Lees Jean Luc se HERSTELDE Huweliksgetuienis,
"Herstel in Mauritius"
Die Getuienis was geneem uit een van ons baie
Deur die Woord van Hul Getuienis boeke
om JOU te help om
enige vrees en twyfel te oorkom in
God se Vermoë en Begeerte om
JOU Huwelik te Herstel!
Dag 4 Hoofstuk 4 "Die Toets Van Jou Geloof"
“Jesus antwoord en sê vir hulle:
Julle moet geloof in God hê:”
—Markus 11:22

What is God’s purpose for our tests, temptations, trials and tribulations? Many Christians have no idea why God allows our sufferings. Without this understanding, is it any wonder why Christians today are so easily defeated? We will see that there are many benefits that come from our trials and tests, especially the building of our faith and the endurance needed to finish the course set before us.
Wat is God se doel vir ons toetse, versoekings en beproewings? Baie Christene het geen idee waarom God ons lyding toelaat nie. Sonder hierdie verstandhouding is dit enige wonder waarom Christene van vandag so maklik vernietig word? Ons sal sien dat daar baie voordele kom uit beproewings en toeste, spesiaal om ons geloof te bou en die uithouvermoë wat benodig is om die koers wat voor ons gestel is te voltooi.
The most important thing we need to realize during our tests, temptations, trials, and tribulations is that God is in control! It is His hand that allows these trials to touch us or not to touch us. When He does allow it, He sends His grace that enables us to endure it.
Die mees belangrikste ding wat ons nodig het om deur ons toetse, versoekings, beproewings te besef is dat God in beheer is! Dit is Sy hand wat hierdie beproewings toelaat wat ons aanraak of nie aanraak nie. Wanneer Hy dit toelaat, stuur Hy Sy genade wat ons in staat stel om dit te kan verduur.
Permission for adversity. The most comforting thing to know is that Satan cannot touch us without God’s permission. “Then the Lord said to Satan, ‘Behold, all that he has is in your power, only do not put forth your hand on him.’ ” Job. 1:12. Satan not only needs permission, but he is also given specific instructions on how he can touch us. “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat….” Luke 22:31.
Toestemming vir teenspoed. Die grootste vertroosting is die wete dat Satan ons nie kan raak sonder God se toestemming nie. “Daarop sê die Here aan Satan: Kyk, alles wat hy het, is in jou hand; net na homself mag jy jou hand nie uitsit nie.’ “ Job. 1:12. Satan het nie net toestemming nodig nie, maar hy word ook spesifieke instruksies gegee oor hoe hy ons kan raak “En die Here sê: Simon, Simon, kyk, die satan het vurig begeer om julle soos koring te sif….” Lukas 22:31.
Temptations. The temptations that we experience, Scripture tells us, are common to man, yet God does provide a way of escape. “No temptation has overtaken you but that which is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, that you may be able to endure it.” 1Cor. 10:13. He is not going to take you out of the fire until you are willing to walk in it, through it, and endure it!
Versoekings. Die versoekings wat ons ervaar, die Bybel sê, is menslik, tog voorsien God ‘n manier van ontsnap. “Geen versoeking het julle aangegryp behalwe ‘n menslike nie; maar God is getrou, wat nie sal toelaat dat julle bo julle kragte versoek word nie; maar Hy sal saam die versoeking ook die uitkoms gee, sodat julle dit sal kan verdra” 1Kor. 10:13. Hy sal jou nie uit die vuur haal voordat jy nie bereid is om daarin te loop, deur dit te loop, en dit te verdra nie!
Temptations are brought on by our own lusts. Lust is simply what WE want. Also God cannot tempt us to do evil, but instead it is our lusts that tempt us to do what we know we shouldn’t! “Let no one say when he is being tempted, ‘I am being tempted by God’; for God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust.” Jas. 1:13.
Deur sy eie begeerlikheid weggesleep. Begeerlikheid is eenvoudig wat ONS wil hê. God kan ons nie in die versoeking bring om kwaad te doen nie. dit is ons eie begeerlikheid wat ons in die versoeking bring om te doen wat ons weet ons nie moet doen nie “Laat niemand, as hy in versoeking kom, sê: Ek word deur God versoek nie. Want God kan deur die kwaad nie versoek word nie, en self versoek Hy niemand nie. Maar elkeen word versoek as hy deur sy eie begeerlikheid weggesleep en verlei word” Jak. 1:13.
Repentance and salvation. “I now rejoice, not that you were made sorrowful, but that you were made sorrowful to the point of repentance; for you were made sorrowful according to the will of God, in order that you might not suffer loss in anything through us. For the sorrow that is according to the will of God produces a repentance without regret, leading to salvation; but the sorrow of the world produces death.” 2Cor. 7:9. God allows us to be sorrowful to bring us to repentance. If you try to make your wife sorry for what she has done, it will not bring true and genuine repentance, but instead will HARDEN her heart toward God and you!
Bekering tot redding. “Nou is ek bly, nie omdat julle bedroef was nie, maar omdat julle bedroef was tot bekering, want julle was bedroef volgens die wil van God, sodat julle deur ons niks skade gelei het nie. Want die droefheid volgens die wil van God werk ‘n onberoulike bekering tot redding, maar die droefheid van die wêreld die dood” 2Kor 7:9-10. God laat tot dat ons verdrietig raak sodat ons tot redding kan kom. As jy probeer om jou vrou verdrietig te maak vir wat sy gedoen het, sal sy nie ware en egte berou bring nie, maar in plaas daarvan sal sy haar hart teenoor jou en God VERHARD!
We need grace. “And He has said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness’. Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore, I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2Cor. 12: 9-10. You will NEVER see restoration until you exhibit contentment in your trials.
Ons het genade nodig. “En Hy het vir my gesê, ‘My genade is vir jou genoeg, want my krag word in swakheid volbring. Baie liewer sal ek dus in my swakhede roem, sodat die krag van Christus in my kan woon Daarom het ek behae in swakhede, in mishandelinge, in node, in vervolgelinge, in benoudhede, om Christus wil. Want as ek swak is, dan is ek sterk” 2Kor. 9-10. Jy sal NOOIT herstel sien todat jy tevredenheid tydens jou beprewings toon nie.
Amazing Grace
Wonderlike Genade
How do we get the grace we need to make it through our trials? Through humility.
Hoe kry ons die genade wat ons nodig het om deur ons beproewinge te kom? Deur nederigheid.
“God hates the proud but gives grace to the humble.” Jas. 4:6.
“For everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled, but he who humbles himself shall be exalted.” Luke 18:14.
“Maar Hy gee groter genade; daarom sê Hy: God weerstaan die hoogmoediges, maar aan die nederiges gee hy genade.” Jak. 4:6.
“. . . want elkeen wat homself verhoog, sal verneder word, en hy wat homself verneder, sal verhoog word.” Lukas 18:14
“Blessed are the humble for they shall inherit the earth.” Matt. 5:5.
“Salig is die sagmoediges, want hulle sal die aarde beërwe.” Matt. 5:5.
“A man’s pride will bring him low, but a humble spirit will obtain honor.” Prov. 29:23.
“Die trotsheid van ‘n mens verneder hom, maar die nederigs van gees sal eer verkry.” Spr. 29:23
Boasting about our weaknesses, confessing our faults and being humble will enable the Holy Spirit to dwell in us. Then we will learn contentment no matter what our circumstances. Once you are content in your situation, God can give you what you’ve been seeking – your wife back!
Om oor ons swakhede te spog, om belydenis te doen oor ons sondes, en om nederig te wees, sal die Heilige Gees in staat stel om in ons te woon. Dan sal ons leer om tevrede te wees in alle omstandighede. Wanneer ons tevrede is, kan God vir jou gee wat jy so graag wil hê— jou vrou terug!
Learning contentment. We see that we must learn contentment by the difficult circumstances that God has allowed. “Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. In every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.” Phil 4:11.
Geleer om vergenoeg te wees. Jy moet leer om vergenoeg te wees in moeilike omstandighede. “Nie dat ek dit uit gebrek sê nie, want ek het geleer om vergenoeg te wees met die omstandighede waarin ek is. Ek weet om verneder te word, ek weet ook om oorvloed te hê; in elke opsig en in alle dinge is ek onderrig: om versadig te word sowel as om honger te ly, om oorvloed te hê sowel as om gebrek te lei.” Fil 4:11.
Learning obedience. Even Jesus learned obedience from His suffering. “Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered.” Heb. 5:8.
Gehoorsaamheid geleer. Selfs Jesus het gehoorsaamheid geleer uit Sy lyding. “ Hy, al was Hy die Seun, het gehoorsaaamheid geleer uit wat Hy gely het” Heb. 5:8.
He will perfect us. “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Phil 1:6. Once He has begun a good work in you or your wife, He will complete it. And please don’t try to play “Mr. holy spirit” with your wife! Do not be deceived; judging your wife or condemning her actions will never bring her to repentance – never!
Hy maak ons volmaak. “...omdat ek juis hierop vertrou, dat Hy wat ‘n goeie werk in julle begin het, dit sal voleindig tot op die dag van Jesus Christus.” Fil 1:6. Sodra God ‘n goeie werk in jou of jou vrou begin het, dan sal Hy dit voleindig. En moet asseblief nie probeer om “Mnr. heilige gees” met jou vrou speel nie! Moet nie bedrieg word nie; om jou vrou te oordeel of haar optrede tereg te wys sal haar nooit tot inkering bring nie - nooit!
We are to be a comfort to others. We are not merely to accept God’s comfort – we are commanded to give that comfort to others, no matter what their affliction! “The God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” 2Cor. 1:3-4. Restore Ministries offers many opportunities for you to minister to those seeking restoration or you can begin to minister to others in your church.
Ons moet ander troos. Ons moet nie net troos vind in God nie—ons is voorgesê om ander te troos, maak nie saak water smart hulle ervaar nie! “Geseënd is die God en Vader van ons Here Jesus Christus, die Vader van ontferminge en die God van alle vertroosting, wat ons troos in al ons verdrukking, sodat ons dié wat in allerande verdrukking is, kan troos deur die vertroosting waarmee ons self deur God vertroos word.” 2Kor. 1:3-4. Herstel Bediening offer baie geleenthede vir jou om aan die wat herstel soek te minister of jy kan begin om aan ander in jou kerk te minister.
Our Father’s discipline. Many times our suffering is discipline for disobeying God’s Law. “My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor faint when you are being reproved by Him; for those whom the Lord loves He disciplines and He scourges every son whom He receives. It is for discipline that you endure; God deals with you as with sons. He disciplines us for our good, that we may share His holiness.” Heb. 12:5-10. When a trial comes into your day, ask yourself “Is this God disciplining me, or is He testing me to see how I am going to react?”
Ons Vader se tugting. Baie keer is ons lyding omdat ons nie God se Wet gehoorsaam het nie.” “En julle het die vermaning heeltemal vergeet wat tot julle as seuns spreek: My seun, ag die tugting van die Here nie gering nie en beswyk nie as jy deur Hom bestraf word nie; want die Here tugtig hom wat hy liefhet, en Hy kasty elke seun wat Hy aanneem. As julle die tugtiging verdra behandel God julle as seuns; want watter seun is daar wat die vader nie tugtig nie? Maar as julle soner tugtiging is, wat almal deelagtig geword het, dan is julle onegte kinders en nie seuns nie. Verder, ons het ons vaders na die vlees as kastyders gehad, en ons het vir hulle ontsag gehad; moet ons nie veel mer aan die Vader van die geeste onderworpe wees en lewe nie? Want húlle het ons wel ‘n kort tydjie na hulle beste wete getugtig; maar Hy tot ons beswil, sodat ons sy heiligheid kan kan deelagtig word.” Heb. 12:5-10. Wanneer ons beproef word, vra jouself “Is God besig om my te tugtig, of is Hy besig om my te toets om te sien hoe ek reageer?”
Discipline is a blessing. We must follow the examples of the prophets of the Bible to help others to endure their adversity. “As an example, brethren, of suffering and patience, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. Behold, we count those blessed who endured. You have heard of the endurance of Job and have seen the outcome of the Lord’s dealings, that the Lord is full of compassion and is merciful.” Jas. 5:10.
Dissipline is ‘n seën. Ons moet die voorbeeld van die profete in die Bybel volg, om ander te help om hulle teenspoed te verduur. “Neem as ‘n voorbeeld van lyding, my broeders, en van geduld die profete wat in die Naam van die Here gespreek het. Kyk, ons reken hulle geluksaligheid wat verdra. Julle het gehoor van die lydsaamheid van Job, en julle het die einddoel van die Here met hom gesien, dat die Here vol medelye en ontferming is” Jak. 5:10.
To receive a blessing. “But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed. And do not fear their intimidations and do not be troubled.” 1Pet. 3:14. When evil is done to us or insults are cast our way, we must endure them, without returning them, or we will not receive our blessing. We need to remember that insults and evils are brought into our lives to give us an “opportunity” to receive a blessing.
Om ‘n seën te ontvang.”Maar as julle ook moet ly ter wille van die geregtigheid, is julle geseën. En vrees hulle glad nie, en wees nie ontsteld nie” 1 Pet. 3:14. Wanneer kwaad aan ons gedoen word of beledigings ons kant toe gegooi word, moet ons hulle verduur, soner om hulle terug te gooi, of ons sal nie ons seën ontvang nie. Ons moet onthou dat beledigings en kwaad in ons lewens gebring word om vir ons ‘n “geleentheid” te gee om ‘n seën te ontvang.
1Pet. 3:9 says “Not returning evil for evil, or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead, for you were called for the very purpose that you may inherit a blessing.” If you continue to respond with an insult or another evil, don’t expect to be blessed. This is the first step. Secondly, you must ask the Lord to show you how you can bless the person who insulted you or did evil against you, only then will you inherit the blessing of a restored marriage.
1 Pet. 3:9 sê: “Vergeld geen kwaad met kwaad of skelwoorde met skelwoorde nie, maar seën inteendeel, omdat julle weet dat julle hiertoe geroep is, sodat julle seën kan beërwe. As julle voortgaan om te reageer met ‘n belediging of ander boosheid, moet nie verwag om geseën te word nie. Dit is die eerste stap. Tweedens, jy moet vir die Here vra om jou te wys hoe jy die persoon wat jou beledig het of boosheid teen jou gedoen het kan seën, net dan sal jy die seën van ‘n herstelde huwelik erf.
Discipline may be sorrowful. Discipline is never joyful when you are in the midst of it. Yet, those who have been trained by His discipline know the rewards of righteousness – peace and a restored marriage. “All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.” Heb. 12:11.
Dissipline kan droewig wees. Dissipline is nooit aangenaam om te ervaar nie! Maar, dié wat God se dissipline ervaar het, ken die beloning van geregtigheid - vreugde en ‘n herstelde huwelik. “Nou lyk eke tugtiging of dit op die oomblik nie ‘n saak van blydskap is nie, maar van droefheid; later lewer dit eger ‘n vredevolle vrug van geregtigheid vir dié wat daardeur geoefen is. “Heb. 12:11.
It begins with Christians. Why must suffering first begin with Christians? Because sinful, disobedient Christians will never draw others to the Lord. Again, it is the “will of God” that we are put though sufferings. We need to allow ourselves to suffer (usually at the hands of another, even our own spouse) by entrusting ourselves to God. “For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? Therefore, let those also who suffer according to the will of God entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right.” 1Pet. 4:17.
Dit begin met Christene. Hoekom moet lyding eers begin met Christene? Omdat, sondelike, ongehoorsame Christene nooit ander na God sal lei nie. Weer, dit is die “wil van God” dat ons moet ly. Ons moet onsself toelaat om te ly (gewoonlik aan die hand van ‘n ander, selfs ons eie gade) deur onsself aan God toe te vertrou. “Want die tyd is daar dat die oordeel moet begin by die huis van God. En as dit eers by ons begin, wat sal die einde wees van dié wat aan die evangelie van God ongehoorsaam is? En as die regverdige nouliks gered word, waar sal die goddelose en die sondaar verskyn? So laat dan ook dié wat volgens die wil van God ly, hulle siele aan Hom as die getroue Skepper toevertrou met goeie dade.” 1Pet. 4:17.
The power of our faith. It is our faith that opens the door to miracles. You need to believe that He is able to restore your marriage, and not doubt, in your heart. “And Jesus answered saying to them, ‘Have faith in God. Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, be taken up and cast into the sea, and does not doubt it in his heart, but believes that what he says is going to happen, it shall be granted him. Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray, they shall be granted unto you.’ ” Mark 11:22-24.
Die krag van die geloof. Dit is ons geloof wat deure oopmaak vir wonderwerke om te gebeur. U moet glo dat God u huwelik kan herstel, en nie in u hart twyfel nie. “Jesus antwoord en sê vir hulle: ‘Julle moet geloof in God hê.’ Want, voorwaar Ek sê vir julle dat elkeen wat vir hierdie berg sê: ‘Hef jou op en werp jou in die see—en nie in sy hart twyfel nie, maar glo dat wat hy sê sal gebeur—hy sal verkry net wat hy sê.’ Daarom sê Ek vir julle: ‘Alles wat julle in die gebed vra, glo dat julle dit sal ontvang, en julle sal dit verkry’” Markus 11:22-24.
God in His Word has told us that we will suffer. “For indeed when we were with you, we kept telling you in advance that we were going to suffer affliction; and so it came to pass, as you know. For this reason, when I could endure it no longer; I also sent to find out about your faith, for fear that the tempter might have tempted you, and our labor should be in vain.” 1Thes. 3:4-5. What has happened in your marriage is NOT a sign that it is over. It is what God used to get your attention and is now using to change you. Don’t give up! Don’t let Satan steal the miracle that God has for you when you have endured and prevailed!
God het in Sy Woord gesê dat ons verdruk sou word. “Want ook toe ons by julle was, het ons julle vooruitgesê dat ons verdruk sou word, soos dit ook gebeur het en soos julle weet. Daarom, toe ek dit nie langer kon uithou nie, het ek ook gestuur om julle geloof te wete te kom, of dit verseker julle nie miskien versoek het en ons arbeid tevergeefs sou wees nie” 1Tess. 3:4-5. Wat gebeur het in jou huwelik is NIE ‘n teken dat dit verby is nie. Dit is wat God gebruik het om jou aandag te trek en nou gebruik om jou te verander. Moet nie moed verloor nie! Moenie toelaat dat die Satan die wonderwerk steel wat God vir jou het nadat jy verduur en die oorhand gekry het nie.
With God. “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matt. 19:26. “Looking upon them, Jesus said, ‘With men it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God.’” Mark 10:27. Nothing (NOT A THING) is impossible with God. Work with God. Don’t make the mistake of having your plan and expecting God to bless it. You must work “with God.” Be assured, He has the perfect plan.
By God. “Maar Jesus het hulle aangekyk en vir hulle gesê: By mense is dit onmoontlik, maar by God is alle dinge moontlik.” Matt. 19:26. “Maar Jesus het hulle aangekyk en geantwoord: ‘By mense is dit onmoontlik maar nie by God nie; want by God is alle dinge moontlik’” Markus 10:27. Niks (NIE ‘N DING) is onmoontlik met God. Werk met God. Moet nie die fout begaan om jou plan te hê en te verwag dat God dit seën nie.Jy moet “met God” werk. Wees verseker, Hy het die perfekte plan.
What you speak. “…let us hold fast our confession.” Heb. 4:14. “But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account of the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence.” 1Pet. 3:15. “If it be so our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But even if He does not….” Dan. 3:17.
Wat jy sê. “...laat ons die belydenis vashou.” Heb. 4:14. “Maar heilig die Here God in julle harte en wees altyd bereid om verantwoording te doen aan elkeen wat van julle rekenskap eis omtrent die hoop wat in julle is, met sagmoedigheid en vrees;’ 1Pet. 3:15. As onse God wat ons dien, in staat is om u te verlos, dan sal Hy ons uit die brandende vuuroond en uit u hand, o koning, verlos; maar so nie…” Dan. 3:17.
We need to speak what God says in His Word, without wavering, with hope on our lips. But wait until you are asked to give an account. You will be asked if you are filled with the joy of the Lord in the midst of your adversity! When asked about your hope regarding your marriage, be sure that you answer the other person with reverence, respect and gentleness. Never use Scripture to argue with anyone!
Ons moet God se Woord spreek, sonder om te twyfel, met hoop op ons lippe. Maar wag totdat jy gevra word, voordat jy getuienis lewer. Jy sal gevra word, indien jy met vreugde gevul is gedurende jou lyding! Wanneer jy gevra word oor die hoop wat jy het oor jou huwelik, maak seker dat jy saggies en met respek antwoord. Moet nooit God se Woord gebruik om met enigiemand te argumenteer nie!
Gird your mind and stay fixed. “Therefore, gird your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” 1Pet. 1:13. The word sober means to be clear thinking; be clear in your mind about what you really believe to avoid the consequences of double-mindedness.
Omgord die lendene en wees nugter.” Daarom, omgord die lendene van julle verstand, wees nugter en hoop volome op die genade wat julle deel word by die openbaring van Jesus Christus” 1 Pet. 1:13. Die woord nugter beteken om helder te dink; wees helder in jou gedagtes oor wat jy regtig glo om die nagevolge van dubbel-hartigheid te vermy.
Be joyful. We are to be joyful in our trials because we know they are producing endurance that will enable us to finish the course set before us. “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives it to all men without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.” Jas. 1:2-6.
Wees vrolik. Ons moet vrolik wees tydens ons beproewinge omdat ons weet dat dit lydsaamheid bewerk sodat ons volmaak en sonder gebrek kan wees. “Ag dit louter vreugde, my broeders, wanneer julle in allerhande versoekinge val, omdat julle weet dat die beproewing van julle geloof lydsaamheid bewerk. Maar die lydsaamheid moet tot volle verwerkliking kom, sodat julle volmaak en sonder gebrek kan wees en niks kortkom nie. En as iemand van julle wysheid kortkom laat hom dit van God bid, wat aan almal eenvoudig gee sonder om te verwyt, en dit sal aan hom gegee word. Maar hy moet in die geloof bid, sonder om te twyfel; want hy wat twyfel is soos ‘n golf in die see wat deur die wind gedrywe en voortgesweep word.” Jak. 1:2-6.
Be prepared – your faith WILL be tested! Fears and doubts come into everyone’s mind; just don’t entertain them! Instead, think only good things. If you doubt, you will have trouble believing and the trials will become harder. And remember, we will have a “variety” of trials, some major and others mere irritations. We need to thank Him for all of our trials. This is our sacrifice of praise.
Wees voorberied - Jou geloof SAL getoets word! Vrees en twyfeling kom in almal se gedagtes; moet hulle nie koester nie! Inteendeel, dink net goeie dinge. Wanneer jy twyfel, sal jy sukkel om te glo en die beproewinge sal al hoe moeiliker word. En onthou, ons sal ‘n “verskeiedenheid” beproewinge hê, sommige grotes en ander wat blote irritasies is. Ons moet Hom bedank vir al ons beproewinge. Dit is ons offer van lof.
Rejoice. “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say rejoice! Let your forbearing spirit be known to all men, the Lord is near! Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good report, if there is any excellence or anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things. The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things; and the God of peace shall be with you.” Phil. 4:6-9.
Verbly julle! “Verbly julle altyd in die Here; ek herhaal; Verbly julle! Laat julle vriendelikheid aan alle mense bekend word. Die Here is naby. Wees oor niks besorg nie, maar laat julle begeertes in alles deur gebed en smeking met danksegging bekend word by God. En die vrede van God, wat alle verstand te bowe gaan, sal julle harte en julle sinne bewaar in Chrisus Jesus. Verder, broeders alles wat waar is, alles wat eerbaar is, alles wat regverdig is, alles wat rein is, alles wat lieflik is, alles wat loflik is—watter deug en watter lof daar ook mag wees, bedink dit. En wat julle geleer en ontvang en gehoor en in my gesien het, doen dit, en die God van vrede sal met julle wees” Fil. 4:6-9.
Clearly most battles are won or lost in the mind. Follow the Lord’s advice for peace in the midst of your trials to gain victory over them – PRAISE the Lord in the midst of them! Rejoice for what you KNOW He is doing. Then think on this, speak of this, and listen to only this. Many times close friends call to tell you what your wife is up to. These usually are not “good reports” and most of the time they are not lovely, pure or right – so don’t listen!
Duidelik word meeste van die stryd in ons gedagtes gewen óf verloor. Volg die Here se raad vir vreugde gedurende jou beproewinge om oorwinning te kry oor hulle—PRYS die Here terwyl jy nog beproef word! Verbly jou vir wat jy WEET Hy besig is om te doen. Daarna moet jy net daaraan dink, praat, en luister. Baie keer sal intieme vriende skakel om jou te vertel waarmee jou vrou besig is. Hierdie is gewoonlik nie “goeie verslae” nie en meestendeels is dit ook nie, lieflik, rein of reg nie - so moet nie luister nie!
If you wife has contact with you, don’t try to be her friend by listening to all the stuff she is doing with her new boyfriend. Too many men have erroneously thought that this type of “friendship” would win their wives back. For you to pretend that you don’t care that she is with someone else, or to “wish her well” when she tells you she is getting married, is sending her the wrong message. She must know she is free to go, but don’t lead her to believe that you are happy about it.
As jou vrou kontak met jou het, moet nie probeer om haar vriend te wees deur te luister na al die goed wat sy met haar nuwe kêrel doen nie. Te veel mans dink verkeerdelik dat hierdie soort “vriendskap” hulle vrouens terug sal wen. Vir jou om voor te gee dat jy nie omgee dat sy saam met iemand anders is of om haar “goed te wens” wanneer sy vir jou sê sy gaan trou, stuur die verkeerde boodskap. Sy moet weet dat sy vry is om te gaan, maar moet haar nie lei om te glo dat jy gelukkig is daarmee nie.
Faith is NOT seen. So often men and women write to us because they are looking for signs of improvement in their marriage or in their spouse’s attitude toward them. You must remember that Scripture is very clear – faith is unseen! When others ask you about your situation, answer them with, “Praise the Lord, God is working!”
Geloof is ONsigbaar. So dikwels skryf mans en vrouens vir ons omdat hulle soek vir tekens van verbetering in hulle huwelik of hulle gade se houding teenoor hulle. Jy moet onthou dat Die Bybel is baie duidelik - geloof is onsigbaar! Wanneer ander jou uitvra oor jou situasie, beantwoord hulle met, “Loof die Here, God is besig om te werk!”
“Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. For our momentary light affliction is producing for us a far more eternal weight in glory far beyond comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen, but the things which are not seen, for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” 2Cor. 4:16-18.
“Om hierdie rede word ons nie moedeloos nie. Al is ons uiterlik besig om te vergaan, innerlik word ons van dag tot dag vernuwe. Ons swaarkry in hierdie lewe is maar gering en gaan verby, maar dit loop vir ons uit op 'n heerlikheid wat alles verreweg oortref en wat ewig bly. Ons oog is nie op die sigbare dinge gerig nie, maar op die onsigbare; want die sigbare dinge is tydelik, maar die onsigbare ewig.” 2Kor. 4:16-18.
Faith is…not seen. When you are experiencing what Paul calls “light affliction,” it may still feel like it is killing you. Remind yourself of the most important truth: these afflictions are meant to be only momentary! And these same afflictions are not only temporary but they are producing something wonderful for you – they are getting you ready for a new and wonderful marriage. Remember, the suffering is temporary but the benefits will last an eternity! “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things NOT seen.” Heb. 11:1.
Geloof is…onsigbaar. Wanneer jy ervaar wat Paulus noem “geringe swaarkry,” mag dit dalk voel asof jy doodgaan. Herinner jouself aan die mees belangrikste waarheid: hierdie swaarkry is bedoel om tydelik te wees! En dieselfde beproewinge is nie net tydelik nie, maar hulle is besig om iets wonderliks voort te bring—hulle is besig om jou gereed te maak vir ‘n nuwe en wonderlike huwelik. Onthou, die lyding is tydelik maar die gevolge bly tot ‘n ewigheid! “Die geloof dan is ‘n vaste vertroue op die dinge wat ons hoop, ‘n bewys van die dinge wat ons NIE sien nie.” Heb. 11:1.
Faith – not by sight. Most people start believing when “they begin to see something happening,” but this is not faith! “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2Cor. 5:7.
Geloof - nie deur aanskouing. Meeste mense begin glo “sodra hulle iets sien gebeur, ”maar dit is nie geloof nie! “Wants ons wandel deur geloof en nie deur aanskouing nie.” 2Kor. 5:7.
Looking at our circumstances. When Peter looked at his circumstances he sank – and you will, too. “And He said ‘Come!’ And Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, ‘Lord save me!’ And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, ‘O you of little faith, why did you doubt?’ ” Matt. 14:29-31.
Om na jou omstandighede te kyk. Toe Petrus na sy omstandighede gekyk het, het hy begin sink - jy sal ook. “Kom!” sê Hy. Petrus het uit die skuit geklim, op die water begin loop en naby Jesus gekom. Maar toe Petrus sien hoe sterk is die wind, het hy bang geword en begin sink en uitgeroep: “Here, red my!” Dadelik het Jesus sy hand uitgesteek, hom gegryp en vir hom gesê: “Kleingelowige, waarom het jy begin twyfel?” Matt. 14:29-31.
For our testing. Probably the most important lesson when seeking the restoration of our marriages is being able to pass our test – the test of our faith in His Word and not being swayed by emotion (anger or hurt) or false statements made by others. “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” Jas. 1:2. When you are perfected and your refining is complete, THEN you will see your wife come back to you!
Vir ons beproewing. Moontlik die mees belangrikste les terwyl on ‘n herstelde huwelik nastreef is om in staat te wees om ons toets te slaag - die toets van ons geloof in Sy Woord en dat ons nie twyfel deur emosies (woede of seerkry) of valse verklarings wat deur ander gemaak is nie. “My broers, julle moet baie bly wees wanneer allerlei beproewings oor julle kom, want, soos julle weet, as julle geloof die toets deurstaan het, stel dit julle in staat om te volhard.En die volharding moet end-uit volgehou word sodat julle tot volle geestelike rypheid kan kom, sonder enige tekortkoming. Jak. 1:2-4. Wanneer jou verfyning voltooi is, DAN sal jy sien hoe jou vrou terugkom na jou toe!
Tested by fire. “In this you greatly rejoice, even though for a little while, if necessary you have been distressed by various trials, that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” 1Pet. 1:6-7.
So many have failed their test and have continued to walk in the desert as the people of Israel did because they lacked faith. They murmured and complained, which led to rebellion. The proof of your faith, which is a heart full of faith and contentment in your PRESENT circumstances, is more precious than gold.
Deur vuur getoets word. Verheug julle hieroor, selfs al is dit nodig dat julle 'n kort tydjie bedroef gemaak word deur allerhande beproewings sodat die egtheid van julle geloof getoets kan word. Julle geloof is baie kosbaarder as goud, goud wat vergaan. Selfs die suiwerheid van goud word met vuur getoets, en die egtheid van julle geloof moet ook getoets word, sodat dit lof en heerlikheid en eer waardig mag wees by die wederkoms van Jesus Christus.” 1Pet. 1:6-7.
So baie het hulle toets misluk en het voort gegaan om in die woestyn te loop soos die mense van Israel omdal hulle ‘n tekort aan geloof gehad het. Hulle het gemurmureer en gekla, wat tot ‘n opstand gelei het. Die bewys van jou geloof, wat ‘n hart vol geloof en tevredenheid is in jou HUIDIGE omstandighede, is meer kosbaar as goud.
Keep the faith. Do not turn to another plan when things get tough; do not compromise what you started out to do. Satan is known for bringing new (and wrong) solutions to our trials. Discerning and deciding to stay on the right path is the test we must continue to pass. “I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith; henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness….” 2Tim 4:7.
Behou die geloof. Moenie van plan verander wanneer dinge rof raak nie; moet nie kompromiseer wat jy vasbeslote was om te doen nie. Satan is bekend om nuwe (en verkeerde) oplossings vir ons beproewings te bring. Om te besluit wat die regte weg is en daarop te bly is die toets wat ons met voortgaan om te slaag. “Ek het die goeie stryd gestry; ek het die wedloop voleindig; ek het die geloof behou. Verder is vir my weggelê die kroon van die geregtigheid….” 2Tim 4:7.
If you have been walking with the Lord for some time and have become weary, ask God to send you one other man who will help you not bend from your commitment. Once again we invite you to join our ministry to obtain an Encouragement Partner. “Two are better than one for they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up. Furthermore, if two lie down together they keep warm, but how can one be warm alone? And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three is not easily broken.” Eccl. 4:9-12. Here are some three-cord examples found in the Scriptures:
Indien jy al lank saam met die here loop en moeg geword het, vra Hom om vir jou een ander man te stuur wie jou sal help om nie te buig van jou toewyding nie. Weereens nooi ons jou uit om by ons bediening aan te sluit om ‘n Bemoedigings Vennoot te verkry. “Twee vaar beter as een. Hulle inspanning kom tot iets. As die een val, kan die ander hom ophelp. Maar as een val wat alleen is, is daar niemand om hom op te help nie. As twee langs mekaar slaap, word hulle warm, maar hoe sal een wat alleen is, warm word? Een alleen kan oorweldig word, twee saam kan weerstand bied. 'n Driedubbele tou breek nie maklik nie.” Prediker. 4:9-12. Hier is ‘n paar driedubbele tou voorbeelde wat in die Bybel gevind kan word.
Moses, Aäron and Hur: “But Moses’ hands were heavy. Then they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it; and Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side and one on the other. Thus his hands were steady until the sun set.” Ex. 17:12. Also see Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego in the book of Daniel chapter 3. You, just ONE friend and the Lord are a POWERFUL threefold cord!!
Moses, Aaron en Hur: “Maar Moses se arms het begin moeg word. Hulle het toe 'n klip gevat en dit agter hom neergesit sodat hy daarop kon gaan sit. Aäron en Hur het sy arms van weerskante af ondersteun sodat sy arms regop gebly het tot sononder. Sien ook Shadrach, Meshach en Abed-nego in die boek van Daniel hoofstuk 3. Jy, net EEN vriend en die Here is ‘n MAGTIGE driedubbele tou!!
Ask God for guidance through EVERY trial. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths.” Prov. 3:5-7.
Vra God vir leiding deur ELKE beproewing. “Vertrou volkome op die Here en moenie op jou eie insigte staatmaak nie. Ken Hom in alles wat jy doen en Hy sal jou die regte pad laat loop.” Spr. 3:5-7.
Let us call on Him for strength, draw close to Him in our time of need. Let us allow Him to discipline us, try us, and test us. Let us rejoice always in all things, not just the good but also the troubles that come our way. Let us keep our hope close to our lips and stay steadfast in our minds. Let us always remember that it is His will that we face these hard times and that they are for our good!
Kom ons roep Hom aan vir krag, nader Hom in ons tyd van nood. Laat Hom toe om ons te dissiplineer, ons te toets. Laat ons altyd in alle dinge verheug, nie net die goeie nie maar ook die moeilikheid wat op ons pad kom. Laat ons ons hoop naby aan ons lippe hou en standvastig in ons gedagtes bly. Laat ons altyd onthou dat dit Sy wil is dat ons hierdie moeilike tye in die gesig staar en dat dit vir ons ten goede is!
“Let us rejoice that He considers us worthy to suffer for His name!” Acts 5:41.
“Die apostels het van die Raad af weggegaan, bly dat hulle bevoorreg was om ter wille van die Naam van Jesus vernedering te ly.’ Handelinge 5:41.
“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28.
“Ons weet dat God alles ten goede laat meewerk vir dié wat Hom liefhet, dié wat volgens sy besluit geroep is. Romeine 8:28.
Personal commitment: to consider it all joy when I encounter various trials. “Based on what I have learned from God’s Word, I commit to allowing the testing of my faith to help produce my endurance. And I will let endurance have its perfect result, that I may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”
Persoonlike toewyding: om bly te wees wanneer allerlei beproewings oor my kom. “Gebaseer op wat ek uit God se Woord geleer het, verbind ek my aan die toets van my geloof om te volhard. En ek sal laat volharding die perfekte resultaat hê, sodat ek perfek kan wees, en in niks tekort skiet nie.
A Quick Reference to Trials and Tribulations
‘n Vinnige Verwysing na Beproewinge en Verdrukkinge
God is the One in control, not man and NOT the devil!
God is die Een in beheer, nie die mens en NIE die duiwel nie!
- Geregtigheid is van die Here. Spr. 29;26.
- ‘n Antwoord is van die Here Spr. 29;26.
- Die hart word deur die Here Spr. 21:1.
- Hulle dade is in God se hande. Prediker. 9:1.
- U (God)) het dit gedoen. Ps. 44:9-15.
- Hy (God) het die storm opgewek. Ps. 107: 1-32.
- Hy (God) het my bekendes ver van my af laat staan. Ps. 88:9,18.
What do our Trials do FOR us?
Wat doen Beproewinge VIR ons?
- Sodat die krag van Christus in ons kan wees. 2Kor. 12:9-10
- Ons sal leer om tevrede te wees. Fil. 4:9.
- Ons sal ‘n beloning ontvang. 2Tim. 4:7,19.
- Ons kom niks tekort nie. Jak. 1:2-4.
- Hy sal ons in staat stel om ander te troos. 2Kor. 3:1-4.
- Hy sal volbring wat Hy in ons begin het. Fil. 1:6-13.
- Ons sal ons geliefde een terug hê. Filemon 1:15
- Ons sal genade ontvang. Heb. 4:15
- Ons sal gehoorsaamheid leer. Heb. 5:7-8.
- Dit sal volharding produseer. Jak. 1:2-4.
- Ons sal die Kroon van die Lewe ontvang. Jak. 1:12
- Ons sal ons geloof bewys. 1Pet. 1:6-7.
- Ons sal in Sy voetstappe volg. 1Pet. 2:21.
- Ons sal in Sy lyding deel hê. 1Pet. 3:13.
Begin asseblief 'n JOERNAAL met die Here in gedagte, oor wat jy elke dag geleer het vir die volgende 30 dae om "Jou Huwelik Te Herstel."
Hoe meer jy jou hart uitstort in hierdie vorms, hoe meer kan ons en God jou help. Hierdie vorms sal jou en jou eVennoot ook help met aanspreeklikheid. KLIK HIER