
Hoofstuk 5 “Wapens van ons Stryd”

“Die wapens van die stryd ons is nie die wapens van die mens nie,
Maar die kragtige wapens van God wat vestings kan vernietig.”
—2 KorintiĂ«rs 10:4


In our vastly changing world, we men are bombarded with so many mixed messages regarding what men are to be like and how we are to act. The feminists have convinced both men and women that if we take authority over our households or protect our wives we are “chauvinist pigs.” In contrast, at the movie theater, it seems there is always at least one movie that portrays the brutal violence of men against their enemies. Amidst this confusion, it is a welcome relief to have the Bible and the Holy Scriptures to guide us, renew our minds with the Truth, and therefore transform us.

In ons oneindigende veranderde wĂȘreld, word ons mans met soveel gemengde boodskappe bombadeer aangaande hoe mans moet wees en hoe ons moet optree. Die feministe het beide mans en vrouens oorweeg dat as ons autoriteit oor ons huishoudings neem en of ons vrouens beskerm is ons “chauvinistiese varke.” In teenstelling, by die rolprent teater, lyk dit asof daar altyd een rolprent is wat die brutale geweld van mans teen hulle vyande uitbeeld. Ten midde van hierdie verwarring, is dit ‘n welkome verligting om die Bybel en die Heilige Skrif te hĂȘ om ons te lei, en ons gedagtes met die Waarheid te hernu, en daarby ons te transformeer.   

Satan has set his main attack on our homes; this is the “front line.” When there is trouble at home, especially with our wives, it causes us to be totally ineffective in our lives. Some men will run from the front lines by finding solace in their jobs, in sports, in hobbies, or in the arms of another woman. Let’s face the battle head on with the weapons God has given us through Christ’s death on the cross. Let’s learn how we can use the “weapons of our warfare” to pull down some of the walls that have divided our homes.

Satan het sy hoof aanval op ons huise gestel; dit is die “voorste linie.” Wanneer daar moeilikheid by die huis is, spesiaal met ons vrouens. Veroorsaak dit ons om heeltemal ondoeltreffend in ons lewens te wees. Sommige mans sal van die voorste linie af hardloop deur verkwikking in hulle werk, in sports, in stokperdjies, of in die arms van ‘n ander vrou te verkry. Kom ons gaan die stryd kop eerste  in met die wapens wat God vir ons gegee het deur Christus se dood aan die kruis. Kom ons hoor hoe ons die stryd met “wapens van ons stryd” kan gebruik om sommige van die mure wat wat ons huise verdeel het af te trek.    

When I am having trouble with my wife, what should I do?
Wanneer ek probleme met my vrou het, wat behoort ek te doen?

We must go to the top; we must go to our heavenly Father and appeal to Him.
Ons moet na die boonste een gaan; ons moet na ons hemelse Vader toe gaan en by Hom appéleer.

First, examine yourself and your motives. “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts, and see if there be any hurtful way in me . . .” (Ps. 139:23–24).

Eerstens, ondersoek jouself en jou motiewe. “Deurgrond my, o God, deurgrond my hart, ondersoek my, sien tog my onrus raak. Kyk of ek nie op die verkeerde pad is nie en lei my op die beproefde pad!. . .(Ps.139:23-24).

Next, turn over, through prayer alone, your wife to God. You must understand that you are not responsible for what your wife does or does not do; she is accountable to God for her actions. “But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust” (James 1:14).

Volgende, keer, deur gebed alleen, jou vrou aan God oor. Jy moet verstaan dat jy nie verantwoordelik is vir wat jou vrou doen of nie doen nie; sy is aanspreeklik vir God vir haar aksies. “Maar 'n mens word verlei deur sy eie begeertes wat hom aanlok en saamsleep. (Jak. 1:14).

Get out of her way. “How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners . . . but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night” (Ps. 1:1). Because you are her authority, explain clearly to your wife what you want her to do. But, if she rebels, get out of her way! The second line tells us what we are to do—meditate on His Word. Leave your wife to God; God must be the One to make changes in your wife. Who got your attention and made the changes in you? God. If God did this with you, isn’t He more than able to change your wife?

Kom uit haar pad. “Dit gaan goed met die mens wat nie die raad van goddeloses volg nie, nie met sondaars omgaan 
 saamspan nie, maar wat in die woord van die Here sy vreugde vind, dit dag en nag oordink” (Ps. 1:1) Omdat jy haar autoriteit is, verduidelik duidelik aan jou vrou wat jy wil hĂȘ sy moet doen. Maar as sy rebelleer, kom uit haar pad uit! Die tweede lyn sĂȘ vir ons wat ons behoort te doen—mediteer op Sy Woord. Los jou vrou aan God oor; God moet die een wees wat veranderinge in jou vrou aanbring. As God dit met jou gedoen het, is Hy nie meer as in staat om jou vrou te verander nie?

Stop riding her about it; pray about it! You can help to heal your home with your prayers. “Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much” (James 5:16).

Hou op om haar dooroor te ry; bid daaroor! Jy kan help om jou huis te genees met jou gebede. “Bely julle sondes eerlik teenoor mekaar en bid vir mekaar, sodat julle gesond kan word. Die gebed van 'n gelowige het 'n kragtige uitwerking” (Jak. 5:16).

Have the proper attitude. “Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe” (1 Tim. 4:12).

Jy moet die regte houding hĂȘ. Niemand mag op jou neersien omdat jy jonk is nie, maar wees jy vir die gelowiges 'n voorbeeld in woord en gedrag, in liefde, geloof en reinheid” (1 Tim. 4:12).

Overcome all evil with good. Be careful how you react to evil when it occurs: “Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good” (Rom. 12:21). And it may occur: “. . . knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance” (James 1:3). Take this opportunity to pray a blessing over your wife: “. . . not returning evil for evil, or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing” (1 Pet. 3:9).

Oorwin die kwaad deur die goeie. Wees versigtig hoe jy oor die kwaad reageer wanneer dit plaasvind: Moet jou nie deur die kwaad laat oorwin nie, maar oorwin die kwaad deur die goeie” (Rom. 12:21). En dit mag plaasvind: “ . . . want, soos julle weet, as julle geloof die toets deurstaan het, stel dit julle in staat om te volhard” (Jakobus 1:3). Neem hierdie geleentheid om ‘n seĂ«n oor jou vrou te bid: “ . . .Moenie kwaad met kwaad vergeld of belediging met belediging nie. Inteendeel, antwoord met 'n seĂ«nwens, want daartoe is julle geroep, sodat julle die seĂ«n van God kan verkry” (1 Pet. 3:9).

Concentrate on loving the unlovable! When you love and give honor to your wife, even when she is unlovable and unkind, you are showing her unconditional love. “For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax-gatherers do the same?” (Matt. 5:46). Give God your hurts, rather than returning evil or insults. He will help you love your wife regardless of her actions toward you.

Konsentreer om lief te wees vir die onbeminlike! As jy vir jou vrou lief is en haar eer, selfs wanneer sy onbeminlik en onvriendelik is, bewys jy onvoorwaardelike liefde aan haar. “As julle net diĂ© liefhet wat vir julle liefhet, watter loon kan julle dan nog verwag? Maak die tollenaars nie ook maar net so nie?” (Matt. 5:46). Gee vir God jou seer, eerder as om op die kwaad of beledigings te reageer. Hy sal jou help om lief te wees vir jou vrou ondanks haar aksies teenoor jou.

The ministry of reconciliation. As children of God, we are to be ambassadors of God’s love and that will draw others to the Lord. “Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ . . . and [he] gave us the ministry of reconciliation . . . not counting their trespasses against them, and he has committed the word of reconciliation” (2 Cor. 5:18–20). Are you counting your wrongs suffered? Remember, God’s mercies are new every morning. Are your mercies toward your wife new every morning?

Die bediening van die versoening. As kinders van God moet ons gesante van God se liefde wees en dit sal ander nader aan God te trek. “Ons tree dus op as gesante van Christus,  . . .en [hy] het vir ons die bediening van versoening gegee . . .en die mense hulle oortredinge nie toegereken nie, en die boodskp van versoening het Hy aan ons toevertrou” (2 Kor. 5:18-20). Tel jy jou die verkeerde dinge wat aan jou gedoen is? Onthou, God se genade is elke oggend nuut. Is jou genade teenoor jou vrou elke oggend nuut?   

Our first mission field. You may ask yourself, “Why should I minister to my wife and my family?” The Lord gives us our homes as the first “mission field.” We may want to rush ahead of God before we are really ready. As husbands and fathers, we are to minister at home first! “. . . if any man be above reproach, the husband of one wife, having children who believe, not accused of dissipation or rebellion. For the overseer must be above reproach as God’s steward, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not addicted to wine, not pugnacious, not fond of sordid gain, but hospitable, loving what is good, sensible, just, devout, self-controlled, holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, that he may be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict” (Titus 1:6–9). Once we become effective “missionaries” in our own home, we then can be effective with others.

Ons eerste sendingveld. Jy mag jouself vra, “Waarom moet ek aan my vrou en familie minister?” Die Here gee vir ons ons huise as eerste “sendingvelde.” Ons mag wil voor God uithaas voordat ons regtig gereed is. As mans en vaders, moet ons eerste by die huis minister! “  
 onberispelik van gedrag; getrou aan sy vrou wees en nie die naam  dat hulle losbandig lewe en teen gesag in opstand kom nie.  ‘n Ouderling is immers ‘n bestuurder van die huishouding van God. Daarom moet hy onberispelik van gedrag wees, nie aanmatigend en opvlieĂ«nd nie, nie ‘n dronkaard of ‘n rusiemaker of ‘n soeker van oneerlike wins nie. Hy moet gasvry wees, lief vir wat goed is verstandig, regverdig, vroom en selfbeheers. Hy moet vashou aan die betroubare woord waarin hy onderrig is. Dan sal hy in staat wees om ander met die gesonde leer aan te moedig en die argumente van teenstanders te weerlĂȘ” (Titus 1:6-9). Sodra ons doeltreffende “sendelinge” word in ons eie huise, kan ons dan met ander doeltreffend wees.   

God wants us to learn contentment before He’ll change our wives. To prove the point further, let’s examine Paul’s life. “Not that I speak from want; for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.” He goes on to say (the verse you hear so often), “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:11–13).

God wil hĂȘ ons moet ons in alle omstandighede behelp voordat Hy ons vrouens sal verander. Om die punt verder te bewys, kom ons ondersoek Paulus se lewe. “ Ek sĂȘ dit nie omdat ek gebrek ly nie, want ek het geleer om my in alle omstandighede te behelp. Ek weet wat armoede is en ek weet wat oorvloed is ; van alles het ek ondervinding: om genoeg te hĂȘ om te eet sowel as om honger te ly, om oorvloed te hĂȘ sowel as gebrek te ly. Hy gaan aan om te sĂȘ (die vers wat jy so baie hoor), “Ek is tot alles in staat deur Hom wat my krag gee” (Fil. 4:11-13).

You must battle in the proper way. Do what God says—it will work! “To sum up, let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit; not returning evil for evil, or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing” (1 Pet. 3:8).

Jy moet op die regte manier die stryd voer. Doen wat God sĂȘ—dit sal werk! “Ten slotte: Wees almal eensgesind, medelydend, liefdevol, goedhartig, nederig. Moenie kwaad met kwaad vergeld of belediging met belediging. Inteendeel, antwoord met ‘n seĂ«nwens, want daartoe is julle geroepe, sodat julle die seĂ«n van God kan verkry” (1 Pet. 3:8).

This is a spiritual battle. “Do you think that I cannot appeal to My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve legions of angels” (Matt. 26:52). Our heavenly Father will call on the angels to battle on your behalf in the “heavenlies” where the “real battle” is waging. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Eph. 6:12). Pray Psalm 91 over your family.

Dit is ‘n geestelike stryd.” Of dink jy Ek kan nie my Vader om hulp vra nie? Hy sal dadelik vir My meer as twaalf legioene engele beskikbaar stel” (Matt 26:52). Ons Hemelse Vader sal die engele vra om om jou onthalwe te in die “hemel” te veg waar die “ware stryd” gevoer word. “Ons stryd is nie teen vlees en bloed nie, maar teen elke mag en gesag, teen elke gees wat heers oor hierdie sondige wĂȘreld, teen elke bose gees in die lug.” (Efe. 6:12). Bid Psalms 91 oor jou familie.

Your wife is not the enemy. “Do you not know when you present yourselves to someone as slaves of obedience, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness?” (Rom. 6:16). When sin abounds in someone’s life, that person is really just a slave of the devil. We may think the one who sins is awful, but so are we if we continue to react with vengeance. Remember, that belongs to God alone! “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses” (2 Cor. 10:4). Wouldn’t you rather get at the root cause, not just at the symptom?

Jou vrou is nie jou vyand nie. “Julle weet tog: as julle julle aan iemand onderwerp om hom as slawe te gehoorsaam, is julle die slawe van diĂ© een aan wie julle gehoorsaam is. As dit die sonde is, beteken dit vir julle die dood; as dit gehoorsaamheid aan God is, beteken dit vryspraak en lewe?” (Rom. 6:16). Wanneer die sonde in iemand se lewe volop is, is daardie persoon net ‘n slaaf van die duiwel. Ons mag dink die een wat sondig is verskriklik, maar so is ons as ons voortgaan om met wraak te reageer. Onthou, dit behoort alleenlik aan God! “Die wapens van ons stryd is nie die wapens van die mens nie, maar die kragtige wapens van God wat vestings kan vernietig” (2 Kor. 10:4). Sou jy nie by die wortel van die kwaad wou uitkom, nie net die simptoom nie?

Word of warning. Never open up or share with any woman your troubles at home or tell another woman that your wife just “doesn't understand.” If you do, you are like an ox being led to slaughter! Even though they may be very nice, married, not your type, or any other excuse Satan is telling you (or you are telling yourself), it is not “safe” to talk to another woman! Satan doesn’t care who he uses to destroy your home. Never confide or share anything with another woman! “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Pet. 5:8). (See “Because of Immoralities” for more knowledge.)

Woord van waarskuwing. Moet nooit oopmaak of met enige vrou jou moeilkhede by die huis deel nie dat sy “net nie verstaan nie.” As jy dit doen,  is jy soos ‘n bees wat slagpale toe gelei word! Alhoewel hulle baie vriendelik mag wees, getroud, nie jou soort, of enige ander verskoning wat Satan jou vertel (of jy vir jouself vertel), dit is nie “veilig” om met ‘n ander vrou te praat nie! Satan gee nie om wie hy gebruik om jou huis te vernietig nie. Moet hulle nooit in vertroue neem of enige iets met ‘n ander vrou deel nie! “Wees nugter, wees wakker! Julle vyand, die duiwel, loop rond soos 'n brullende leeu, op soek na iemand om te verslind” (1 Pet. 5:8). Sien “As gevolg van Onsuiwerhede” vir meer kennis).

Boast about your weaknesses. If you see or hear of a situation with another married man who is falling into this trap, share this Truth with him. Don’t judge him. Care enough to turn back your brother. “My brethren, if any among you strays from the Truth, and one turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death, and will cover a multitude of sins” (James 5:19–20). Let him confide in you. Then, open up to him your failings or temptations, humbly. “And He has said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.’ Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may dwell in me” (2 Cor. 12:9).

Roem oor my swakhede. As jy sien of hoor van ‘n ander situasie met nog ‘n getroude man wat in hierdie lokval val, deel hierdie Waarheid met hom. Moet hom nie oordeel nie. Gee genoeg om om jou broer terug te draai. “ My broers, as een van julle van die waarheid afdwaal en iemand sou hom terugbring, weet dan dat hy wat ‘n sondaar van sy dwaalweg trugbring, hom uit die dood red en maak dat ‘n menigte sondes vergewe word” (Jak. 5:19-20). Laat hom jou in sy vertroue neem. Dan, maak jou mislukkings of versoekings, nederig oop vir hom. “Sy antwoord was: “My genade is vir jou genoeg. My krag kom juis tot volle werking wanneer jy swak is.” Daarom sal ek baie liewer oor my swakhede roem, sodat die krag van Christus my beskutting kan wees” (2 Kor. 12:9).

Be committed. Be committed regardless of the consequences and leave the results to God. “If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up” (Dan. 3:17). These youths believed God would deliver them, but, regardless of the consequences, they had resolved that they would not compromise, even if it meant death in the furnace. These young men were determined to do what they knew God wanted them to do and left the results in God’s hands. The youths didn’t die, but the cords that bound them were removed by their walking in the fire. Do you have cords (of sin or anxiety) that are binding you? God will deliver you. Let’s prepare for the battle that will win the war in our homes!

Wees toegewyd. Wees toegewyd ten spyte van die nagevolge en los die resultate aan God oor. “Ons het ons God vir wie ons dien. Hy het die mag om ons te red uit die brandende oond, en Hy sal ons ook red uit u mag. Selfs as Hy dit nie doen nie, moet u weet dat ons u god nie sal dien nie, die goue beeld wat u laat oprig het, nie sal aanbid nie. (Dan. 3:17). Hierdie jong manne het geweet dat God hulle sou uitlewer, ten spyte van die nagevolge, het hulle besluit dat hulle nie sou ingee nie, alhoewel dit die dood in die brandende oond sou beteken het. Hierdie jong mans was vasbeslote om te doen wat hulle geweet het dat God wou gehad het hulle moet doen en het die resultate in God se hande gelos. Die jongmans het nie gesterf nie, maar die koord wat hulle gebind het was verwyder deur in die vuur te loop. Het jy koorde (van sonde en angs) wat jou bind? God sal jou uitlewer. Kom ons raak voorbereid vir die stryd wat die oorlog in on huise sal wen!  

Preparing for War by Putting on Your Armor
Berei voor vir Oorlog deur jou Wapenuitrusting aan te Trek

The schemes of the devil. “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil” (Eph. 6:10–11). Remember the real enemy is Satan—not your wife.

Die listige aanslae van die duiwel. “Verder nog dit: Soek julle krag in die Here en in sy groot mag. Trek die volle wapenrusting aan wat God julle gee, sodat julle op julle pos kan bly ondanks die listige aanslae van die duiwel” (Efe. 6:10-11). Onthou die regte vyand is Satan—nie jou vrou nie.

The full armor of God. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day” (Eph. 6:12–13). You must resist the fear that causes you to run to something or someone else or to just give up! Stand firm.

Die volle wapenuitrusting van God. “Ons stryd is nie teen vlees en bloed nie, maar teen elke mag en gesag, teen elke gees wat heers oor hierdie sondige wĂȘreld, teen elke bose gees in die lug. Trek daarom die volle wapenrusting aan wat God julle gee, sodat julle weerstand kan bied in die dag van onheil en, nadat julle die stryd tot die einde toe gevoer het, nog op julle pos kan bly staan” (Efe. 6:12-13). Jy moet die vrees wat jou veroorsaak om na iets of iemand anders te hardloop weerstaan of om net op te gee! Bly op julle pos!

Stand firm. “Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with Truth . . .” (Eph. 6:14). People talk about “stepping out in faith.” It may be best to stop moving and just stand firm! It may be the difference between trusting and tempting God. Sometimes we feel as though we are taking a “step of faith,” but we are actually throwing ourselves off a cliff. Our convictions should enable us to “stand” for what is right. If God brings adversity into our lives, our stand will be the testimony. Yet, sometimes we are asked to step out and walk on water, as Peter was asked to do. Discernment is needed here. Usually our “flesh” brings about urgency. God usually says wait.

Bly op julle pos. “Bly dan op julle pos, toegerus met die waarheid as gordel om julle heupe, die vryspraak deur God as borsharnas. . . (Efe. 6:14). Mense praat van in die geloof “uittree.” Dit mag beter wees om net op te hou om te beweeg en op julle pos te bly! Dit mag die verskil wees tussen om op God te vertrou en Hom uit te lok. Somtyds voel ons asof ons ‘n tree in geloof nem, maar ons gooi onsself van ‘n kloof af. Ons oortuigings behoort ons in staat te stel om te “staan” vir wat reg is. As God teenspoed in ons lewens bring, sal ons staan die getuienis wees. Tog, somtyds word ons gevra om uit te tree en op water te loop, soos wat Petrus gevra was om te doen. Onderskeiding is hier nodig. Gewoonlik bring ons “vlees” die dringendheid na vore. God sĂȘ gewoonlik om te wag.   

His righteousness. “And having put on the breastplate of righteousness . . .” (Eph. 6:14). God is talking about His righteousness, not yours. He tells us in His Word that our righteousness is nothing but “filthy rags.”

Vryspraak deur God. “Die vryspraak deur God as borsharnas. . . “ (Efe. 6:14). God praat hier van Sy vryspraak, nie joune nie. Hy sĂȘ vir ons in Sy Woord dat ons vryspraak niks behalwe “vuil klere” is nie.  

Walk in peace. “And having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace . . .” (Eph. 6:15). It says in Matthew, “Blessed are the peacemakers!” And in 1 Peter 3, it says to “be prepared to give an account of the hope that is within you yet with patience and gentleness.” We are to wait until the “door” is opened and then proceed with great gentleness and patience.

Loop in vrede. “en die bereidheid om die evangelie van vrede te verkondig as skoene aan die voete. . .” (Efe. 6:15). Dit sĂȘ in Matteus, “GeseĂ«nd is die vredemakers!” En in 1 Petrus 3, sĂȘ dit “ Wees altyd gereed om 'n antwoord te gee aan elkeen wat van julle 'n verduideliking eis oor die hoop wat in julle lewe. Maar doen dit met beskeidenheid en met eerbied vir God. Ons moet wag totdat die “deur” oopgemaak is en dan met beskeidenheid en eerbied vorentoe beweeg.

The shield of faith. “In addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming missiles of the evil one” (Eph. 6:16). You must have faith, not in yourself or someone else, but faith in God, in Him alone! Circumstance has nothing to do with faith. Believe His Word alone for the Truth about your situation.

Die geloof as skild. Daarby moet julle altyd geloof as skild in die hand hĂȘ, want daarmee sal julle al die brandpyle van die Bose kan afweer” (Efe. 6:16). Jy moet geloof hĂȘ, nie in jou geloof of iemand anders nie, maar geloof in God. In God alleen! Omstandighede het niks te doen met geloof nie. Glo in Sy Woord alleen vir die Waarheid oor jou situasie. 

Helmet of salvation. “And take the helmet of salvation . . .” (Eph. 6:17). You must be saved; you must be one of His children to really win a difficult spiritual battle. It’s as easy as talking to God right now. Just tell Him in your own words that you need Him now. Ask the Lord to make Himself real to you. Give Him your life, a life that is messed up, and ask the Lord to make it new. Tell Him that you will do whatever He asks, since He is now your Lord. Ask Him to “save you” from your situation and from the eternal torment that is waiting for all those who do not accept His gift of eternal life with Him in heaven. Thank Him for His death on the cross and His resurrection. You can now believe that you will no longer live alone; God will always be with you and you will spend eternity in heaven.

Verlossing as helm. “Sit verlossing as helm op . . .” (Efe. 6:17). Jy moet gereed wees; jy moet een van sy kinders wees om regtig ‘n moeilike geestlike stryd te wen. Dit is so maklik as om nou dadelik met God te praat. SĂȘ vir Hom in jou eie woorde dat jy Hom nou nodig het. Vra die Here om Homself waar vir jou te maak. Gee vir Hom jou lewe, ‘n lewe wat opgemors is, en vra die Here om dit nuut te maak. SĂȘ vir Hom dat jy sal doen watookal dit neem, aangesien Hy nou jou Here is. Vra Hom om jou uit jou situasie “te red” en van die ewige gewoed wat vir almal van diegene wag wat nie sy geskenk van die ewige lewe in die Hemel aanvaar nie. Bedank Hom vir Sy dood aan die kruis en Sy opstanding. Jy kan nou glo dat jy nie alleen sal lewe nie; God sal altyd by jou wees en jy sal die ewigheid in die hemel spandeer.  

Sword of the Spirit. “And the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God” (Eph. 6:17). If you search His Word for the Truth concerning your situation, then you will have something to stand on. When the battle is the Lord’s, the victory is ours! Write down, on 3x5 cards, the Scriptures you’ll need to help you in your battle. Keep them with you at all times, either in your briefcase or in your car. When you feel an attack coming on, like anger or anxiety, cry out to God. “Cease striving and know that I am God . . .” (Ps. 46:10). Stand firm in faith and wait for God.

Swaard van die Gees. “en vat die swaard van die Gees, dit is die woord van God” (Efe.6:17). As jy Sy Woord soek vir die Waarheid aangaande jou situasie, dan sal jy iets hĂȘ om op te staan. Wanneer die stryd die Here sin is, is die oorwinning ons sin! Skryf, op 3x5 kaarte, die verse wat jy sal nodig hĂȘ om jou in die stryd te help. Hou hulle ten alle tye by jou, eerder in jou aktetas of in jou motor. Wanneer jy voel dat ‘n aanval aankom, soos woede of angs, roep na God toe uit. “Bedaar en erken dat Ek God is . . .” (Ps. 46:10). Staan vas in geloof en wag op God.

Pray at all times. “With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit” (Eph. 6:18). Pray from deep in your spirit. Have a designated time or times of prayer. God desires to hear from us and prayer is our form of communication.

Bid gedurig. “Doen dit alles biddend en smeek God by elke geleentheid deur die Gees” (Efe. 6:18). Bid uit diep in jou gees. Jy moet vasgestelde tye van gebed hĂȘ. God hunker daarna om van ons te hoor en gebed is ons vorm van kommunikasie. 

Be on the alert. “And with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints” (Eph. 6:18). Pray for another person each time anxiety overwhelms you. Pray this verse for them: “Most gladly therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Cor. 12:9–10).

Wees waaksaam. “Wees waaksaam en bid gedurig vir al die gelowiges” (Efe. 6:18). Bid elke keer vir iemand anders elke keer wat angs jou oorweldig. Bid hierdie vers vir hulle: “ Sy antwoord was: “My genade is vir jou genoeg. My krag kom juis tot volle werking wanneer jy swak is.” Daarom sal ek baie liewer oor my swakhede roem, sodat die krag van Christus my beskutting kan wees. Daarom is ek bly oor swakhede, beledigings, ontberings, vervolging en moeilikhede ter wille van Christus, want as ek swak is, is ek sterk” ( 2 Kor. 12:9-10).

Pray for those who persecute you. God also asked that we pray for our enemies—every one of them! Pray for them and ask God to show you what He wants you to do to bless them. It wasn’t until after Job prayed for his “so-called” friends that God restored what Job had lost. “And the Lord restored the fortunes of Job when he prayed for his friends, and the Lord increased all that Job had twofold” (Job 42:10). “But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you.” He goes on to tell you why: “in order that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven” (Matt. 5:44–45).

Bid vir die wat julle vervolg. God vra ook dat dat ons vir ons vyande bid—ieder en elkeen van hulle! Bid vir hulle en vra vir God om jou te wys wat Hy wil hĂȘ jy moet doen om hulle te seĂ«n. Dit was nie tot na Job vir sy “sogenoemde” vriende gebid het dat God herstel het wat Job verloor het nie. “Nadat Job vir sy vriende gebid het, het die Here die omstandighede van Job verander en hom twee keer soveel gegee as wat hy gehad het.” (Job 42:10) “Maar Ek sĂȘ vir julle: Julle moet julle vyande liefhĂȘ, en julle moet bid vir diĂ© wat vir julle vervolg.” en Hy gaan aan om vir jou te sĂȘ hoekom “sodat julle kinders kan wees van julle Vader in die hemel” (Matt. 5:44-45).

Know God’s Word
Ken God se Woord

His Word will not come back void. You must know and learn God’s Word. You need to set out to find the blessed promises of God. These principles we have been learning are from His Word, and when we speak His Word to Him by prayer, it will not come back void. That is His promise to you! “So shall My Word be which goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void [empty], without accomplishing what I desire and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it” (Isa. 55:11). His desire is that you may overcome the evils in this world. You must pray His Word. If you accept no imitations or counterfeits, then you can expect to receive the guaranteed promises of God! Amen!

Die Woord sal nie onverrigter sake na My toe terugkeer nie. Jy moet God se Woord ken en leer. Jy moet daarop uitgaan om die geseĂ«nde beloftes van God te vind. Hierdie beginsels wat ons besig is om te leer kom uit Sy Woord, en wanneer ons Sy Woord na Hom toe praat deur gebed, sal dit nie onverrig terugkom nie. “So sal die woord wat uit my mond kom, ook wees: dit sal nie onverrigter sake na My toe terugkeer nie, maar dit sal doen wat Ek gedoen wil hĂȘ en tot stand bring waarvoor Ek dit gestuur het” (Jes. 55:11). Sy begeerte is dat jy die bose in hierdie wĂȘreld mag oorkom. Jy moet Sy Woord bid. As jy geen nabootsings of vervalsings aanvaar nie, dan kan jy verwag om die gewaarborgde beloftes van God te ontvang, Amen!

Search for God’s promises throughout your Bible. Seek understanding. God says if you seek you will find. God’s Word gives wisdom. “And I say to you, ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you” (Luke 11:9). Once you’ve found God’s Truth, then you can apply it to your life. “By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches” (Prov. 24:3–4).

Soek vir God se beloftes dwarsdeur jou Bybel. Soek insig. “God sĂȘ as jy soek sl jy vind. God se Woord gee wysheid. “Ek sĂȘ vir julle: Vra, en vir julle sal gegee word. Soek, en julle sal kry. Klop, en vir julle sal oopgemaak word” (Lukas 11:9). Sodra jy God se Waarheid gevind het, kan jy dit in jou lewe aanwend. “Daar is verstand nodig om 'n huis te bou, insig om sy fondamente te lĂȘ, kennis om sy kamers te vul met allerhande kosbare en mooi goed” (Spr. 24:3-4).

Read them with delight and mark them in your Bible. “Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Ps. 37:4). Take the time to mark these passages for quick reference in times of distress or when leading another to the Truth. What did Jesus answer when Satan was trying to tempt Him? “And Jesus answered him, ‘It is written . . . It is written . . . For it is written . . .’” (Luke 4:4, 8, 10). When the devil assaults you again, come against him with“It is written . . . It is written . . . For it is written . . .”!

Lees hulle met vreugde en merk hulle in jou Bybel. “Vind jou vreugde in die Here, en Hy sal jou gee wat jou hart begeer” (Ps. 37:4). Neem die tyd om hierdie paragrawe vir vinnige verwysing ten dye van nood of wanneer jy ander na die Waarheid toe lei te merk. Wat het Jesus geantwoord toe Satan probeer het om Hom te verlei? Maar Jesus antwoord hom: Daar is geskrywe. . .” “Daar staan geskrywe. . . ” “Daar staan mos geskrywe”’ (Lukas 4:4, 8, 10). Wanneer die duiwel jou weer aanval, kom teen hom met” daar is geskrywe . . . daar staan geskrywe . . . daar staan mos geskrywe . . .”!

Memorize. Meditate day and night. Memorize the promises you find in your Bible so that the blessed assurance of them may sink into your soul. You must learn and know God’s promises if you ever want to depend on Him alone. “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night. And he will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers” (Ps. 1:2).

Memoriseer. Mediteer dag en nag. Memoriseer die beloftes wat jy in jou Bybel vind sodat die geseĂ«nde versekering van hulle in jou siel kan insink. Jy moet leer en God se beloftes ken as jy jy ooit alleen op Hom wil vertrou. “maar wat in die woord van die Here sy vreugde vind, dit dag en nag oordink. Hy is soos 'n boom wat by waterstrome geplant is, wat op die regte tyd vrugte dra en waarvan die blare nie verdroog nie. Hy is voorspoedig in alles wat hy aanpak” (Ps. 1:2,3). 

Spiritual Warfare by Taking Your Thoughts Captive
Geestelike Wapenstryd deur Jou Gedagtes Gevangene te Neem

Your battle may be won or lost in your mind. So take your thoughts captive! “We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, and we are ready to punish all disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete” (2 Cor. 10:5–6). Don’t play into the enemy’s hands. Don’t entertain evil thoughts; take your thoughts captive!

Jou stryd mag in jou gedagtes gewen of verloor word. So neem jou gedagtes gevangene! “Daarmee vernietig ons die redenasies en elke hooghartige aanval wat teen die kennis van God gerig word. Ons neem elke gedagte gevange om dit aan Christus gehoorsaam te maak.Ons is ook gereed om met elke ongehoorsaamheid af te reken sodra julle eie gehoorsaamheid volkome is” (2 Kor. 10:5–6). Moet nie in die vyand se hande speel nie. Moet nie bose gedagtes vermaak nie; neem jou gedagtes gevangene!

Overcome evil with good. Satan knows that if he can divide, he can conquer. Most of us play right into his hands, the hands of the enemy. Scripture tells us, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Rom. 12:21).

Oorwin die kwaad deur die goeie. Satan weet dat hy kan verdeel en oorwin. Meeste van ons speel reg in sy hande, die hande van die vyand. Die Skrif sĂȘ vir ons, “Moet jou nie deur die kwaad laat oorwin nie, maar oorwin die kwaad deur die goeie” (Rom. 12:21).

No matter how bad things seem—God is in control. Our comfort is in knowing that God is in control, not us, and certainly not Satan. “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat; but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and you, when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers” (Luke 22:31–32).

Maak nie saak hoe sleg dinge lyk nie—God is in beheer. Ons troos is om te weet dat God in beheer is, nie ons nie, en sekerlik nie Satan nie. “Simon, Simon!” het Jesus gesĂȘ. “Luister! Die Satan het daarop aangedring om julle soos koring te sif. Maar Ek het vir jou gebid dat jou geloof jou nie begewe nie. As jy weer tot inkeer gekom het, moet jy jou broers versterk” (Lukas 22:31-32).

Sifting. Jesus knew the future outcome, yet Peter still had to go through the “sifting” to be ready for God’s calling on his life. Will you be ready when He calls you? “And let endurance have its perfect result, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing” (James 1:4).

Sif. Jesus het die toekomstige uitkoms geken, tog moet Petrus nog steeds deur die “gesif” kom om gereed te wees vir God se roeping op sy lewe. Sal jy gereed wees wanneer Hy jou roep? “En die volharding moet end-uit volgehou word sodat julle tot volle geestelike rypheid kan kom, sonder enige tekortkoming” (Jak. 1:4).

The Keys of Heaven
Die Sleutels van die Hemel

Jesus gave us the keys of heaven to “bind up” the evil and “loose” the good. “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” (Matt. 16:19).

Jesus het vir ons die sleutels van die hemel gegee om die bose “toe te sluit” en die goeie “oop te sluit”. “Ek sal aan jou die sleutels van die koninkryk van die hemel gee, en wat jy op die aarde toesluit, sal in die hemel toegesluit bly; en wat jy op die aarde oopsluit, sal in die hemel oopgesluit bly” (Matt. 16:19).

Remove the evil. You must first bind the “strong man”—that is, the spirit that has a hold on the person you are praying for. “But no one can enter the strong man’s house . . . unless he first binds the strong man . . .” (Mark 3:27).

Verwyder die bose. Jy moet eers die “sterk man” vasbind —dit is, die gees wat ‘n houvas op ‘n persoon het vir wie jy bid. “Bowendien kan niemand in 'n sterk man se huis ingaan . . . as hy nie vooraf die sterk man vasbind nie. . .” (Markus 3:27). 

Replace the evil with good.This is very important! “When the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and not finding any, it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when it comes, it finds it swept and put in order. Then it goes and takes along seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they go in and live there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first” (Luke 11:24–26).

Vervang die bose met die goeie. Dit is baie belangrik! “Wanneer 'n onrein gees uit 'n mens uitgaan, swerf hy deur dor streke op soek na 'n rusplek. As hy dit nie kry nie, sĂȘ hy: ‘Ek gaan terug na my huis toe waar ek uitgegaan het.’Hy kom dan terug en kry dit skoon en aan die kant. Dan gaan haal hy sewe ander geeste, nog slegter as hy self, en hulle trek in en gaan woon daar. Aan die einde is so 'n man slegter daaraan toe as aan die begin” (Lukas 11:24-26).

Replace the lies with the Truth—the Truth that is only found in His Word. Unless what you hear, what you read, or wha:t someone tells you matches up with a principle in God’s Word, it is a lie!

Vervang die leuens met die Waarheid—die Waarheid wat net in Sy Woord gevind word. Tensy wat jy hoor, wat jy lees, of wat iemand vir jou vertel nie met die beginsel in God se Woord ooreenstem nie, is dit ‘n leuen!

Replace the “arm of the flesh” with the “Lord.” Replace trusting in “the arm of the flesh” (yourself, a friend, or whomever) with trusting in the Lord. “Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might” (Eph. 6:10). “Thus says the Lord, cursed is the man who trusts in mankind and makes flesh his strength, and whose heart turns away from the Lord. . . . Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and whose trust is the Lord” (Jer. 17:5, 7).

Vervang die “arm van die vlees” met die “Here.” Vervang om “in die arm van die vlees” (jouself, ‘n vriend, of watookal) te vertrou met om op die Here te vertrou.  Verder nog dit: Soek julle krag in die Here en in sy groot mag” (Efe. 6:10). “So sĂȘ die Here: Daar rus 'n vloek op die mens wat sy vertroue in mense stel, wat sy krag soek by sterflike mense en van My af wegdraai. . . Dit gaan goed met die mens wat sy vertroue in die Here stel, die mens vir wie die Here 'n veilige vesting is” (Jer. 17:5,7).

Replace running away from God with—running to Him! “God is our refuge and our strength, a very present help in time of trouble” (Ps. 46:1). Run to the book of Psalms! Read the Psalms that correspond to the date plus 30 (30, 60, 90, etc.), then read the chapter of Proverbs that corresponds to the date. (e.g., on the 5th of the month you would read the 5th, 35th, 65th, 95th, 125th Psalms and the 5th chapter of Proverbs). An easy way to remember is to write where to turn on the bottom of the Psalm (e.g., on the bottom of the 6th Psalm you would write 36, then on the bottom of the 36th you would write 66, and so on. When you get to the 126th Psalm, you would write Proverbs 6.) Psalm 119 is reserved for the 31st day of the month.

Vervang om weg te hardloop van God—met na Hom te hardloop! God is vir ons 'n toevlug en 'n beskerming; Hy was nog altyd bereid om te help in nood” (Psalms 46:1).Hardloop na die boek van Psalms! Lees die Psalms wat korrespondeer met die datum plus 30 (30, 60, 90, ens.), lees dan die hoofstuk van Spreuke wat korrespondeer met daardie datum. (b.v, op die 5de van die maand sal jy lees die 5de, 35ste, 65ste, 95ste, 125ste Psalms en die 5de hoofstuk van Spreuke). ‘n Maklike manier om te onthou is om aan die onderkant van die Psalms 6, 36 te skryf, dan onder aan die 36ste, 66, en so aan. Wanneer jy by die 126ste Psalms uitkom, sal jy Spreuke 6 skryf.) Psalms 119 is voorbehou vir die 31ste dag van die maand.       

Replace complaining to another with crying out to Him! He promises to hear you and lift you up immediately! But you must cry out! Don’t think to yourself, “Well, God hasn’t helped me in the past!” If He didn’t help, it’s simply because you didn’t ask or you weren’t patient. “Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you” (Matt. 7:7).

Vervang om by iemand anders te kla met om na Hom toe uit te roep! Hy belowe om jou te hoor en jou onmiddellik op te lig! Maar jy moet uitroep! Moet nie by jouself dink, “Wel, God het my nie in die verlede gehelp nie!” As Hy nie gehelp het nie, is dit eenvoudig omdat jy nie gevra het nie of was nie geduldig nie. “Vra, en vir julle sal gegee word; soek, en julle sal kry; klop, en vir julle sal oopgemaak word” (Matt. 7:7).

What “Condition” Is Needed to Be Heard
Watter “Toestand” Is Benodig om Gehoor Te Word

Your desire needs to be His will. Jesus’ condition is that “If you abide in Me, and My Words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it shall be done for you” (John 15:7). When your heart rests in Jesus alone, your will is centered in His will, and this is truly making Him Lord of your life. To know His will, you need to know His Word.

Jou begeerte behoort Sy wil wees. Jesus’ se voorwaarde is dat “As julle in My bly en my woorde in julle, vra dan net wat julle wil hĂȘ, en julle sal dit kry” (Joh. 15:7). Wanneer jou hart in Jesus alleen rus, en jou wil in Sy wil sentreerd is, en dit Hom werklik die Here van jou lewe maak. Om Sy wil te ken, moet jy Sy Woord ken. 

The condition for the blessing. Each promise given by God has a condition for receiving that blessing. Many will claim a portion of the Scripture and omit the condition. Others claim the Scripture and choose to ignore the condition.

Die voorwaarde vir die seĂ«n. Elke belofte wat deur God gegee is het ‘n voorwaarde om daardie seĂ«n te ontvang. Baie sal ‘n deel van die Skrif eis en die voorwaarde uitlos. Ander eis die Skrif en verkies om die voorwaarde te ignoreer.

Condition: “Believe on the Lord Jesus . . .”
Voorwaarde: “Glo in die Here . . ."'

Promise: “. . . and you shall be saved” (Acts 16:31).
Belofte: “ . . . en jy sal gered word” Hand. 16:31).

Condition: “Delight yourself in the Lord . . .”
Voorwaarde: “Verheug jouself in die Here . . .”

Promise: “. . . and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Ps. 37:4).
Belofte: “ . . . en Hy sal jou die begeertes van jou hart gee” (Ps. 37:4).

Condition: “Train up a child in the way he should go . . .”
Voorwaarde: “Gee leiding aan ‘n jongmens oor hoe hy moet leef . . .”

Promise: “. . . even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Prov. 22:6).
Belofte: “ . . .en hy sal ook as hy al oud is nie daarvan afwyk nie” (Spr. 22:6).

Promise: “. . . God causes all things to work together for good . . .
Belofte: “. . . dat God alles ten goede laat meewerk . . .

Condition: “. . . to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” (Rom. 8:28).
Voorwaarde; “. . . vir diĂ© wat Hom liefhet, diĂ© wat volgens sy besluit geroep is” (Rom. 8:28).


Called by My name. “. . . And [if] My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chron. 7:14). Once you cry out to Him, you will be called by Christ’s name. A Christian is a “follower of Christ.” Remember, you must be one of His children. Talk to God right now.

Wie my Naam uitgeroep is. “. . . En [as] my volk oor wie my Naam uitgeroep is, toon berou en bid en vra na my wil en draai terug van hulle bose weĂ« af, sal Ek luister uit die hemel en hulle sonde vergewe en hulle land laat herstel” (2 Kron. 7:14). Sodra jy uitroep na Hom toe, sal jy by Christus se naam geroep word. ‘n Christen is ‘n “volgeling van Christus.” Onthou jy moet een van sy kinders wees. Praat nou dadelik met God.

Humble yourself. “. . . And [if] My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chron. 7:14). Self-willed, haughty people sometimes understand the Word without the Spirit, but to know the mind of God we need to wait humbly on God’s Spirit.

Toon berou.  “. . .En [as] my volk oor wie my Naam uitgeroep is, toon berou en bid en vra na my wil en draai terug van hulle bose weĂ« af, sal Ek luister uit die hemel en hulle sonde vergewe en hulle land laat herstel” (2 Kron. 7:14). Eie-willige, hooghartige mense verstaan somtyds die Woord sonder die Gees, maar om die gedagte van God te ken moet ons nederig op God se Gees wag.

Humility will be tested. “. . . He might humble you, testing you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not” (Deut. 8:2).

Nederigheid sal getoets word. “. . .Hy het dit gedoen om jou nederig te laat word en om jou op die proef te stel sodat Hy kan weet wat jy dink en of jy sy gebooie sal gehoorsaam of nie” (Deut. 8:2).

Humility will save you. “When you are cast down, you will speak with confidence, and the humble person He will save” (Job 22:29).

Ootmoedigheid sal julle red. “Wanneer mense val en jy vra dat hulle opgetel word, sal God hulle, die ootmoediges, red” (Job 22:29).

Humility will strengthen your heart. “O Lord, Thou hast heard the desire of the humble; Thou wilt strengthen their heart, Thou wilt incline Thine ear..” (Ps. 10:17).

Ootmoedigheid sal jou hart versterk. “U het die gesmeek van die hulpeloses gehoor, Here. U gee hulle nuwe moed. U verhoor hulle gebed . . .” (Ps. 10:17).

He teaches and leads the humble. “He leads the humble in justice, and He teaches the humble His way” (Ps. 25:9).

Hy leer en lei die hulpeloses. “Hy laat aan hulpeloses reg geskied en Hy leer hulle sy pad” (Ps. 25:9).

Only the humble will inherit the land. “But the humble will inherit the land . . .” (Ps. 37:11).

Die wat nou verdruk word sal die land besit. “DiĂ© wat nou verdruk word, sal die land besit . . . “ (Ps. 37:11).

The humble will be exalted. “He has brought down rulers from their thrones, and has exalted those who were humble” (Luke 1:52).

Die geringes sal verhoog word. “maghebbers het Hy van trone afgeruk en geringes verhoog” (Lukas 1:52)

Only the humble will be given grace. “But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, ‘God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’ Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you” (James 4:6, 10).

Net die nederiges sal genade ontvang. “Maar die genade wat Hy gee, is nog groter. Daarom sĂȘ Hy: “God weerstaan hoogmoediges, maar aan nederiges gee Hy genade.” Onderwerp julle in nederigheid voor die Here, en Hy sal julle verhoog” (Jak.4:6,10).

Humility is rooted in the spirit. “To sum up, let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit . . .” (1 Pet. 3:8).

Nederigheid is in die gees gewortel. “Ten slotte: Wees almal eensgesind, medelydend, liefdevol, goedhartig, nederig. . .” (1 Pet. 3:8).

Walk in the Spirit. Being filled with the Holy Spirit will enable you to walk in the Spirit, not in sin and fleshly desires. Many churches are enthusiastically “Spirit-filled.” In 1 Corinthians Chapter 13, “love” is said to be superior to having the gift of tongues. Any talent or blessing we receive sometimes can cause us to become prideful. When you judge another’s importance or measure their spirituality by whether or not they display spiritual gifts, you set yourself up for the fall of pride. “And do not judge and you will not be judged . . .” (Luke 6:37).

Leef in die Gees. Om gevul te word met die Heilige Gees sal jou in staat stel om in die Gees te leef, nie in sonde en vleeslike begeertes nie. Baie kerke is entoesiasties “Gees-gevul.” In 1 KorintiĂ«rs Hoofstuk 13, is “liefde” meer superieur as die gawe van tale. Enige talent of seĂ«n wat ons ontvang kan somtyds veroorsaak dat ons hoogmoedig word. Wanneer jy ‘n ander persoon se belangrikheid oordeel of hulle geestelikheid meet met of te nie hulle hulle geestelike gawes uitbeeld nie, stel jou jouself op vir die val van hoogmoed.  “Moenie oordeel nie, en oor julle sal nie geoordeel word nie . . .” (Lukas 6:37).

“And I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances” (Ezek. 36:27).

“Ek sal my Gees in julle gee en Ek sal maak dat julle volgens my voorskrifte leef en my bepalings gehoorsaam en nakom” (Eseg. 36:27).

“. . . Walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh” (Gal. 5:16).

“ . . . Laat julle lewe steeds deur die Gees van God beheers word, dan sal julle nooit swig voor begeertes van julle sondige natuur nie” (Gal. 5:16).

Pray. “. . . And [if] My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chron. 7:14).

Bid. “en [as] my volk oor wie my Naam uitgeroep is, toon berou en bid en vra na my wil en draai terug van hulle bose weĂ« af, sal Ek luister uit die hemel en hulle sonde vergewe en hulle land laat herstel” (2 Kron. 7:14).

Wait. When the battle is the Lord’s, the victory is ours! Just like with all real wars, not all the battles are won by the same side, so do not be discouraged if you have fallen short and made mistakes. We have comfort in knowing that He hears us immediately—but there is a battle being waged. In the book of Daniel, an angel spoke to him and gave us these insights: “. . . From the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words. But the prince of Persia was withstanding me for twenty-one days” (Dan. 10:12–13). It may take some time to win the battles; do not become weary. “But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary of doing good” (2 Thess. 3:13).

Wag. Wanneer die stryd die Here sin is, is die oorwinning ons sin! Net soos met a regte oorloĂ«, word nie al die stryde aan dieselfde kant gewen nie, so moet nie moeg word as jy tekort geskiet het en foute gemaak het nie. Ons het die troos dat Hy ons onmiddellik hoor—maar daar is ‘n stryd wat gewoeg word. In die boek van Daniel, het ‘n engel met hom gepraat en ons hierdie insigte gegee: . . “Hy sĂȘ toe vir my: “Moenie bang wees nie, DaniĂ«l, want van die eerste oomblik af dat jy jou ingespan het om insig te kry en jou voor jou God verootmoedig het, is jou gebede verhoor. Ek het gekom in antwoord op jou gebede. Die engel van die Persiese Ryk het my een en twintig dae lank teruggehou, maar toe het Migael, een van die vernaamste engele, my te hulp gekom en ek was nie meer nodig teen die Persiese konings nie” (Dan. 10:12-13). Dit mag tyd neem om die stryde te oorwin moenie moeg word nie. “Wat julle betref, broers: Moenie moeg word om goed te doen nie” (2 Tess. 3:13).

His timing. One thing you must understand—God seems to work on one thing at a time. We must work with Him in His timing. This does not mean we need to wait to pray; it only means we need to wait for God to change the situation at the proper time. Thank God that He doesn’t dump (through conviction) all our sins on top of us all at once! Just use the time when you’re waiting to pray. If you don’t understand this very important point, you may become weary and unable to overcome. “He that overcomes shall inherit all things” (Rev. 21:7).

Sy tydsberekening. Een ding moet jy verstaan—dit lyk asof God aan een ding op ‘n slag werk. Ons moet saam Hom werk in Sy tydsberekening. Dit beteken nie ons moet wag om te bid nie; dit beteken net ons moet wag vir God om die situasie op die regte tyd te verander. Dank God dat hy nie net alles (deur oortuiging) al ons sondes op een slag bo-op ons stort nie. Gebruik net die tyd wanneer jy wag om te bid. As jy nie hierdie belangrike punt verstaan nie, sal jy dalk moeg word en nie in staat om te oorkom nie. “Elkeen wat die oorwinning behaal, sal dit alles kry
” (Open. 21:7).

Two or three gathered. Find two other men who will pray with you. “But Moses’ hands were heavy. Then they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it; and Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side and one on the other. Thus his hands were steady until the sun set . . . When Moses held his hand up, than Israel prevailed, and when he let his hand down Amalek (the enemy) prevailed” (Exod. 17:11–12). Find two other men (not a woman, unless it is your wife) to hold you up so you won’t become too weary. Pray and ask God to help you find two others who are like-minded.

Twee of meer saamkom. Vind twee ander mans wie saam met jou sal bid. “Maar Moses se arms het begin moeg word. Hulle het toe 'n klip gevat en dit agter hom neergesit sodat hy daarop kon gaan sit. AĂ€ron en Hur het sy arms van weerskante af ondersteun sodat sy arms regop gebly het tot sononder. Solank Moses sy hand opgehou het, was Israel die sterkste, en wanneer sy hand gesak het, die Amalekiete (die vyand). (Eks. 17:11-12). Vind twee ander mans (nie ‘n vrou tensy dit jou vrou is nie) om jou op te hou sodat jy nie te moeg word nie. Bid en vra vir God om jou te help om twee ander te vind wat eensdenkend is.  

The power of three. “And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart” (Eccl. 4:12).

Die krag van drie. “Een alleen kan oorweldig word, twee saam kan weerstand bied. 'n Driedubbele tou breek nie maklik nie” (Prediker 4:12).

To lift the other up.“Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up” (Eccl. 4:9–10).

Om die ander een op te lig. “Twee vaar beter as een. Hulle inspanning kom tot iets. As die een val, kan die ander hom ophelp. Maar as een val wat alleen is, is daar niemand om hom op te help nie” (Prediker 4:9-10).

He is there with you. “For where two or three have gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst” (Matt. 18:20). “Then Nebuchadnezzar the king was astounded and stood up in haste; he responded and said to his high officials, ‘Was it not three men we cast bound into the midst of the fire?’ They answered and said to the king, ‘Certainly, O king.’ He answered and said, ‘Look! I see four men loosed and walking about in the midst of the fire without harm, and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the gods!’” (Dan. 3:24). You are never alone!

Hy is daar by jou. “want waar twee of drie in my Naam saam is, daar is Ek by hulle.” (Matt. 18:20). “Toe het koning Nebukadnesar verskrik opgespring en vir sy raadgewers gevra: “Het ons dan nie drie manne vasgebind in die oond gegooi nie?” En hulle sĂȘ vir hom: “Dit is so, U Majesteit!” Hy sĂȘ toe: “Maar ek sien dan vier manne wat vry en ongedeerd rondbeweeg in die vuur, en die vierde lyk soos 'n hemelwese!” (Dan. 3:24). Jy is nooit alleen nie!

Agreement. “Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven” (Matt. 18:19).

Saamstem. Verder verseker Ek julle: As twee van julle op aarde oor enige saak saamstem en daaroor bid, sal my Vader wat in die hemel is, hulle dit laat kry” (Matt. 19:19).

Pray for one another. “Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much” (James 5:16). Confession to a like-minded man is the best method of obtaining a pure heart.

Bid vir mekaar. “Bely julle sondes eerlik teenoor mekaar en bid vir mekaar, sodat julle gesond kan word. Die gebed van 'n gelowige het 'n kragtige uitwerking” (Jak. 5:16). Belyding aan ‘n eendersdenkende man is die beste metode om ‘n pure hart te verkry.

Seek My face. “. . . And [if] My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chron. 7:14).

Vra na my wil. “ . . . en [as] my volk oor wie my Naam uitgeroep is, toon berou en bid en vra na my wil en draai terug van hulle bose weĂ« af, sal Ek luister uit die hemel en hulle sonde vergewe en hulle land laat herstel” (2 Kron. 7:14).

“They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed” (Ps. 34:5).

“DiĂ© wat swaar kry, sien op na Hom en straal van blydskap, hulle word nie teleurgestel in hulle verwagting nie” (Ps. 34:5).

Turn from your wicked ways. “. . . And [if] My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chron. 7:14). Scriptures are not only for the head; they are for the heart and the will. To get the real impact of Scripture, we must surrender our lives and our wills to the leading of the Spirit. We must be willing to be made over.

Draai terug van die bose weĂ« af. “. . .en [as} my volk oor wie my Naam uitgeroep is, toon berou en bid en vra na my wil en draai terug van hulle bose weĂ« af, sal Ek luister uit die hemel en hulle sonde vergewe en hulle land laat herstel” (2 Kron. 7:14). Die Skrif is nie net vir die kop nie; hulle is vir die hart en die wil. Om die ware impak van Die Skrif te kry, moet ons ons lewens en ons wil oorgee na die leiding van die Gees. Ons moet gewillig wees om oorgedoen te word.

Whom does the Lord hear? Whom does the Lord deliver?“The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry” (Ps. 34:15). “The righteous cry and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles” (Ps. 34:17).

Wie hoor die Here? Wie lewer die Here uit? “Die Here sorg vir die regverdiges en luister na hulle hulpgeroep” (Ps. 34:16). “ Die Here sorg vir die regverdiges en luister na hulle hulpgeroep” (Ps. 34:17).

Whom will He not answer? When you are in sin, God will not answer, even if you do cry out to Him. “Then they will cry out to the Lord, but He will not answer them. Instead, He will hide His face from them at that time, because they have practiced evil deeds” (Mic. 3:4).

Wie sal Hy nie antwoord nie? Wanneer jy sondig, sal God nie antwoord nie, selfs wanneer jy na Hom to roep. “Wanneer hulle tot die Here roep, sal Hy hulle nie antwoord nie. Dan sal Hy Hom nie aan hulle openbaar nie, want hulle het baie verkeerd gehandel” (Miga. 3:4).

We all have sinned. We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, but God sent His Son. “For you first, God raised up His Servant, and sent Him to bless you by turning every one of you from your wicked ways” (Acts 3:26).

Almal het gesondig.  Almal het gesondig, en het nie deel aan die heerlikheid van God nie,maar God het Sy Seun gestuur. “Daarom het God sy Dienaar na die wĂȘreld toe laat kom en Hom heel eerste na julle toe gestuur om vir julle tot 'n seĂ«n te wees deur elkeen van julle van sy verkeerde paaie af terug te bring.” (Hand. 3:26).

Too bey is better than sacrifice. “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams. For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and insubordination is as iniquity and idolatry” (1 Sam. 15:22). Do you know the right thing to do, yet you do not do it? Obey! “Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do, and does not do it, to him it is sin” (James 4:17).

Gehoorsaamheid is beter as offerande. “Maar Samuel antwoord: “Is brandoffers en ander diereoffers net so aanneemlik vir die Here as gehoorsaamheid aan sy bevel? Nee, gehoorsaamheid is beter as offerande, om te luister is beter as die vet van ramme” (1 Sam. 15:22). Weet jy wat die egte ding is om te doen, tog doen jy dit nie? Gehoorsaam! “As iemand weet wat die regte ding is om te doen en hy doen dit nie, is dit sonde” (Jak. 4:17).

Begin by praying Psalm 51:2–4. “Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Against Thee, Thee only, I have sinned, and done what is evil in Thy sight, So that Thou art justified when Thou dost speak, and blameless when Thou dost judge.”

Begin deur Psalms 51:3-6 te bid. “Wees my genadig, o God, in u troue liefde, wis my oortredings uit in u groot barmhartigheid! Was my skoon van my skuld, reinig my van my sonde! Ja, my oortredings ken ek en van my sonde bly ek altyd bewus. Teen U alleen het ek gesondig, ek het gedoen wat verkeerd is in u oĂ«. U uitspraak is dus reg en u oordeel regverdig”

When do you give up praying? Never! We have a wonderful example of the fact that God does not always mean “no” when we haven’t received an answer to our prayer. Read Matthew 15:22 and see how the Canaanite woman continued to beg Jesus for her daughter’s healing. The result of her faith: “. . . Then Jesus answered and said to her, ‘O woman, your faith is great; be it done for you as you wish.’ And her daughter was healed at once.”

Wanneer gee jy op om te bid? Nooit! Ons het ‘n wonderlike voorbeeld van die feit dat God nie altyd “nee” bedoel wanneer ons nie antwoord op ons gebed gehoor het nie. Lees Matteus 15:28 en sien hoe die KanaĂ€nitiese vrou aanhoudend gebid het vir Jesus vir haar dogter se genesing. Die resultaat van haar geloof: “. . . “Mevrou, “ sĂȘ Jesus vir haar, “jou geloof is groot. Jou wens word vervul.” Van daardie oomblik af was die dogter gesond.

The battle for the soul. Are you unequally yoked? Read this quote taken from John Rice’s book Prayer, Asking and Receiving. He is talking about a wife praying for her husband, but certainly, it can be applied to you, praying for your wife. “If a Christian wife is out-and-out for God . . . she can win her husband more quickly than anyone else. Pray this simple prayer of confession. Mean it from your very soul. Acknowledge in these words, your failure, your barrenness, your shallowness as a Christian, and your lack of bearing fruit. Pray it now in your heart. I beseech you today, go beg for it, plead for it, with confession, with tears, with travail of soul, until God answers from heaven.” Remember, you have the promise that “. . . you will be saved, you and all your household” (Acts 11:14). Remember, the unbelieving wife is sanctified through her believing husband. “For the unbelieving husband is sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified through her believing husband . . . For how do you know, O husband, whether you will save your wife?” (1 Cor. 7:14).

Die stryd vir die siel. Is jy oneweredig gejuk? Lees hierdie aanhaling geneem van John Rice se boek Prayer, Asking and Receiving. Hy praat van ‘n vrou wat vir haar man bid, maar sekerlik, kan dit op jou van toepassing wees, bid vir jou vrou. As ‘n Christen vrou uit en uit is vir God. . . kan sy haar man vinniger wen as enigiemand anders. Bid hierdie eenvoudige gebed van belydenis. Bedoel dit van uit jou siel. Erken in hierdie woorde, jou mislukkings, jou dorheid, jou vlakheid as ‘n Christen, en jou tekort om vrugte te baar. Bid dit nou in jou hart. Ek smeek jou, gaan pleit vir dit, met belydenis, met barensnood van siel, totdat God uit die hemel hoor.” Onthou, jy het die belofte dat  . . . “jy gered sal word, jy en jou hele huisgesin” (Hand. 11:14). “Onthou, die ongelowige vrou is by God aanneemlik deur die band met die gelowige man. “Die ongelowige man is by God aanneemlik deur die band met die gelowige vrou, en die ongelowige vrou is by God aanneemlik deur die band met die gelowige man. . .” (1 Kor. 7:14).


Peter, an example of faith. Read the account of Peter in Matthew 14 starting at verse 22. Jesus asked Peter to walk on water. If He asks you to walk on water, will you get out of the boat? Notice that when Peter cries out to Jesus, it is always followed by the word immediately. Immediately, Jesus spoke to them and told them to take courage. And then later when Peter began to sink, he cried out to the Lord, and “immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him”! (Matt. 14:31).

Petrus, ‘n voorbeeld van geloof. Lees die gebeure van Petrus in MatteĂŒs 14 en begin by vers 22. Jesus het vir Petrus gevra om op die water te loop. As Hy jou vra om op die water te loop, sal jy uit die boot uit klim? Noteer dat toe Petrus uitroep na Jesus, is dit altyd gevolg met die woord dadelik. Dadelik,  het Jesus met hulle gepraat en gesĂȘ hulle moet moed hou. En toe later toe Petrus begin om te sink, het hy uitgroep na die Here toe, en dadelik het Jesus sy hand uitgesteek, hom gegryp”! (Matt. 14:31).

 Fear. A question we must ask ourselves is, “Why did Peter sink?” “But seeing the wind, he became afraid” (Matt. 14:30). If you look at your situation and at the battle that is raging against you, you will sink! Peter took his eyes off the Lord and the result was fear! It says, “he became afraid.” If you take your eyes off the Lord, you, too, will become fearful.

Vrees. ‘n Vraag wat ons onsself moet afvra is, “Waarom het Petrus gesink?” “Maar toe Petrus sien hoe sterk is die wind, het hy bang geword” (Matt. 14:30). As jy na jou situasie kyk en die stryd wat om jou woed, sal jy sink! Petrus het sy oĂ« van die Here af geneem en die resultaat was vrees! Dit sĂȘ, “hy het bang geword.” As jy jou oĂ« van die Here af haal, sal jy, ook, vreesbevangel word.

Your testimony. How did the others in the boat react? (Did you forget there were others who didn’t get out of the boat?) It says, “And those who were in the boat worshiped Him saying, ‘You are certainly God’s Son!’” (Matt. 14:33). Are you willing to allow God to use you to show His goodness, His lovingkindness, His protection, to draw others to Him? There is a great reward! This is evangelism. Others will come to you when they are having trouble because they have seen your peace, despite your circumstances.

Jou getuienis. Hoe het die ander in die boot reageer? (Het jy vergeet daar was ander wat nie uit die boot geklim het nie?) Dit sĂȘ, “Die manne in die skuit het voor Jesus gekniel en gesĂȘ: “U is waarlik die Seun van God.”’ (Matt. 14:33). Is jy gewillig om God toe te laat om jou te gebruik om sy goedheid, sy goedhartigheid, Sy beskeming te wys om ander na Hom toe te lok? Daar is ‘n groot beloning! Dit is evangelisasie. Ander sal na jou toe kom wanneer hulle moeilikheid het omdat hulle jou vrede gesien het, ten spyte van jou omstandighede.  

The wind stopped. “And when they got into the boat, the wind stopped” (Matt. 14:32). Your trials and battles will not go on forever. Peter was tested in order to be made strong enough to be the “rock” of which Jesus had spoken. Satan (and others working for him) will tell you that you will stay in your affliction unless you run away, give in, or give up. But God never intended for us to remain in “the valley of the shadow of death.” In Psalm 23:4, it says that we go “through the valley of the shadow of death.” Satan wants us to believe that we must live there! He wants to paint a “hopeless” picture! God is our hope. And, hope is our faith in His Word that has been sown in our hearts.

Die winde het gestop. “Hulle het toe in die skuit geklim, en die wind het gaan lĂȘ” (Matt. 14:32) Jou stryde en beproewings sal nie vir ewig aangaan nie. Petrus was getoets om hom sterk genoeg te maak om die “rots” te wees waarvan Jesus gepraat het. Satan (en ander wat vir hom werk) sal vir jou vertel dat jy in jou ellende sal bly tensy jy weghardloop, ingee of opgee. Maar God het nooit vir ons bedoel om in “die donker dieptes te bly nie” In Psalms 23:4, sĂȘ dit dat ons “deur donker dieptes gaan.  Satan wil hĂȘ ons moet glo dat ons daar moet leef ! Hy wil ‘n “hopeloe” prentjie skilder! God is ons hoop. En, hoop is ons geloof in Sy Woord wat in ons harte gesaai is.   

Abraham. We can look to Abraham for a second example of faith. When he was about 90 years old and still without the child God had promised him, “he hoped against hope” (Rom. 4:18). Isn’t that good? Even when all hope was gone, he continued to believe God and take Him at His Word. We must do the same.

Abraham. Ons kan na Abraham kyk vir ‘n tweede voorbeeld van geloof. Toe hy omtrent 90 jaar oud was en nog steeds sonder die kind wat God hom belowe het, “het hy gehoop teen hoop” (Rom. 4:18). Is dit nie goed nie? Selfs toe alle hoop weg was, het hy voort gegaan om God te glo en Hom op Sy Woord te neem.

If you lack faith. If you lack faith, you need to ask God for it, since there is a constant spiritual battle going on, waged by Satan, to destroy your faith. “Fight the good fight of faith . . .” (1 Tim. 6:12). “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith . . .” (2 Tim. 4:7). Without the people’s faith, even Jesus’ power was inhibited. “And He (Jesus) could do no miracle there except that He laid His hands upon a few sick people and healed them. And He wondered at their unbelief” (Mark 6:5).

As jy ‘n tekort aan geloof het. As jy ‘n tekort aan geloof het, moet jy vir God daarvoor vra, aangesien daar ‘n konstante geestelike stryd is wat aangaan, wat deur Satan gevoer word, om jou geloof te vernietig. In die goeie wedloop van die geloof moet jy al jou kragte inspan . . .” (1 Tim. 6:12). “ Ek het die goeie wedloop afgelĂȘ; ek het die wenstreep bereik; ek het gelowig end-uit volgehou. . .” (2 Tim. 4:7). Sonder die mense se geloof, was selfs Jesus se krag geĂŻnhibeer. “ Hy kon daar geen enkele wonderwerk doen nie, behalwe dat Hy sy hande op 'n paar siekes gelĂȘ en hulle gesond gemaak het. Hy was verbaas oor die ongeloof van die mense” (Markus 6:5).

Act on the faith that you do have. “And He said to them, ‘Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it shall move; and nothing shall be impossible to you’” (Matt. 17:20).

Beeld die die geloof wat jy het uit. “Omdat julle geloof te klein is,” sĂȘ Hy vir hulle. “Dit verseker Ek julle: As julle maar geloof het so groot soos 'n mosterdsaadjie, sal julle vir hierdie berg sĂȘ: ‘Gaan staan daar anderkant!’ en hy sal gaan. Niks sal vir julle onmoontlik wees nie’” (Matt. 17:20).

Imitators of faith. We would do well to imitate those in Scripture who exhibited faith. (You can find the “Hall of Faith” in Hebrews, Chapter 11.) We need to act on God’s promises by being “imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises” (Heb. 6:12).

Voorbeeld van geloof navolg. As sal goed doen as ons diĂ© in die Bybel se voorbeeld volg wat geloof uitgebeeld het. ( Jy kan die “Saal van Geloof’ in HebreĂ«rs, Hoofstuk 11 vind.) “Julle moet dus nie traag word nie, maar die voorbeeld navolg van diĂ© wat deur geloof en geduld deel gekry het aan die dinge wat God beloof het” (Heb. 6:12).

Double-minded or doubting. You must not be double-minded. Your mind must not waver or doubt God. “But let him ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways” (James 1:6–8).

Onbestendig of twyfelagtig. Jy moet nie onbestendig wees nie. Jou gedages moet nie aan God twyfel nie “Maar 'n mens moet gelowig bid en nie twyfel nie, want iemand wat twyfel, is soos 'n brander in die see wat deur die wind aangejaag en heen en weer gedryf word.So 'n mens wat altyd aan die twyfel is en onbestendig is in al sy doen en late, moet nie dink dat hy iets van die Here sal ontvang nie” (Jakobus 1:6-8).

Faith without works. “But someone may well say, ‘You have faith, and I have works; show me your faith without the works, and I will show you my faith by my works’” (James 2:18). Show others that you have faith by your actions. If you have trouble in your home, don’t just say you believe that it will be healed, act like it. “But are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless?” (James 2:20).

Geloof sonder dade. “Maar iemand kan miskien sĂȘ: “Die een het die geloof en die ander het die dade.” Goed, wys dan vir my jou geloof wat sonder dade is, en ek sal jou my geloof wys uit my dade.’”(Jak. 2:18). Wys ander dat jy geloof het deur jou dade. As jy moeilikheid in jou huis het, moet nie, moet nie net sĂȘ dat jy glo jy gaan genees word, tree so op. “ Jou dwaas, wil jy 'n bewys hĂȘ dat geloof sonder dade nutteloos is?” (Jak. 2:20).

Things not seen. Many may ask you if you see any change. Share these Scriptures with them. “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1). “. . . For we walk by faith, not by sight . . .” (2 Cor. 5:7).

Dinge nie gesien nie. Baie vra of jy enige verandering kan sien. Deel hierdie Bybel verse met hulle. “Om te glo, is om seker te wees van die dinge wat ons hoop, om oortuig te wees van die dinge wat ons nie sien nie” (Heb. 11:1).  “. . . want ons lewe deur geloof, nie deur sien nie. . .” (2 Kor. 5:7).

The Word. How can we gain faith, or increase our faith? “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the Word of Christ” (Rom. 10:17). Read His Word and surround yourself with faithful men.

Die Woord. Hoe kan ons geloof win, of ons geloof vermeerder? “Die geloof kom dus deur die prediking wat 'n mens hoor, en die prediking wat ons hoor, is die verkondiging van Christus” (Rom. 10:17). Lees Sy Woord en omring jouself met betroubare mans.

Obedience. Don’t forget that obedience to God is paramount to victory. Don’t forget what Jesus said: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven; but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven” (Matt. 7:21).

Gehoorsaamheid. Moenie vergeet dat gehoorsaamheid aan God is uiters belangrik vir oorwinning. Moenie vergeet wat Jesus gesĂȘ het nie: “Nie elkeen wat vir My sĂȘ: ‘Here, Here,’ sal in die koninkryk van die hemel ingaan nie, maar net hy wat die wil doen van my Vader wat in die hemel is” (Matt. 7:21).

In God’s will. If you are experiencing conviction in your heart and are feeling that you are not in God’s will, that you do not keep His commandments, and that you do not ask for things according to His will, then, of course, you will have no confidence, no faith to receive your request from the Lord. Ask God to direct your paths and to change your will to His will “. . . Yet not what I will, but what Thou wilt” (Mark 14:36).

In God se wil. As jy oortuiging in jou hart voel en voel dat jy nie in God se wil is nie, dat jy nie Sy gebooie gehoorsaam nie, en dat jy nie vir dinge vra volgens Sy wil nie, dan, natuurlik, sal jy geen vertroue hĂȘ nie, geen geloof om jou versoek van die Here af te vra nie. Vra die Here om jou die regte pad te laat loop en om jou wil na Sy wil te verander “. . . Moet nogtans nie doen wat Ek wil nie, maar wat U wil.” (Markus 14:36).

Prayer and fasting. Jesus told His apostles, “But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting” (Matt. 17:21). If you have been praying fervently and have purified your ways, then fasting may be called for. There are different lengths of fasts.

Gebed en vas. Jesus het vir Sy apostels gesĂȘ, “Omdat julle geloof te klein is” (Matt. 17:21). As jy vurig gebid het en jou maniere gesuiwer het, dan moet daar vir ‘n vas geroep word. Daar is verskillende lengtes van vas. 

One-day fast. The day fast begins in the evening after your evening meal. You drink only water until the 24-hour period is complete; then you eat the next day’s evening meal. You pray during this time for your petition. This fast can be done a couple of times a week.

Een-dag vas. Die dag vas begin in die aand na jou aandete. Jy drink net water totdat die 24 uur voltooi is; dan eet jy die volgende aand se aandete. Jy bid gedurende hierdie tyd vir jou petisie. Hierdie vas kan ‘n paar keer ‘n week gedoen word.

Three-day fast. Esther fasted “for favor” from her husband, the king. She fasted three days “for favor.” “Go, assemble all the Jews who are found in Susa, and fast for me; do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my maidens also will fast in the same way” (Esther 4:16).

Drie dae vas. Ester het gevas vir drie dae vir “guns” van haar man, die koning. Sy het vir drie dae vir “guns” gevas. “Gaan maak al die Jode wat in Susan is, bymekaar en vas ter wille van my. Julle moet drie dae, dag en nag, niks eet en drink nie. Ek en my kamerpersoneel sal ook vas” (Ester 4:16).

Seven-day fast. Seven days seems to represent completion. “Now it came about when I heard these words, I sat down and wept and mourned for days; and I was fasting and praying before the God of heaven” (Neh. 1:4). Usually it will be during great sorrow that you are “called” to fast for seven days. When you are hungry or weak, use that time for prayer and reading His Word.

Sewe-dae vas. Sewe dae lyk asof dit voleindiging verteenwoordig. “By die aanhoor van diĂ© woorde het ek gaan sit en gehuil en dae lank getreur. Ek het gevas en tot die God van die hemel gebid” (Neh. 1:4). Gewoonlik is dit deur groot smart wat jy “geroep” sal wees om vir sewe dae te vas. Wanneer jy honger of swak is, gebruik daardie tyd vir gebede en om Sy Woord te lees.

A gloomy face. Keep as quiet about your fast as possible. During the fast, you are not to complain or draw attention to yourself. “And whenever you fast, do not put on a gloomy face as the hypocrites do, for they neglect their appearance in order to be seen fasting by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. But you, when you fast, anoint your head, and wash your face so that you may not be seen fasting by men, but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will repay you” (Matt. 6:16–18).

‘n Lang gesig. Bly so stil as moontlik or jou vas. Gedurende die vas, moet jy nie kla of aandag na jouself toe trek nie. “As julle vas, moet julle nie soos skynheiliges met lang gesigte rondloop nie. Hulle mismaak hulle gesigte sodat die mense kan sien dat hulle vas. Dit verseker Ek julle: Hulle het hulle beloning klaar weg. Nee, as jy vas, versorg jou hare en was jou gesig sodat niemand kan sien dat jy vas nie, behalwe jou Vader wat jy nie kan sien nie. Jou Vader wat sien wat verborge is, sal jou beloon.” (Matt. 6:16-18).

The Lord will fight your battles. Stand and see! Once you have prayed according to what we have been reading throughout Scripture, then do as it says—“You need not fight in this battle; station yourselves, stand and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf” (2 Chron. 20:17).

Die Here sal jou gevegte vir jou veg. Staan en kyk! Sodra jy gebid het volgens waaroor ons gelees het dwarsdeur die Woord, doen dan wat dit sĂȘ—”Julle hoef nie te veg nie, neem net posisie in en staan en kyk na die oorwinning van die Here vir julle.” (2 Kron. 20:17).

No one should boast. God says we are a stubborn people! When a battle is won or when the war is over, let us boast only in Him. Let us remain humble. “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast” (Eph. 2:8–9). “Do not say in your heart . . .‘Because of my righteousness the Lord has brought me in to possess this land,’ but because of the wickedness . . . that the Lord is dispossessing them before you. It is not for your righteousness or for the uprightness of your heart that you are going to possess their land, but because of the wickedness of these . . . for you are a stubborn people . . . You have been rebellious against the Lord” (Deut. 9:4–7). We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, so let us remember that when the battle is won, our righteousness is nothing but filthy rags. “But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness is as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away” (Isa. 64:6, KJV).

Niemand het rede om op homself trots te wees nie. God sĂȘ ons is ‘n hardkoppige volk! Wanneer ‘n stryd gewen is of die oorlog is verby, laat ons alleen in Hom roem. Laat ons nederig bly. “Julle is inderdaad uit genade gered, deur geloof. Hierdie redding kom nie uit julleself nie; dit is 'n gawe van God. Dit kom nie deur julle eie verdienste nie, en daarom het niemand enige rede om op homself trots te wees nie” ( Efe. 2:8–9).  “Wanneer die Here jou God hulle verdryf het, moet jy nie sĂȘ: ‘Die Here het my hierdie land in besit laat neem omdat ek volmaak is’ nie, want die Here het hierdie nasies verdryf omdat hulle so goddeloos is. 
 Jy is 'n hardkoppige volk. . . in opstand teen die Here ( Deut. 9:4–7). Ons het almal geword soos mense wat onrein is, ons beste dade is soos vuil klere; ons is almal soos verdroogde blare, ons word deur ons sondes weggewaai soos deur 'n wind” (Jesaja 64:6).

Intensity of your trials is a sign that you are close to victory. Your trials may intensify when you are close to gaining the victory. “For this reason, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them. Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has only a short time” (Rev. 12:12). Let’s begin our commitment by praying His Word . . .

Intensiteit van jou beproewings is ‘n teken dat jy na aan oorwinning is. Jou beproewings mag vermeerder wanneer jy na aan oorwinning is. “Daarom, hemel en diĂ© wat daarin bly, verheug julle. Maar vir julle, land en see, wag daar ellende omdat die duiwel na julle toe gekom het met groot woede en met die wete dat hy min tyd het.” (Open.12:12). Kom ons begin ons toewyding deur Sy Woord te bid . . . 

“Dear heavenly Father, I enter into my prayer closet, and, now that I have shut the door, I pray to you, my Father, in secret. As you see me here in secret, you will reward me openly. It is written ‘all things you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive’ (Matt. 21:22).

“Liewe Hemelse Vader, ek gaan na my gebeds hoekie, en, noudat ek die deur toegemaak het, bid ek tot U, my Vader, in geheim. Soos U my hier sien in geheim, sal u my openlik beloon. Daar word geskrywe ‘As julle glo, sal julle alles ontvang wat julle in die gebed vra’ (Matt. 21:22).

“O God, Thou art my God; early will I seek Thee. My soul longs for Thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is. Lord, there is no one besides Thee to help in the battle between the powerful and those who have no strength; so help us, O Lord our God, for we trust in Thee, and in Thy name have come against this multitude. O Lord, Thou art my God; let not man prevail against Thee.

“Ek soek U, o God, my God, ek dors na U; ek smag na U soos in 'n dor en droĂ« land, 'n land sonder water. Here, net U kan die swakke teen 'n oormag help. Help ons, Here ons God! Ons steun op U, en in u Naam trek ons teen diĂ© menigte op. U is ons God, Here; moenie dat 'n mĂ©ns teen U seĂ«vier nie.

“Your eyes Lord, move to and fro throughout the whole earth that you may strongly support those hearts whose are completely Yours. Search my heart.

“Die Here het sy oĂ« oral op die aarde sodat Hy diĂ© kan help wat met hulle hele hart op Hom vertrou. Deursoek my hart.

“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ, you have readiness to revenge all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.

“Natuurlik leef ons in 'n menslike liggaam, maar ons voer nie die stryd met menslike wapens nie.Die wapens van ons stryd is nie die wapens van die mens nie, maar die kragtige wapens van God wat vestings kan vernietig. Daarmee vernietig ons die redenasiess neem elke gedagte gevange om dit aan Christus gehoorsaam te maak. Ons is ook gereed om met elke ongehoorsaamheid af te reken sodra julle eie gehoorsaamheid volkome is.   

“O let the evil of the wicked come to an end, but establish the righteous. I shall not be afraid of evil tidings; my heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord. My heart is established, I shall not be afraid, until I see my desire come upon the enemy.

“Maak 'n end aan al die bose dade van die goddelose mense. Stel tog die onskuldige in die gelyk. Vir slegte tyding is hy nie bevrees nie, hy is gerus, hy vertrou op die Here. Hy voel hom veilig, hy is nie bevrees nie: hy sal die neerlaag van sy vyande aanskou.

“Let my fountain be blessed, and let me rejoice with the wife of my youth. For why should I be exhilarated with an adulteress, and embrace the bosom of a foreigner? My own iniquities will capture the wicked, and I will be held with the cords of my sin. I will die for lack of instruction, and in the greatness of my folly I will go astray. The ways of a man are before the eyes of the Lord and he watches all his paths.

“Sing die lof van jou eie fontein, verheug jou oor jou eie vrou, Waarom sou jy jou laat bedwelm deur 'n slegte vrou, my seun, waarom sou jy in die arms van 'n ander vrou gaan lĂȘ? Die oortreding van die goddelose agterhaal hom, hy draai hom vas in sy sonde. Hy sterf deur sy gebrek aan selfbeheersing, sy dwaasheid het hom op die verkeerde pad gebring. 'n Mens se lewe lĂȘ oop voor die Here, elke tree wat jy gee, sien Hy.

“Abraham, who hoped against hope, believed in hope, and was not weak in faith, staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God. He was fully persuaded that what God had promised, He was able to perform.

“Toe daar geen hoop meer was nie, het Abraham nog gehoop en geglo, en so die vader van baie nasies geword volgens die belofte: “So sal jou nageslag wees.”

“We are saved by hope, but hope that is seen is not hope. For what man seeth, why doth he yet hope for it? But if we hope for what we see not, then do we with patience wait for it. I would have fainted unless I had believed I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He will strengthen thine heart, yes, wait on the Lord. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.

“Ons is immers gered, en ons het nou hierdie hoop. Wat 'n mens al sien, hoop jy tog nie meer nie. Wie hoop nog op wat hy reeds sien? Maar as ons hoop op wat ons nie sien nie, wag ons daarop met volharding. As ek darem nie geglo het dat ek die goedheid van die Here sal sien in die land van die lewendes nie ...! Vertrou op die Here! Wees sterk en hou goeie moed! Ja, vertrou op die Here! . . .”maar diĂ© wat op die Here vertrou, kry nuwe krag. Hulle vlieg met arendsvlerke, hulle hardloop en word nie moeg nie, hulle loop en raak nie afgemat nie.

“For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, besides Thee, what He hath prepared for Him who waiteth for Him. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Amen.”

“Van ouds af het niemand so iets gehoor nie, het niemand so iets verneem nie, het geen oog 'n god gesien wat vir diĂ© wat op hom vertrou, doen wat U doen nie. U goedheid en liefde sal my lewe lank by my bly en ek sal tuis wees in die huis van die Here tot in lengte van dae. Amen.”

May God Grant You Victory
Mag God Jou Die Oorwinning Gee

Personal commitment: To pray to our Father in heaven rather than retreat from the battle line or use the arm of the flesh. “Based on what I have learned from God’s Word, I commit to bathing all my desires and concerns in prayer. I acknowledge that the only way to win my battles is by knowing and applying His Word to my life.”

Persoonlike toewyding: Om vir ons Vader in die Hemel te bid eerder as om terug te trek van die gevegslinie of die arm van die vlees te gebruik. “Gebaseer op wat ek uit God se Woord geleer het, wy ek my daaraan toe om al my begeertes en bekommernisse in gebed te baai. Ek erken dat die enigste manier om my stryde te wen is deur Sy Woord te ken en in my lewe toe te pas.

“Not that I have already obtained it, or have already become perfect, but I press on, in order that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:12).

“Ek sĂȘ nie dat ek dit alles al het of die doel al bereik het nie, maar ek span my in om dit alles myne te maak omdat Christus Jesus my reeds Syne gemaak het” (Fil. 3:12).

Vul asseblief jou JOERNAAL in met die HERE in gedagte, met wat jy elke dag leer vir die volgende 30 dae om "Jou Huwelik Te Herstel".

Hoe meer jy jou hart uitstort in hierdie vorms, hoe meer kan ons en God jou help. Hierdie vorm sal jou en jou eVennoot ook help met aanspreeklikheid. KLIK HIER