Her Heart Has Softened

Today's Promise:"Behold, I will bring you healing and medicine; and I will heal them, and reveal to them an abundance of peace and truth." Jeremiah 33:6

 Promesa de hoy: "Pero ciertamente Yo le traeré salud y sanidad; los sanaré y les revelaré abundancia de paz y de verdad." Jeremías 33:6

(Español abajo)

I'm taking Course 2: A Wise Man, the 2nd course, and now I am able to trust God in my marriage restoration, I have learned many things, and I have also worked in the area of obedience. I learned that I must first heal and release myself into the hand of God, and when He sees that I only depend on Him, at that moment, is when my wife's return will begin and He will turn her heart.

I have noticed that her heart has softened already, although as it is not yet time for either of us, it can not happen yet, He is healing us both and opening new paths in each of our lives. It has been several years that I have known about the Lord but THIS is the first time that I have really dedicated myself to seeking Him— believe me, HE is real.

"Behold, I will bring you healing and medicine; and I will heal them, and reveal to them an abundance of peace and truth." Jeremiah 33:6

Estoy tomando ahora el 2do curso, confío en Dios en mi restauración matrimonial, he aprendido muchas cosas, y también he trabajado en obediencia, aprendi que debo de sanar primero y soltarme en la mano de Dios, y cuando el vea que solo dependo de El, en ese momento cuando este listo comenzara el retorno de mi esposa, he notado que a ablandado su corazón, aunque como aun no es tiempo para ninguno de los dos, no ocurre aun, El esta sanándonos a ambos y abriendo caminos, hace ya varios años que conozco del Señor pero es la primera vez que en verdad me he dedicado a buscarle, creanme es real.

"He aquí que yo les traeré sanidad y medicina; y los curaré, y les revelaré abundancia de paz y de verdad."  Jeremías 33: 6

~ Marco in Mexico