heard your plea and has personally led you to Encouraging Men to give you the hope, and introduce you to the One who will change your life.
RMI, Restore Ministries International, began in 1991 by helping marriages that appeared hopeless and He (God) RESTORED them. It began with just one book, a book for women, that was then sent out to MEN in prisons. This book, the book for a woman, began restoring the marriages of prisoners. Then the book How God Will Restore Your Marriage: There's Healing After Broken Vows was written just for men.
You've looked for help, you've read books, talked to counselors, your friends, your pastor and everything just got worse. so you decided you might just find some marriage help online.
Once more, it's not by chance, nor is it by coincidence, that you have come to our website— God has heard your cry for help and He has personally led you to our ministry that began by helping marriages that appeared hopeless!
This IS your Divine appointment.
Your life is about to change—forever!!
Even if there is adultery. an adulterous marriage (where one or both partners have been unfaithful) which seems to be the one situation most agree are the most hopeless. yet, we know, after filling almost over 4 books of restored marriage testimonies, that God is able to restore any marriage—even yours! and, thankfully, God doesn't stop (or begin) there. HE is more than able to restore each and every area of your life as you trust Him to do it!
"Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for Me?" Jeremiah 32:27
No doubt you have been told by just about everyone that you should give up and move on to find someone else—don't. Instead agree with us and the Psalmist who said:
"Ah Lord GOD! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! NOTHING (not one thing) is too difficult for You!" Jeremiah 32:17
Is Marriage RESTORATION Really Possible?
"Thank You so much LORD . . . for giving all of us Erin to assist You in bringing families together after enduring such hard times. The praise goes to the LORD; many thanks and blessings to Restore Ministries and her family for the work she to help deliver His word in ways that many can understand in her books. I am now RESTORED after a divorce and being separated almost 2 years!" C.B.
"Erin, I want to thank you for what you do to help marriages. I am so thankful that God has restored my marriage and as I continue to seek Him, I now think I know what you mean.... BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD!! Just two days after my mother's funeral my marriage was restored!! I had cried out to God for help because when I went to my pastor and asked what I could do he just looked sad and said it was up to my spouse, but by the Grace of God I found Restore Ministries and your books!!!" B.J.
"After reading your books, I stopped begging and asking my spouse about coming home. What a difference it made from when I thought I had to "express how I felt" and "win the war" as I lost peace for eight long years! My marriage is finally restored!!" M.W.
"Erin, I want to thank you so much for being so honest with all of us in your books. Thank you for allowing the Lord to change you, and for allowing Him to help you spread the truth. My spouse is home—home almost one year to the day after the Lord removed what had been distracting me from knowing Him. I was controlling, angry, suspicious, hurt, bitter, had committed adultery, and was ready to kill myself when my spouse left. Would you believe that now my spouse keeps telling me how lucky to have married me and wants to ‘show me off’ to friends and family?!!" M.P.
"Praise God! Thank You Jesus, and thank you for the guidance to get myself in tune with God's will that I learned in your books!! God can and will restore if we let Him! IF WE LET JESUS DO IT, HE WILL DO IT!! PRAISE GOD!! PRAISE GOD!! Our home is finally ‘home’ again, and this ministry helped me see that it's not what I think or what the world thinks, BUT WHAT GOD WANTS ME TO THINK AND DO! Don't listen to people’s opinions; go to God! Do what the Lord says and it will work!" D.D.
"Praise God with every breath that He gives us. I thank God for this wonderful ministry that I found when I was at my lowest. Erin, you have been like John the Baptist to me, pointing me in the direction of God, my first love. My spouse is home, PTL!! And is more affectionate and considerate and tells our family that we must put God first! I can't help but cry tears of joy when I think about how far God has brought me and to know that God loves me even with all my shortcomings. Who wouldn't serve a God like this? Just P.U.S.H. (Pray Until Something Happens)." K.T.
"I am convinced also, as Erin is, that ‘marriage crises’ are not about the marriage, but are actually ‘spiritual crises’ in disguise. For those of you out there who are wondering if you need to apply all the Biblical principles that Erin suggests in her books: JUST DO IT! My spouse has been home now for a little over one month, and has shared with me one story after another that confirms this wisdom of following God's way!!" K.B.
"Erin, I thought my spouse and I were happily married until this summer. I was drowning in despair and wanted to save my marriage but could find no help. Erin is so right about counseling -- it only made things worse!! (And my minor is in psychology!) A Christian friend led me to your site, which was a miracle in itself the way that happened, and I immediately embraced God and the teachings I found in your books. I was saved through the prayer I found on your website. I am finally praying a lot and in the Word every day and I can see so many changes in myself that my spouse is responding to, slowly but surely. I did not see any of my own sins until this all happened. The scales were definitely lifted from my eyes." M.B.

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