Eu tentei fugir – I tried to run away

🇧🇷 Dia 4 Capítulo 4 “O Teste de Sua Fé”

Eu tentei fugir da glória, mas Deus olhou nos meus olho, espiou meu coração e fez reacender o meu desejo de lutar pelo meu casamento, em meu solhos Deus olhou, e fiquei em pé.

Prometo colocar Deus na frente das batalhas, declarando aleluia, pois sei que se eu tiver fé, meu casamento será restaurando para a gloria do Senhor.

🇺🇸 Day 4 Chapter 4 “The Testing of Your Faith”

I tried to run away from the glory, but God looked into my eyes, peered into my heart and rekindled my desire to fight for my marriage, God looked into my eyes, and I stood up.

I promise to put God before the battles, declaring hallelujah, because I know that if I have faith, my marriage will be restored to the glory of the Lord.

~ Wilson

3 thoughts on “Eu tentei fugir – I tried to run away”

  1. peut on encore parler de restauration de mariage quand il y a un divorce acté et prononcé ?

    can we still talk about restoration of marriage when there is a recorded and pronounced divorce?

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