A husband "takes care to feed and love his wife,
just as the Anointed takes care of His church,
because we are living members of His body."
A wife "submits to her husband as she does to the Lord."
Ephesians 5:22–33
Our Couples Course is designed for men to spiritually feed his wife by using our 2 books: A Wise Man and A Wise Woman. If you have a marriage that is on sinking sand, then this is where to start.
Husbands you would begin by reading his chapter of A Wise Man, while lovingly encouraging his wife to read the same chapter of A Wise Woman—simply setting aside one day a week just like a weekly bible study. Your wife does the same.
Why take the time out of your busy schedules?
Statistics show that more than half of marriages end it divorce, while Christian marriages are even higher! And, the reason to go through this study over any other, is that these are the same books that restored countless marriages and helped rebuild broken families on the Rock that you'll find on our Restored Marriage Testimony page—filling several books.
So if your marriage needs improvement, imagine what these same principles can do for a couple who both want to study these together? By following God's blueprints. So, while rebuilding your marriage (if your marriage is restored) or doing a renovation of your marriage—be sure you have the best blueprints.
Your blueprints must be His Word, which you will find in these books. With the Lord's blueprint, and Him by your side, putting Him first, you will then be able to rebuild your life and marriage instead of foolishly keeping it on sinking sand.
Again, sometime during each week, the husband and wife each read just one chapter, and then each will fill out the journal. At the end of the week, you can plan a time to be alone. Men, after you lead your wife in a short prayer, then begin to share what you've learned or ask your wife if she'd like to go first. You can also simply forward your journal, email all or portions to each other.
What will help, is that the chapters are unique since the Bible has different verses for males and females. But each chapter covers the same topic and principles—again, each relating to what GOD says to the man versus the woman or to them both.
Warning: Husbands do not read your wife's book. Wives: do not read your husband's book. Why? Because each of us needs our own personal relationship with the Lord, and also, to prevent strife, arguing, and pointing the finger. Couple counseling is deadly to a marriage, so are couple bible studies. WE know because we minister to their wounded and dead marriages.
* See HopeAtLast.com if you or someone you know is facing a crisis in their marriage.
So, due to the common practice and temptation to watch what each other is doing, rather than focusing on ourselves, each of you will be able to look at yourselves, not challenging or pushing each other. If this temptation occurs, the entire course should be stopped. That's because He clearly says we are "called to peace" and many other verses about letting "peace be our umpire"—in other words, the game is over (or will be, including the marriage). As our Savior so rightly said, we need to remove the "log in our own eyes", before we try to take the speck out of our [spouse's] eye. Praying these verses before you begin should help prevent temptation.
Wife, your husband needs to be who is spiritually leading you. Don't get ahead of him, don't nag, but instead—trust the Lord to prompt your husband and turn His heart towards becoming the spiritual leader.
Husband, if your wife is not interested or stops reading her chapters, please bookmark the WM course that you can do on your own. Click here for our WM course for men.
Wife, if your husband is not interested or stops reader his chapters, please bookmark the WW course that you can on your own. Click here for our WW course for women.
If you believe your marriage may be in trouble, as we said above, be sure to visit HopeAtLast.com for courses that can help restore your marriage, even if you're headed for divorce are already divorce.
We would also like to begin your course by THANKING God who prompted men and women to sponsor this course. By paying it forward it continues to allow us to offer our courses for FREE. Thank you!
READ each chapter, at least *ONE per week then JOURNAL what's in your heart and mind.
• Too many lessons at one time not only does NO good—but can actually cause you to miss the benefits.
• Waiting too far in between also is harmful because it allows for the ways of the world to enter back into your mind and heart.
• Then share each other's journals with each other by forwarding that day's journal. If there are things that you sense need to be between you and the Lord, then simply remove that portion—especially if you are not yet married and are using this couple's course as part of your time to prepare—building your house together on the Rock.
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine
and acts on them,
may be compared to a wise man
who built his house on the rock.
And the rain fell, and the floods came,
and the winds blew and slammed against that house;
and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the Rock."
—Matthew 7:24-29
"By wisdom a house is built,
and by understanding it is established;
and by knowledge the rooms are filled
with all precious and pleasant riches”
—Proverbs 24:3–4
Week 1. On the Rock
Week 2. Your First Love
Week 3. Blessed Are the Meek
Week 4. Thrusts of a Sword
Week 5. Weapons of our Warfare
Week 6. The Angry Man
Week 7. Immoralities
Week 8. Manages His Own Household
Week 10. Various Trials
Week 11. I Hate Divorce
Week 12. The Fruit of the Womb
Week 13. The Ministry of Reconciliation
Week 14. Provide for His Own
Week 15. Father’s Instructions
Week 16. Empty Talkers and Deceivers
Week 17. Opening the Windows of Heaven
Week 1, On the Rock
Week 2, Your First Love
Week 3, A Gentle and Quiet Spirit
Week 4, Kindness Is on Her Tongue
Week 5, Won Without a Word
Week 6, A Contentious Woman
Week 7, Chaste and Respectful
Week 8, Wives, Be Subject
Week 9, Helper Suitable
Week 10, Various Trials
Week 11, I Hate Divorce
Week 12, The Fruit of the Womb
Week 13, The Ministry of Reconciliation
Week 14, The Ways of Her Household
Week 15, Your Mother’s Teachings
Week 16, Encourage the Younger Women
Week 17, Opening the Windows of Heaven