Asking for help/question about restoration

Here follows a question, someone left in our office, if the Lord leads you to encourage him, please do:

Hi I had a question. My ex wife stated she is "starting a family soon" and later stated that she and her "family" are having twins. I don't know what to do or whether this is true and I want to ask her to be more specific. Its still not clear to me that she is talking about herself or someone else, she hasn't stated that SHE is pregnant or that SHE is having kids. Is it ok for me to ask to talk to her to get more detail? I have been trying to follow the advice not to ask to many questions. I did ask whether if she was pregnant with twins and then apologized for asking and she did not respond.

If I could get some advice from someone it would mean a lot. I have been trying to believe for the marriage but if she is pregnant I don't know if I can keep believing. Just for context me and my wife used to do ministry together. I'm not perfect by any means but I have tried to be faithful to my wife not just physically regarding what I watch and take in. I have tried to live a life of purity, with prayer and fasting, and I have tried to repent to my wife and others regarding any of the mistakes I have made in the past.

3 thoughts on “Asking for help/question about restoration”

  1. Hi, brother, nice to meet you. May I ask you if you speak with her frequently and if you have a friendly relationship?

    1. We are texting more regularly. She recently confirmed she gave birth last month to twins and is with another man. She has been nicer lately and checking up on me but it still seems like she wants to stay with the guy. With the news it is hard to keep believing. We don’t have any children together. I have tried to be kind and short as the book encourages. We were supposed to meet up in person for a conversation which would have been the first one since the divorce but she cancelled citing her current relationship.

  2. Ora, habla con el Señor, pedile sabiduría y que te guíe en que hacer. Dios sabe todas las cosas, nada es imposible para Dios.
    El es nuestro defensor, nuestro abogado, El es quien rescata del hoyo tu vida, y quien te corona de favores y de misericordias.
    Buscad primeramente el reino de Dios y su justicia, y todo lo demás vendrá por añadidura.

    Pray, talk to the Lord, ask Him for wisdom and to guide you in what to do. God knows all things, nothing is impossible for God.
    He is our defender, our lawyer, He is the one who rescues your life from the hole, and who crowns you with favors and mercies.
    Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and everything else will come in addition.

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