
Hoofstuk 2 "Jou Eerste Liefde"

"Maar Ek het teen jou dat jy jou
eerste liefde verlaat het."
—Openbaring 2:4


Have you left your first love? Who is your first love? Is your wife, your work, your hobby, your children, or your sports your first love? Who or what is really first in your life? “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me” (Matt. 10:37). The Scripture in Revelation says: “But I have this against you, that you have left your first love” (Rev. 2:4).

Het jy jou eerste liefde verlaat? Wie is jou eerste liefde? Is dit jou vrou, jou werk, jou stokperdjie,  jou kinders of jou sports jou eerste liefde? Wie is regtig eerste in jou lewe? “Hy wat sy vader of moeder liewer het as vir My, is nie werd om aan My te behoort nie; hy wat sy seun of dogter liewer het as vir My, is nie werd om aan My te behoort nie.” (Matt. 10:37). Die Skrif in Openbaring sĂȘ: “Maar Ek het teen jou dat jy jou eerste liefde verlaat het.” (Open. 2:4).

What is Jesus saying to us? He is saying that any time you put someone or something ahead of your love and your relationship with Him, you are not worthy of His love.

Wat sĂȘ Jesus vir ons? Hy sĂȘ dat as jy ter enige tyd iets of iemand voor jou liefde of jou verhouding met Hom plaas, is jy Sy liefde nie waardig nie.

Seek first. You are to put Him first in your priorities, first in your day, and first in your heart. “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matt. 6:33). What is the first thing you do each morning? What should you do first? Ask yourself these questions: Are the things that I’m doing of eternal value? Will what I do today help to increase His kingdom? Do I seek after His righteousness? Remember, our righteousness is like dirty rags (Isa. 64:6).

Beywer allereers. Jy moet Hom eerste plaas in jou prioriteite, eerste in jou dag en eerste in jou hart. “Nee, beywer julle allereers vir die koninkryk van God en vir die wil van God, dan sal Hy julle ook al hierdie dinge gee.” (Mat. 6:33). Wat is die eerste ding wat jy in die oggend doen? Wat behoort jy eerste te doen? Vra jouself hierdie vrae: Het die dinge wat ek doen ewige waarde? Sal wat ek vandag doen help om Sy Koninkryk te vermeerder? Streef ek na Sy geregtigheid? Onthou, ons geregtigheid is soos vuil klere (Jes. 64:6).  

What happens when you put someone ahead of the Lord? What does He do to draw you back to Him? “Thou hast removed my acquaintances far from me; Thou hast made me an object of loathing to them” (Ps. 88:8). “Thou hast removed lover and friend far from me; my acquaintances are in darkness” (Ps. 88:18). Some men have lost their wives to another man, lost their children, and lost their jobs.

Wat gebeur wanneer jy iemand bo die Here plaas? Wat doen Hy om jou terug te bring na Hom toe? “U het my bekendes ver van my verwyder, my iets afskuweliks gemaak vir hulle; ek is ingesluit en kan nie uitkom nie” (Ps. 88:9) “U het vriend en metgesel ver van my verwyder; my bekendes is in duisternis” (Ps. 88:19). Sommige mans het hulle vrouens aan ‘n ander man verloor, hulle kinders verloor, hulle werk verloor.

Whom do you want to please? Our goal should be to please the Lord, rather than to try to please our wives or anyone else in our lives. “When a man’s ways are pleasing to the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him” (Prov. 16:7). “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4 ).

In wie wil jy jou behaag? Ons doel behoort te wees om die Here te behaag, eerder as om te probeer om ons vrouens of enigiemand anders in ons lewens te behaag. “As die Here tevrede is met 'n mens se lewe, laat Hy selfs so 'n mens se vyande in vrede met hom lewe” (Spr. 16:7). “Vind jou vreugde in die Here, en Hy sal jou gee wat jou hart begeer” (Psalms 37:4).

Why not try to please my wife? That was man’s first mistake. Let’s look at some Scriptural facts: “When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate, and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate” (Gen. 3:6). Why would Adam eat the fruit when he knew it was wrong?

Waarom nie probeer om my vrou te behaag nie?  Dit was die mens se eerste fout. Kom ons kyk na feite in die Bybel. “Toe besef die vrou dat die boom se vrugte goed is om te eet en mooi om na te kyk en begeerlik omdat dit kennis kan gee. En sy het van sy vrugte gepluk en geĂ«et. Sy het ook vir haar man by haar gegee, en hy het geĂ«et” (Gen. 3:6). Waarom sou Adam die vrugte eet as hy geweet het dit is verkeerd?

Man sinned knowingly. Adam heard directly from God. In Genesis 2:17, God commanded man not to eat the fruit. The woman was not created until Genesis 2:22. We never see God commanding Eve directly. Eve was deceived; Adam knowingly sinned.

Die man het wetend gesondig. Adam het direk van God gehoor. In Genesis 2:17, het God die man beveel om nie die vrugte te eet nie. Die vrou was nie geskep tot en met Genesis 2:22 nie. Ons sien nooit dat God Eva direk beveel nie. Eva was bedrieg; Adam het wetend gesondig.

Woman was created for man. God gave Adam dominion over all living things in the garden, including Eve. Eve was created for Adam, not the other way around. “For indeed man was not created for the woman’s sake, but woman for the man’s sake” (1 Cor. 11:9). “Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him’” (Gen. 2:18).

Die vrou was ter wille van die man geskep. God het vir Adam heerskappy oor al die lewende dinge in die tuin gegee, insluitende Eva. Eva was ter wille van Adam geskep, nie die ander kant om nie. “Die man is ook nie ter wille van die vrou geskep nie, maar die vrou ter wille van die man” (1 Kor. 11:9). “Verder het die Here God gesĂȘ: “Dit is nie goed dat die mens alleen is nie. Ek sal vir hom iemand maak wat hom kan help, sy gelyke.”’ (Gen. 2:18).

Adam never stopped Eve, even though he was with her. “. . . And she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate” (Gen. 3:6). Why? Why did he also eat the fruit? Is it possible that Adam was trying to please Eve? Maybe he just wanted to let her do what she wanted, even though in his heart he knew it was a mistake? What about you? Do you do things just to please your wife without stopping to consider what God thinks about it? Do you many times let your wife (or your children) do things that your heart tells you are not right?

Adam het nooit vir Eva gestop nie, alhoewel hy by haar was. “. . . Sy het ook vir haar man by haar gegee,  en hy het geĂ«et” (Gen. 3:6). Waarom? Waarom het hy ook die vrugte geeĂ«t? Is dit moontlik dat Adam Eva wou behaag? Miskien wou hy haar net laat doen wat sy wou, selfs al het hy in sy hart geweet dat dit ‘n fout was? Wat van jou? Doen jy dinge net om jou vrou te behaag sonder om te stop om te oorweeg wat God daarvan dink? Laat jy baie keer toe dat jou vrou (of jou kinders) dinge doen wat jou hart jou vertel nie reg is nie?

What does a man often do when things go wrong? Once caught, what does Adam do? “And the man said, ‘The woman whom Thou gavest to be with me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate’” (Gen. 3:12). He blames Eve. It was her fault! The bottom line is that he also blames God! Well, there is no doubt Eve was wrong to eat the fruit. But why isn’t she blamed for the fall of man if she ate it first and then gave it to Adam? Why is sin not passed down through her?

“Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned
” (Rom. 5:12). In the same way it was through YOUR sin, that sin entered your house. Was it your sin of anger? Was it your sin of neglect? Or was it your sin of self-indulgence? If you had been the proper husband, spiritual leader, and man of the position you are in today?

Wat doen ‘n man dikwels wanneer dinge verkeerd gaan? Wat doen Adam nadat hy gevang was? “Die mens het geantwoord: “Die vrou wat U my gegee het om my by te staan, sy het vir my van die boom se vrugte gegee, en ek het geĂ«et.’ ”( Gen. 3:12). Hy blameer Eva. Dit was haar skuld! Die punt is dat hy ook vir God blameer! Wel, daar is geen twyfel dat Eva verkeerd was om die vrugte te eet nie. Maar waarom word sy nie blameer vir die val van die man as sy dit eerste geeet het en toe vir Adam gegee het nie? Waarom is die sonde nie deur haar aangegee nie?

“Verder nog dĂ­t: Deur een mens het die sonde in die wĂȘreld gekom en deur die sonde die dood, en so het die dood tot al die mense deurgedring, omdat almal gesondig het
” (Rom. 5:12). Op dieselfde manier was dit deur JOU sonde, die sonde wat in jou huis gekom het. Was dit jou sonde van woede? Was dit jou sonde van afskeep? Of was dit jou sonde van self toegeeflikheid? As jy ‘n behoorlike man was, ‘n geestelike leier, en die man van die posisie waarin jy vandag is?

Eve was deceived but Adam knowingly sinned. Adam was ultimately responsible and accountable before God. “Then to Adam He said, ‘Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree about which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat from it . . .’” (Gen. 3:17). Men, we are ultimately responsible and accountable to God when we “have listened to the voice of our wives” and it was contrary to what we knew was right. When God’s Word says something else, or He has directed us differently, we are to move in the right direction. The bottom line is for us to do what is right. “Our way” or “her way” doesn’t matter; it must be God’s way.

Eva was mislei, maar Adam het wetend gesondig. Adam was uitermatiglik verantwoordelik en aanspreeklik voor God.  “Vir die mens het die Here God gesĂȘ: “Omdat jy na jou vrou geluister het en geĂ«et het van die boom waarvan Ek jou verbied het om te eet
’ “ Gen. 3:17. Mans, ons is uitermatig verantwoordelik en verantwoordbaar aan God wanneer ons “na jou vrou geluister het ” en dit teenstrydig is met wat ons geweet het reg was. Wanneer God se Woord iets anders sĂȘ, of Hy het ons anders dirigeer, moet ons in die regte rigting beweeg. Die punt is vir ons om te doen wat reg is. “Ons manier” of “haar manier” maak nie saak nie; dit moet God se manier wees.

We are to be our wives’ protectors. We were put over our wives for their protection, even though they may many times feel it is their curse! Because it was the woman who was deceived, God felt she was not safe from Satan’s deceptive schemes and He assigned man to rule over her. Again, it is deception that we are to protect our wives from. “And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being quite deceived, fell into transgression” (1 Tim. 2:14). As husbands and heads of our households, we are to protect our wives spiritually.

Ons behoort ons vrouens se beskermers te wees. Ons is oor ons vrouens geplaas vir hulle beskerming, alhoewel hulle baie keer voel dit is hulle vloek! Omdat dit die vrou was wat mislei was, daarom, het God gevoel dat sy  nie veilig van Satan se bedrieglike planne was nie en Hy die man aangestel het om oor haar te heers. Weer, dit is verleiding waarvan ons ons vrouens moet beskerm. “Dit is ook nie Adam wat verlei is nie, dit is die vrou wat haar laat verlei het en die gebod oortree het” (1 Tim. 2:14). As mans en die hoof van ons huishoudings, moet ons ons vrouens geestelik beskerm.

Spiritual Protection
Geestelike Beskerming

Women in the church. “Let the women keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but let them subject themselves, just as the Law also says. And if they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to speak in church” (1 Cor. 14:34–35). Why do church services and Christian seminars seem to attract more women than men? Where are the men? If they are not in attendance, who then is leading? Men, are we capable of answering our wives’ spiritual questions? Maybe they’re not asking us questions because of the poor example we have set as Christian leaders.

Vrouens in die kerk. “Moet die vrouens ook in julle byeenkomste stilbly, want hulle word nie toegelaat om te praat nie. Hulle moet onderdanig wees, soos die wet ook sĂȘ. As hulle iets te wete wil kom, moet hulle tuis hulle eie mans vra, want dit is lelik vir 'n vrou om in die erediens te praat. (1 Cor. 14:34–35).  Waarom lyk dit asof kerke en Christelike seminare meer vrouens as mans lok? Waar is die mans? As hulle nie bywoon nie, wie neem dan die leiding? Mans, is ons in staat om ons vrouens se geestelike vrae te beantwoord? Miskien vra hulle ons nie vrae nie as gevolg van die swak voorbeeld wat ons as Christelike leiers gestel het.

Older women encouraging the younger women. Women need to be in their homes teaching and encouraging younger women, not in church leadership. “Older women . . . encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, that the Word of God may not be dishonored” (Titus 2:3).

Ouer vrouens gee goeie raad aan die jonger vrouens. Vrouens moet in hulle huise wees en die jonger vrouens leer en aanmoedig, nie in kerk leierskap nie. “Ouer vroue 
 Hulle moet goeie raad kan gee sodat hulle die jonger vrouens kan leer om liefdevol teenoor hulle mans en kinders te wees, verstandig en kuis, goeie huisvrouens, onderdanig aan hulle mans. Dan sal die woord van God nie in diskrediet kom nie” (Titus 2:3).

Captivating weak women. From whom is your wife getting instruction? An older woman, or another man? What is being taught? Things that you should be teaching her? “For among them are those who enter into households and captivate weak women weighed down with sins, led on by various impulses, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth” (2 Tim. 3:6). Certainly, there are things your wife needs to learn from an older woman, such as the things in Titus 2:3–5, but the husband should teach his wife and be the spiritual leader in his marriage. Are you prepared for such a challenge? Have you turned over your spiritual leadership to the Bible study teacher and to your preacher on Sunday?

 Liggelowige vroue in hulle mag. By wie kry jou vrou instruksie?  ‘n Ouer vrou, of ‘n ander man? Wat word geleer? Dinge wat jy haar behoort te leer. “Party van hulle dring in die huise in en kry liggelowige vroue wat met sonde belaai is en deur allerlei sinlike begeertes gedryf word, in hulle mag, vroue wat altyd iets wil leer, maar tog nooit tot die kennis van die waarheid kan kom nie.” (2Tim. 3:6). Sekerlik, is daar dinge wat jou vrou nodig het om te leer van ‘n ander ‘n ouer vrou, soos die dinge in Titus 2:3-5, maar die man behoort sy vrou te leer en die geestelike leier in die huwelik te wees. Is jy voorbereid vir so ‘n uitdaging? Het jy jou geestelike leierskap oorgedra aan die Bybelstudie onderwyser en aan jou pastoor op ‘n Sondag?

Weak women?!! If a preacher ever stood up in the pulpit and insinuated that women were weak, it would possibly divide the church. The feminist movement has indoctrinated all of us so much that we are offended by such implications. Yet God’s Word says in 1 Peter 3:7, “You husbands likewise, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with a weaker vessel, since she is a woman . . .” Are we to deny the way God created a woman? If we do, we will also treat her as an equal—equally tough! But God’s Word says we are to live with her differently, “in an understanding way, as with a weaker vessel, since she is a woman.”

Swakker vroue?!! As ‘n prediker ooit agter die preekstoel opstaan en insinueer dat vrouens swak is, sal dit moontlik die kerk verdeel. Die feministiese beweging het ons almal so baie geĂŻndoktrineer dat ons deur sulke implikasies beledig is. Tog sĂȘ God se Woord in (1 Pet. 3:7), “Mans, julle moet verstandig met julle vrouens saamleef. Bewys eer aan hulle as die swakker geslag
.” Behoort ons die manier wat God ‘n vrou geskep het ontken? As ons dit doen, sal ons haar ook behandel as  gelyk—gelykop taai! Maar God se Woord sĂȘ dat ons anders met haar moet saamleef, “verstandig met julle vrouens saamleef, en eer aan hulle bewys as die swakker geslag.”

Honor her as a fellow heir. If your wife is weaker, does that make her a lower class citizen in the kingdom of God? Let’s read the entire verse: “You husbands likewise, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with a weaker vessel, since she is a woman, and grant her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered” (1 Pet. 3:7). God also tells us our punishment for not granting our wives honor—our prayers will be hindered, if we do not live with her in an understanding way, as with a weaker vessel, since she is a woman!

Eer haar wat saam jou deel. As jou vrou swakker is, maak dit van haar ‘n lae klas burger in die koninkryk van God? Kom ons lees die hele vers: “Mans, julle moet verstandig met julle vrouens saamleef. Bewys eer aan hulle as die swakker geslag wat saam met julle deel in die lewe as genadegawe. Dan sal julle kan bid sonder dat iets julle hinder.” (1Pet. 3:7). God sĂȘ ook vir ons ons straf as ons nie ons vrouens eer toewys nie — ons  gebede sal vehinder word, as ons nie met haar saamleef op ‘n verstandige manier nie, as die swakker geslag, aangesien sy ‘n vrou is! 

Dressed as a harlot. “And behold, a woman comes to meet him, dressed as a harlot and cunning of heart. She is boisterous and rebellious; her feet do not remain at home; she is now in the streets, now in the squares, and lurks by every corner” (Prov. 7:10–12). Men, do you allow your daughters to dress as harlots? Do you ask your wife to dress as one, maybe in the bedroom, to satisfy the lusts of the flesh that were awakened during your dating days? Do you pressure her to look and act like the centerfolds that your eyes lusted upon before you were a Christian?

Dra die klere van 'n prostituut. “Daar kom die vrou hom tegemoet; sy dra die klere van 'n prostituut, sy is 'n vrou met listige planne.  Sy is luidrugtig en uitdagend, haar huis is te nou vir haar; sy maak haar ronde in die strate, op die stadspleine, sy staan op loer by elke hoek” (Spr. 7:10-12). Mans, laat julle toe dat julle dogters soos prostitute aantrek? Vra jy jou vrou om soos een aan te trek, miskien in die slaapkamer, om die begeerlikhede van die vlees te bevredig wat deur jou uitgaan dae wakker gemaak is? Plaas jy druk op haar om te lyk en op te tree soos middelvoue waarop jy jou oĂ« verlustig het voordat jy ‘n Christen was?

Held with the cords of your sin. Are you still held by the cords of your sin? “His own iniquities will capture the wicked, and he will be held with the cords of his sin. He will die for lack of instruction, and in the greatness of his folly he will go astray” (Prov. 5:22). Men, you need to get right before God. The verse just prior to this says, “For the ways of a man are before the eyes of the Lord, and He watches all his paths” (Prov. 5:21). Get it right with God. Consider confessing it to another Christian brother and have him pray for you. “Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much” (James 5:16). Then treat your wife the way God intended and release her from the bondage of your past sins.

Draai hom vas in sy sonde. Is jy nog steeds vasgedraai in jou sonde? “Die oortreding van die goddelose agterhaal hom, hy draai hom vas in sy sonde. Hy sterf deur sy gebrek aan selfbeheersing, sy dwaasheid het hom op die verkeerde pad gebring.(Spr. 5:22,23). Mans, julle moet dit reg kry voor God. Die vers net voor dit sĂȘ, “'n Mens se lewe lĂȘ oop voor die Here, elke tree wat jy gee, sien Hy. (Spr. 5:21). Kry dit reg met God. Oorweeg dit om dit voor  ‘n ander Christelike broer te bely en hom te kry om vir jou te bid. Bely julle sondes eerlik teenoor mekaar en bid vir mekaar, sodat julle gesond kan word. Die gebed van 'n gelowige het 'n kragtige uitwerking” (Jak. 5:16). Behandel dan jou vrou soos wat God dit bedoel het en laat haar vry van die slawerny van jou sondes van die verlede.      

I married a harlot. Maybe you would say that she was a harlot when you married her. Once you get it right with God, share with her your confession. This may lead her to repent as well. “For the unbelieving husband is sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified through her believing husband; for otherwise your children are unclean, but now they are holy” (1 Cor. 7:14). “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her; that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the Word, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she should be holy and blameless” (Eph. 5:25–27). God can give you both a clean start. Go to Him, confess, repent, and begin anew.

Ek is met ‘n prostituut getroud. Miskien sou jy sĂȘ dat sy ‘n prostituut was toe jy met haar getrou het. Sodra jy dit met God reg gemaak het, deel jou belyding met haar. Dit mag haar daartoe lei om ook te bekeer. “Die ongelowige man is by God aanneemlik deur die band met die gelowige vrou, en die ongelowige vrou is by God aanneemlik deur die band met die gelowige man. Anders sou julle kinders heidene wees, maar nou behoort hulle aan God.(1 Kor. 7:14). Mans, julle moet julle vrouens liefhĂȘ soos Christus die kerk liefgehad en sy lewe daarvoor afgelĂȘ het. Dit het Hy gedoen om die kerk aan God te wy, nadat Hy dit met die water en die woord gereinig het, sodat Hy die kerk in volle heerlikheid by Hom kan neem, sonder vlek of rimpel of iets dergeliks, heilig en onberispelik. (Efe. 5: 25-27). God kan julle albei ‘n skoon begin gee. Gaan na Hom toe, bely, bekeer, en begin opnuut. 

Knowing good and evil. “And the serpent said to the woman, ‘You surely shall not die! For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.’ When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate, and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate” (Gen. 3:4–5). Do you want your daughters to know good and evil? Women seem especially drawn to seek after knowledge. But Scripture tells us that since the woman was deceived by the serpent, she needs the man’s protection. Should we send our daughters to college where they will be taught the knowledge of good and evil? What is the ultimate reason for sending a daughter to college? What might be the consequences of that decision? It is a decision that should be weighed and prayed about earnestly since your daughter’s future is in your hands. What about our sons? Should they attend college?

Alles kan ken. Toe sĂȘ die slang vir die vrou: “Julle sal beslis nie sterf nie, maar God weet dat julle oĂ« sal oopgaan die dag as julle van daardie boom eet en dan sal julle soos God wees deurdat julle alles kan ken.” Toe besef die vrou dat die boom se vrugte goed is om te eet en mooi om na te kyk en begeerlik omdat dit kennis kan gee. En sy het van sy vrugte gepluk en geĂ«et. Sy het ook vir haar man by haar gegee, en hy het geĂ«et. (Gen. 3:4-6). Wil jy hĂȘ jou dogters moet alles ken? Vrouens word spesiaal aangetrokke tot die soeke na kennis. Maar die Skrif sĂȘ vir ons dat aangesien die vrou deur die slang verlei was, sy die man se beskerming nodig het. Behoort ons ons dogters Kollege toe te stuur sodat hulle alles kan ken? Wat is die uitermatige rede om ‘n dogter Kollege toe te stuur? Wat mag die nagevolge van daardie besluit wees? Is dit ‘n besluit wat geweeg en ernsig oor gebid moet word omdat jou dogter se toekoms in jou hande is? Wat van ons seuns? Behoort hulle ‘n Kollege by te woon? 

Higher learning. Charles Darwin graduated from Bible college with a degree in theology (the only degree he ever obtained), but after reading a book by Charles Lawton, his faith was destroyed. We are well aware of the destruction Darwin has had on the faith of others. Can we then justify anyone going on to “higher learning” only to be indoctrinated into evil and lies? God tells us specifically what to do when confronted with evil. “And let him turn away from evil and do good . . .” (1 Pet. 3:11).

HoĂ«r leer. Charles Darwin het Bybel Kollege gegradueer met ‘n graad in teologie (die enigste graad wat hy ooit gekry het), maar nadat hy ‘n boek van Charles Lawton gelees het, was sy geloof vernietig. Ons is alte goed bewus van die verwoesting wat Darwin op die geloof van ander gehad het. Kan ons dan enigiemand regverdig wat aangaan na “hoĂ«r leer” om geĂŻndroktrineer te word in die kwaad en leuens? God sĂȘ spesifiek vir ons wat om te doen wanneer ons met die kwaad konfrontreer word. “Bly weg van die kwaad af en doen wat goed is, soek vrede en jaag dit na!. . . “ (1 Pet. 3:11).

No worthless thing. God tells us in Psalm 101:3, “I will set no worthless thing before my eyes; I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not fasten its grip on me.” There is something very interesting in that verse. Did you notice it? Even setting worthless things before us can cause us to “fall away”! Could this have something to do with why there is so much rebellion in our children who are taught, day after day, worthless things, lies, and evil! As the heads of our households, and those who will ultimately give an account to the Lord, God has put us in charge to protect our families. We should rethink a decision to send our children to any school that teaches worthless and evil things. And speaking of worthless things, could the Psalmist also have been prophesying about television, movies, and video games? Are we protecting our families and ourselves from these things that can cause us to fall away from God?

Niks wat sleg is. God sĂȘ vir ons in Psalms 101:3,  niks wat sleg is, wil ek nastreef nie. Ek haat wat verkeerd is. Dit mag geen houvas op my hĂȘ nie.” Daar is iets baie interessant omtrent daardie vers. Het jy dit agter gekom? Oms selfs slegte dinge voor ons te sit, kan veroorsaak dat ons “wegval”. Kan dit iets te doen hĂȘ met waarom daar soveel rebellie in ons kinders is, wie dag na dag slegte dinge geleer word, leuens en kwaad! As die hoof van ons huishoudings, en die wat uitermatig aan die Here moet rekenskap gee, het God ons in beheer gesit om ons families te beskerm. Ons moet ons besluit om ons kinders na ‘n skool te stuur wat slegte en bose dinge leer herdink. En praat van slegte dinge, kon die Psalmdigter ook oor televisie, rolprente, en video speletjies profeteer het? Beskerm ons ons families en onsself van die dinge wat kan veroorsaak dat ons van God wegval?  

Wives going back to school. And what about our wives going back to college? Why are they going? Some want to go because they are bored. Many want to finish their degrees, and some who are working at menial jobs want to be able to have better jobs. Many just like education. But too many women who have come to Restore Ministries tell of how they fell into adultery in the workplace or on college campuses, and all were Christian women! Several, after being on campus, became dissatisfied with their home lives and ended up in mental and emotional conflicts. “For let not that man expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways” (James 1:7–8). “But let the brother of humble circumstances glory in his high position; and let the rich man glory in his humiliation, because like flowering grass he will pass away” (James 1:9–10). “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon” (Matt. 6:24). (In the Greek, mammon or mammon which means confidence, i.e., wealth personified.)

Vrouens wat teruggaan skool toe. En wat van ons vrouens wat teruggaan Kollege toe? Waarom gaan hulle? Sommige wil gaan omdat hulle vervelig is. Baie wil hulle grade voltooi, en sommige wat in gerige werk is wil in staat wees om beter werk te kry. Baie hou net van opvoeding. Maar te veel wat na Herstel Bediening gekom het vertel van hoe hulle in owerspel betrokke geraak het in die werkplek of op Kollege kampusse, en hulle almal was Christelike vrouens! Verskeie, nadat hulle op kampus was, het ontevrede geword met hulle huislewens en opgeindig in verstandelike en emosionele konflikte. “So 'n mens wat altyd aan die twyfel is en onbestendig is in al sy doen en late, moet nie dink dat hy iets van die Here sal ontvang nie. (Jak. 1:7). “'n Gelowige wat arm is, moet hom daarin verheug dat hy sy aansien in God het, en een wat ryk is, dat hy voor God gering is, want die ryke sal vergaan soos 'n veldblom” (Jak. 1:9-10). “Niemand kan vir twee base tegelyk werk nie. Hy sal Ăłf die een minder ag en die ander een hoĂ«r, Ăłf vir die een meer oorhĂȘ en die ander een afskeep. Julle kan nie God Ă©n Mammon dien nie.” (Matteus 6:24). In Grieks beteken mammon vertroue, m.a.w., rykdom verpersoonlik.)

Talents to glorify God. If your wife feels stifled in her present circumstances, she may need encouragement as well as time to pursue learning that will ultimately “glorify God.” There are talents that are found in the Proverbs 31 woman. There’s also a list in Titus 2. What are your wife’s gifts and talents? Make sure that you as her husband allow and encourage her to use or learn talents that will enable her to teach her daughters or other women. Have you been critical or made fun of her attempts to try a new recipe or bake bread from scratch? Have you mocked her creations when she attempted to sew? Maybe you were foolish enough to tell her that she could have bought it much cheaper. What was your reaction to the new wreath that she made for your front door or the way she rearranged the furniture? Do you thank her for the time and effort it takes to drive around to yard sales and look for bargains that save your family money?

Talente om God te verheerlik. As jou vrou gesmoor voel in haar huidige omstandighede, het sy bemoediging nodig sowel as tyd om na te streef wat uitermatiglik “God sal verheerlk.” Daar is talente wat in die Spreuke 31 vrou gevind kan word. Daar is ook ‘n lys in Titus 2. Wat is jou vrou se gawes en talente? Maak seker dat jy as haar man haar toelaat en aanmoedig om talente te leer of te gebruik wat haar in staat sal stel om haar dogters of ander vrouens te leer. Was jy krities of het jy gespot oor haar pogings om ‘n nuwe resep te probeer of om te probeer om ‘n koek te bak van die begin af? Het jy haar skepping gespot toe sy probeer het om naaldwerk te doen? Miskien was jy dwaas genoeg om haar te vertel dat sy dit goedkoper sou wees as sy dit gekoop het. Wat was jou reaksie oor die nuwe krans wat sy gemaak het vir die voordeur of hoe sy die meubels herrangskik het? Bedank jy haar vir die tyd en moeiete wat dit neem om na erf uitverkopings te ry en te soek vir winskopies wat jou familie geld sal spaar?

Seek love. You may think that she is wasting time and money doing these things. She may be, but there is a loving way to handle everything. Remember, “Love never fails . . .”! (1 Cor. 13:8). Speak kindly, and then give her a specific amount of money to use when shopping. Encourage her to find women she knows who can teach her some of the things she needs to learn, like sewing, baking, and decorating. Again, remember to give her a budget of time and money. Women are naturally creative and they love a challenge. If you’ve been overly strict or stingy because of her past mistakes, give her some freedom. If she has been allowed to run free and there has been no accountability, tighten up a bit and begin to protect. If you don’t, you will breed independence and rebellion in your daughters.

Soek liefde. Jy mag dink dat sy tyd en geld mors deur hierdie dinge te doen. Sy mag dalk, maar daar is ‘n liefdevolle manier om alles te hanteer. Onthou, die liefde vergaan nooit nie . . .”! (1 Kor. 13:8). Praat mooi, en gee dan vir haar ‘n spesifieke bedrag om te gebruik wanneer sy winkels toe gaan. Moedig haar aan om vrouens te vind wie haar in die goed wat sy nodig het om te leer soos naaldwerk, bak en versiering te onderrig. Weer, onthou om vir haar ‘n begroting van tyd en geld te gee. Vrouens is van natuur kreatief en hulle is lief vir ‘n uitdaging. As jy te streng was of suinig as gevolg van haar foute in die verlede, gee haar vryheid. As sy toegelaat was om te doen wat sy wil en daar geen aanspreeklikheid was nie, trek die leisels ‘n bietjie stywer en begin om te beskerm. As jy dit nie doen nie, sal jy onafhanklikheid en rebellie in jou dogters kweek. 

Cause to stumble. Also, women envy those women who can get away with everything; don’t cause others to stumble because you are too lazy or too weak to handle possible conflict. “It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should cause one of these little ones to stumble” (Luke 17:2).

Veroorsaak om te struikel. Ook, vrouens beny daardie vrouens wat wegkom met alles; moet nie ander veroorsaak om te struikel omdat jy te lui is of te swak om moontlike konflik te hanteer nie. “So 'n mens kan eerder met 'n groot klip aan die nek in die see gegooi word as dat hy vir een van hierdie kleintjies 'n struikelblok word” (Lukas 17:2).

Restrain her? You may be saying, “You don’t know my wife! I could never take charge of our home!” God knows your wife. “A constant dripping on a day of steady rain and a contentious woman are alike; He who would restrain her restrains the wind, and grasps oil with his right hand” (Prov. 27:15–16). But men, it’s time to take control of our homes, our children, and our country. If we do what is right and let the Lord deal with our wives’ reactions, we can turn our homes around. Remember, we will be held accountable for what we do or don’t do. Your wife will be held accountable for submitting to God. Standing firm in our faith and doing everything in love will make all the difference. “Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong” (1 Cor. 16:13).

Haar probeer keer? Jy mag dalk sĂȘ, “Jy ken nie my vrou nie, ek kan nooit beheer van ons huis neem nie!” God ken jou vrou. “Die gedrup uit 'n dak wat lek op 'n reĂ«ndag, so is 'n vrou wat aanhou kyf.  Wie haar probeer keer, kan net so wel die wind probeer keer of olie met sy hand probeer vashou” (Spr. 27:15-16). Maar mans, dit is tyd om beheer te neem van ons huise, ons kinders, en ons land. As ons doen wat reg is en die Here toelaat om met ons vrouens af te reken, kan ons ons huis omkeer. Onthou, ons sal aanspreeklik gehou word vir wat ons doen of nie doen nie. Jou vrou sal aanspreeklik gehou word om aan God onderdanig te wees. Deur vas te staan in die geloof en alles in liefde te doen, sal al die verskil maak. “Wees waaksaam, staan vas in die geloof, wees manmoedig, wees sterk!” (1 Kor. 16:13). 

If You Love Me
As Jy My Liefhet

After you put God first in your life, and begin to obey God’s Word, then you must cast down the false doctrine that says, “You are saved by grace, so it’s really okay to sin. We are no longer under the Law.” Let’s search the Scriptures:

Nadat jy God eerste geplaas het in jou lewe en begin om God se Woord te gehoorsaam, moet jy die vals leer neerwerp wat sĂȘ: “Ek is deur genade gered, so dit is regtig OK om te sondig.On is nie meer onder die Wet nie.” Kom ons soek in die Skrif:    

Do your deeds deny Him? “They profess to know God, but their deeds deny Him, being detestable and disobedient and worthless for any good deed” (Titus 1:16).

Weerspreek jou dade Hom? “Hulle gee voor dat hulle God ken, maar hulle dade weerspreek dit. Hulle is verfoeilik en koppig en deug vir geen goeie werk nie.” (Titus 1:16).

Do you do what His Word says? “Why do you call Me Lord, and do not do what I say?” (Luke 6:46).

Doen jy wat Sy Woord sĂȘ? “Watter sin het dit dat julle My aanspreek met “Here, Here! en nie doen wat Ek sĂȘ nie” (Lukas 6:46).

Are we to continue in sin? “What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace might increase? May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it?” (Rom. 6:1–2).

Moet ons aanhou sonde doen?  “Wat moet ons nou hiervan sĂȘ? Moet ons aanhou sonde doen sodat die genade kan toeneem? Beslis nie. Hoe kan ons wat dood is vir die sonde, nog daarin voortlewe?” (Rom. 6: 1-2).

Faith without works is dead. “What use is it, my brethren, if a man says he has faith, but he has no works? Can that faith save him?” (James 2:14). “For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead” (James 2:26).

Geloof sonder dade is dood. “Wat help dit, my broers, as iemand beweer dat hy glo, maar sy dade bevestig dit nie? Kan so ‘n geloof ‘n mens red?” (Jak. 2:14). So is die geloof wat nie tot dade kom nie, ook dood. “(Jak. 2:26).

I never knew you. Many believe that you can live any way you wish and then enter into heaven once you die; this is simply not true. “Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you who practice lawlessness’” (Matt. 7:22–23).

Ek het julle nooit geken nie. Baie mense glo dat jy jou lewe kan lei net soos wat jy wil en dan die koninkryk van die hemel sal binnegaan wanneer jy doodgaan; dit is eenvoudig nie waar nie. “Baie sal daardie dag vir My sĂȘ. ‘Here, Here, het ons dan nie in u Naam gepreek nie, deur u Naam bose geeste uitgedryf en deur u Naam baie wonders gedoen nie?’ Dan sal ek openlik vir hulle sĂȘ: Ek het julle nooit geken nie. Gaan weg van My af, julle wat die wet van God oortree.’” (Matt. 7:22-23).

Confess your sins. If you have continued to sin, thinking you are saved by grace even when you walk in disobedience, do as Scripture says: “Therefore, confess your sins one to another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed” (James 5:16).

Bely julle sondes. As jy voort gegaan het om te sondig, deur te dink jy is deur genade gered selfs wanneer jy in ongehoorsaamheid loop, doen soos die Woord sĂȘ:  “Bely julle sondes eerlik teenoor mekaar en bid vir mekaar, sodat julle gesond kan word.” (Jak. 5:16).

Obedience to His Word
Gehoorsaamheid aan Sy Woord

“Wisdom shouts in the street, she lifts her voice in the square. At the head of the noisy streets she cries out; at the entrance to the gate in the city, she utters her sayings: ‘How long, O naive ones, will you love simplicity. And scoffers delight themselves in scoffing, and fools hate knowledge. Turn to my reproof, behold, I will pour out my spirit on you; I will make my words known to you. Because I called and you refused; I stretched out my hand, and no one paid attention; and you neglected all my counsel, and did not want my reproof; I will even laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your dread comes, when your dread comes on like a storm, and your calamity comes on like a whirlwind, when distress and anguish come on you.“‘Then they will call on me but I will not answer; they will seek me diligently, but they will not find me, because they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord. They would not accept my counsel, they spurned all my reproof. So they shall eat of the fruit of their own way, and be satiated with their own devices. For the waywardness of the naive shall kill them, and the complacency of fools shall destroy them. But he who listens to me shall live securely, and shall be at ease from the dread of evil’” (Prov. 1:20–33).

“Wysheid is ‘n vrou wat langs die straat staan en roep, sy laat haar stem hoor op die stadspleine, sy roep bo die rumoer uit, by die ingange van die stadspoorte sĂȘ sy wat sy te sĂȘ het: Julle onkundiges, hoe lank gaan julle nog vashou aan julle onkunde, gaan die grootpraters hulle pratery geniet en die swape ‘n afkeer hĂȘ van kennis? As julle luister na my teregwysing, gee ek julle my wysheid in oorvloed en leer ek julle my woorde begryp. Ek het geroep en julle wou nie luister nie, ek het my hand uitgesteek en julle het dit nie gegryp nie. Julle het my raad alles in die wind geslaan, julle wou julle nie laat teregwys nie. Daarom sal ek lag as die ongeluk julle tref, ek sal met julle spot wanneer die angs julle oorval, wanneer daar nood en kwelling oor julle kom. Die angs sal soos ‘n storm oor julle kom, die ongeluk sal julle tref soos ‘n orkaan.” “Dan sal julle my roep en ek sal julle nie antwoord nie, julle sal my soek en my nie kry nie. Julle het ‘n afkeer van kennis gehad, julle het geweier om die Here te dien, julle het my raad verontagsaam en elke teregwysing van my geminag. Julle sal die vrugte van julle optrede pluk, julle sal van julle eie planne walg. Die onkundiges se dwaling is hulle die dood, die dwase word vernietig deur hulle selfversekerheid, maar wie na my luister sal veilig wees en hoef geen ramp te vrees nie.”’ (Spr. 1:20-33).

Obedience comes from the heart. “. . . You became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching to which you were committed” (Rom. 6:17). And again, “For God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Sam. 16:7).

Van harte gehoorsaam wees. “...van harte gehoorsaam geword aan die leer soos julle dit deur die oorlewering ontvang het.” (Rom. 6:17). En weer, “...Die Here kyk nie na dieselfde dinge as die mens nie. Die mens kyk na die uiterlike, maar die Here na die innerlike.” (1 Sam 16:7).

Obedience needs testing. “Do not be surprised at the fiery trial which comes upon you for your testing” (1 Pet. 4:12).

Gehoorsaamheid het vuurproef nodig. “Geliefdes, moenie verbaas wees oor die vuurproef waaraan julle onderwerp word nie.”  (1 Pet. 4:12).

Obedience purifies your soul. “Since you have in obedience to the Truth, purified your souls” (1 Pet. 1:22).

Gehoorsaamheid reinig jou siel. “Noudat julle julle in gehoorsaamheid aan die waarheid gereinig het.” (1 Pet. 1:22).

Obedience gives testimony of who your Father is. “Obey My voice and I will be your God, and you will be My people; and you will walk in all the way in which I command you, that it may be well with you. Yet they did not obey or incline their ear, but walked in their own counsels and in the stubbornness of their evil heart, and went backward and not forward” (Jer. 7:23–24).

Gehoorsaamheid gee getuienis van Wie jou Vader is. “Maar wat ek julle beveel het is: Julle moet My gehoorsaam. Dan sal ek julle God wees en julle sal my volk wees. Maar julle moet leef soos Ek julle beveel sodat dit met julle goed kan gaan. Maar hulle het nie geluister nie en hulle nie aan My gesteur nie. Hulle was hardkoppig en moedswillig, hulle het hulle eie koppe gevolg, sodat hulle versleg het in plaas van verbeter.” (Jer. 7:23-24).

Your disobedience actually praises the wicked. “Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, but those who keep the law strive with them” (Prov. 28:4).

Jou ongehoorsaamheid prys eintlik die goddeloses. “Wie die wet van die Here verontagsaam, praat met lof van goddelose mense, wie die wet onderhou beveg hulle.” (Spr. 28:4).

The prayers of the disobedient go unheard. “He who turns away his ear from listening to the law, even his prayer is an abomination” (Prov. 28:9).

Die gebede van die ongehoorsames is ‘n afsku. “As iemand hom doof hou vir die wet van die Here, sal die Here ‘n afsku hĂȘ van so man se gebed. (Spr. 28:9).

Our Example Is Christ
Ons Voorbeeld is Christus

 He was obedient even unto death. “He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross” (Phil. 2:5–11).

Hy was gehoorsaam tot in die dood. “het Hy Homself verder verneder. Ja Hy was gehoorsaam tot in die dood, ja, die dood aan die kruis.” (Fil. 2:5-10).

He learned obedience. “Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered” (Heb. 5:7–10).

Geleer wat gehoorsaamheid is. “Hoewel Hy die Seun was, het Hy deur alles wat Hy gely het, geleer wat gehoorsaamheid is.” (Heb. 5:7-10).

He was obedient and submissive to His authority. “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but Thou wilt. . . . My Father if this cannot pass away unless I drink it, Thy will be done” (Matt. 26:39, 42).

Hy was gehoorsaam en onderdanig aan Sy gesag. “My Vader, as dit moontlik is, laat hierdie lydensbeker by my verbygaan. Moet nogtans nie doen soos Ek wil nie, maar soos U wil...My Vader, as hierdie lydensbeker nie by My kan verbygaan sonder dat Ek dit drink nie, laat U wil geskied.” (Matt. 26:39,42).

The secret to success. “All the paths of the Lord are lovingkindness and truth to those who keep His covenant and His testimonies. For Thy name’s sake, O Lord, pardon my iniquity, for it is great. Who is the man who fears the Lord? He will instruct him in the way he should choose. His soul will abide in prosperity, and his descendants will inherit the land. The secret of the Lord is for those who fear Him” (Ps. 25:10–11).

Die geheim van sukses. “Liefde en trou is die paaie wat die Here bewandel met die wat sy verbond en verordeninge bewaar. Ter wille van u Naam, Here, vergewe my my sonde, want dit is groot. As iemand die Here dien leer hy watter pad hy moet kies, sodat hy voorspoed sal geniet en sy nageslag die land sal bly bewoon. Die Here neem die wat Hom dien, in sy vertroue.” (Ps. 25: 10-15).

Foolishness to him. You may be having trouble taking this all in. But I guarantee that you will never understand until you first obey. “But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised. But he who is spiritual appraises all things . . .” (1 Cor. 2:14–15).

Vir hom is dit onsin. Jy mag dit dalk moeilik vind om alles wat die Skrif sĂȘ te verstaan, maar ek waarborg jou, as jy eers begin om gehoorsaam te wees, sal jy verstaan. “Die mens wat nie die Gees van God het nie. Vir hom is dit onsin Hy kan dit ook nie verstaan nie, omdat dit geestelik beoordeel moet word. Die mens wat die Gees van God het, kan die waarde van alles beoordeel
” (1 Kor. 2:14-15).

Self-condemned. Unfortunately, most dispute or argue the true meaning of Scripture, which God says is to their own destruction.“But shun foolish controversies and genealogies and strife and disputes about the Law; for they are unprofitable and worthless. Reject a factious man after a first and second warning, knowing that such a man is perverted and is sinning, being self-condemned” (Titus 3:9–11).

Oordeel oor homself. Ongelukkig, stry en argumenteer meeste mense oor die ware betekenis van die Woord, wat God sĂȘ is tot hulle eie vernietiging. “Maar jy moet jou nie inlaat met dwase strydvrae en geslagsregisters en met getwis en stryery oor die wet van Moses nie, want dit is nutteloos en sinloos. Met iemand wat na twee vermaninge nog skeuring veroorsaak, moet jy niks te doen hĂȘ nie, omdat jy weet dat so man op die verkeerde pad is. Deur sy sonde bring hy die oordeel oor homself.” (Titus 3:9-11).

Turn aside to myths. Instead of searching for the Truth, some want others to agree with their false ideas or compromising decisions: “But wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will turn aside to myths” (2 Tim. 4:3–4).

Tot verdigsels wend. In plaas daarvan om na die Waarheid te soek, wil hulle hĂȘ ander moet met hulle verkeerde idees of besluite saamstem. “Hulle sal hulle eie begeertes volg en vir hulle leermeesters bymekaarmaak wat net sal sĂȘ wat hulle graag wil hoor. Hulle sal die waarheid nie wil hoor en hulle tot verdigsels wend,” (2 Tim. 4:3-4).

Obedience to Be Delivered from Our Trials
Gehoorsaamheid om uit ons Beproewings Gelewer te Word

 Remember that only the blameless will be delivered. “He who walks blamelessly will be delivered, but he who is crooked will fall all at once” (Prov. 28:18).

Onthou dat net die eerbares uitgelewer sal word. “Wie ‘n eerbare lewe lei, sal hulp ontvang; wie ‘n oneerlike lewe lei, sal onverwags tot ‘n val kom.” (Spr. 28:18).

God watches and blesses what you do. “Thou dost recompense a man according to his work” (Ps. 62:12).

God kyk toe en seĂ«n wat jy doen. “...en dat u met elkeen handel volgens sy verdienste.” (Ps. 62:12).

Watch your folly. “But let them not turn back to folly. Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him” (Ps. 85:8–9).

Moenie afdwaal nie. “Hule moet net nie weer afdwaal nie. Waarlik, uitkoms is naby vir die wat Hom dien:” (Ps. 85:8-9).

Wisdom is needed. “He who walks wisely will be delivered” (Prov. 28:26).

Wysheid word benodig. “Wie hom deur wysheid laat lei, is veilig.” (Spr. 28:26).

Hear and fear. “The one who despises the Word will be in debt to it, but the one who fears the commandment will be rewarded” (Prov. 13:13).

Hoor en wys eerbied. “Wie hom nie aan die woorde van die Here steur nie. sal die gevolge dra; wie eerbied het vir sy gebooie, sal die goeie vrugte pluk.” (Spr. 13:13).

Seek and follow wisdom. “He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, but he who walks wisely will be delivered” (Prov. 28:26).

Streef na en volg wysheid. “Wie op homself vertrou, is ‘n dwaas; wie hom deur wysheid laat lei, is veilig.” (Spr. 28:26).

Be self-disciplined in your obedience to His Word. “Do not be as the horse or as the mule which have no understanding, whose trappings include bit and bridle to hold them in check, otherwise they will not come near to you” (Ps. 32:9).

Wees self gedissiplineerd in jou gehoorsaamheid aan Sy Woord. “Moenie onverstandig wees nie, soos 'n perd of 'n muil wat met 'n stang in die bek beteuel moet word as jy hom wil le” (Ps. 32:9).

If you don’t obey, He will discipline you. “The Lord has disciplined me severely, but He has not given me over to death” (Ps. 118:18).

As jy nie gehoorsaam nie, sal Hy jou disiplineer. “Die Here het my swaar gekasty, maar my nie aan die dood oorgegee nie.” (Ps. 118:18).

God is faithful to His Word. “If his sons forsake My law, and do not walk in My judgments, if they violate My statutes, and do not keep My commandments, then I will visit their transgressions with a rod, and their iniquity with stripes” (Ps. 89:30–34).

God is getrou aan Sy Woord. “As sy nakomelinge nie handel volgens my woord nie en nie lewe volgens my bepalings nie, as hulle my voorskrifte verontagsaam en my gebooie nie nakom nie, sal Ek hulle oortreding straf en hulle oor hulle sonde met swaar slae straf.” (Ps. 89:30-32).

Let us all bow our heads and pray Psalm 51 aloud: “Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Against Thee, Thee only, have I sinned, and done what is evil in Thy sight. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not take Thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Thy salvation, and sustain me with a willing spirit. Then I will teach transgressors Thy ways, and sinners will be converted to Thee. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, Thou will not despise.”

Kom ons buig ons hoofde en bid Psalm 51 hardop: “Was my skoon van my skuld, reinig my van my sonde! Ja, my oortredings ken ek en van my sonde bly ek altyd bewus. Teen u alleen het ek gesondig, ek het gedoen wat verkeerd is in u oĂ«. Skep vir my ‘n rein hart, o God, vernuwe my gees en maak my standvastig. Moet my tog nie van U af wegdryf en u Heilige Gees van my af wegneem nie! Laat my weer die blydskap ervaar van iemand wat deur U verlos is, laat my U weer met toewyding dien. Dan sal ek oortreders leer wat U van ‘n mens verwag; dat die sondaars hulle tot U sal bekeer. Die offer wat U wil hĂȘ, o God, is verootmoediging: U sal ‘n hart vol ootmoed en berou nie gering ag nie, o God.” 

May God be with you as you strive to be more like Christ
Mag God by jou wees soos wat jy streef om meer soos Christus te wees!

“Not that I have already obtained it, or have already become perfect, but I press on, in order that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:12).

“Ek sĂȘ nie dat ek dit alles al het of die doel al bereik het nie, maar ek span my in om dit alles myne te maak omdat Christus Jesus my reeds Syne gemaak het” (Fil. 3:12).

Personal commitment: To put the Lord first in my life.“Based on what I have learned in Scripture, I commit to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. I will show the Lord, and others, my commitment to Him by my obedience to His Word.”

Persoonlike verbintenis: Om die Here eerste in my lewe te plaas: “Gebaseer op wat ek in die Bybel geleer het, verbind ek myself om my vir die koninkryk van God en die wil van God te beywer. Ek sal vir die Here, en aan ander, my verbintenis aan Hom wys deur my gehoorsaamheid aan Sy Woord.” 

Vul asseblief jou JOERNAAL in met die HERE in gedagte, met wat jy elke dag leer vir die volgende 30 dae om "Jou Huwelik Te Herstel".

Hoe meer jy jou hart uitstort in hierdie vorms, hoe meer kan ons en God jou help. Hierdie vorm sal jou en jou eVennoot ook help met aanspreeklikheid. KLIK HIER