How Can I Possibly Handle the Pain and Confusion that I am Experiencing?
Many people marvel that I was able to make it through so many trials that I have faced in my life—and not just make it through, but go through it joyfully.
I must admit, in myself, I could not have made it through my husband's adultery and divorcing me, not just once, but a second time (and all that went with it), the death of both my parents (being falsely charged with my mother's death) and many more devastating and disastrous trials. All I can tell you is that had it not been for my intimate relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I would never had made it, let alone make it through joyfully.
Looking for that "Peace" that Surpassed ALL Understanding? When my husband left me for another woman the first time, I was already a Christian. I had already asked Jesus to be my Savior when I was only seven years old. However, I had never made Him LORD of my life. If this is your situation, or if you never have had a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, this is a perfect time to take this life-changing step to a life filled with peace.
What is more important than your marriage (or situation that is causing you pain, confusion or despair right now), is improving your spiritual state—which will change every area of your life. Most people, even Christians, go through their lives alone and frightened. Our ministry is designed to guide you, pray for and with you, and to help find that Someone who knows the future and can change the course of your life—and NEVER ever leave you or forsake you, NEVER.AND not only will He change and comfort you, He can actually turn the heart of your wife. He will comfort you when there is no one around who cares, and fill your heart with love that you only dreamed existed. For without THAT kind of love, you don't have what your wife or children need.
God is able to do the impossible when we give Him our hearts and simply ask Him for help.
I can tell you honestly, that each time I was going through the some of the worst experiences of my life (crises that would destroy most women or men for that matter), I had a peace that surpassed all understanding. And the more of God you have, the more you shine and even benefit from the kind of crises that destroy even the bravest of men. When people find out what I have gone through (especially during the crisis) they cannot understand how I could have such a calm spirit and joyful countenance—and forgiveness!
Maybe there have been times that you have thought about praying, but you just didn't know how. I will tell you that it is as easy as talking to God right now. He doesn’t want formal or religious prayers, but simply having a heartfelt conversation with you and hearing just what you have to say way deep in your heart.
• Just tell God in your own words that you need Him, now—to help you. If you don't know if God even exists, ask God to make Himself real to you. He will.
• Give God your life, a life that is messed up; full of pain and confusion, and ask the Him to make it new! Give Him your heart, and experience LOVE that is so real and full of compassion that you find JOY at last—something no one can take from you!
"Do not marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born again.' Jesus answered and said to him, 'Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God' " (John 3:7, 3).
You have no earthly idea how much God loves you, and how He has longed for this moment—to have you as HIS own. Our lives are so busy and filled with people and things that keep us from acknowledging God, that it often takes a crisis for us to come to the place where we begin to really need Him and are willing to give up and give it all to Him.
Each and every time you find yourself in need of help, of love, of direction when making a decision, talk to God about it. He will come to your aid and rescue or guide you through it. Don’t lean to your own understanding or make a plan, but instead give it to God, over and over, so He can show you how much He loves you and cares for you AND is about to change the future for your good.
Romans 8:28 says it this way, "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."Now that you have made this life-changing decision, it is important that you get involved in a church that can disciple you in the ways of the Lord so that you can build a good relationship with Him.
The name of the church or denomination of the church is not important as long as they are Biblically based. If you ask the pastor what he and his church believes, and it basically matches our statement of faith "what we believe," then it is fairly safe to assume that this church will help you grow in your walk with the Lord and in His Word.
We also would love to hear from you if this is the first time you have given your life and heart to the Lord. Many have "prayed the prayer" and there was no change in their life. Well, sometimes is is because we are not open to what God wants to give us or do in our lives. It is not until we surrender our lives that He comes in and makes us NEW.
2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"
When you are new, it also means a new relationship. But to keep and kindle this new relationship, you need to begin to renew your mind with how God thinks about everything. That is what this site is all about, it will help to encourage you be replacing how you thought, and what you believed with the truth.
Crisis Corner
Have you found yourself in a sudden crisis? Or do you just find yourself down, crying a lot and are just depressed?