Sur le rocher – On the Rock

🇫🇷 Sur le rocher

Ma sœur ne te décourage pas, je sais que ce que tu éprouve est très difficile,
Continue à rechercher le Seigneur comme tu le fais et attache-toi à ses promesses.
Dieu est fidèle une ne nous abandonnera pas, Dieu est fidèle à chacune de ses promesses,
Il voislt tes pleurs et ton chagrin mais lui seul peut te consoler, continue à vivre selon la parole,
Je prie pour que tu sois la femme l'épouse que Dieu veut que tu sois et qu'elle te ramène ton mari à t'aimer à nouveau, et que son coeur de pierre devienne un cas de chair.

Confesser vos péchés les uns aux autre et pardonner aux autres comme Dieu nous a pardonné .

C'est Dieu qui transforme nos cœurs à travers les épreuves que nous vivons, Il nous transforme de gloire en gloire.

Faisons du Seigneur notre rocher, qu'il soit notre rock, notre fondation pour que notre maison soit batie sur la bonne fondation

🇺🇸On the Rock

My brother do not be discouraged. I know that what you are experiencing is very difficult.

Continue to seek the Lord as you do and cling to his promises.

God is faithful and will not abandon us, God is faithful to each of his promises,

He sees your tears and your sorrow but only he can comfort you, continue to live according to the word.

I pray that you are the woman the bride who God wants you to be and to bring your husband back to love you again, and for his heart of stone to become a case of flesh.

Confess your sins to one another and forgive others as God has forgiven us.

It is God who transforms our hearts through the trials we experience, He transforms us from glory to glory.

Let us make the Lord our rock, let him be our rock, our foundation so that our house may be built on the right foundation.


🇧🇷 Sobre a Rocha

Não devemos viver para este mundo, temos que viver para Deus, edificar nossa casa na rocha, para que não seja levada pela destruição, temos que estar vigilantes, meditando na palavra de Deus.

Devemos sempre seguir a palavra de Deus, não devemos nos deixar levar pelas coisas do mundo, eu e minha família fizemos isso, ficamos deslumbrados com o mundo e hoje, estamos separados, então não deixe de orar, e sempre seguir os mandamentos de Deus, tenham fé que tudo será feito novo, somos barro na mão do oleiro.

Eu prometo ficar calado, não correr, não me irar, deixar Deus trabalhar no coração da minha ex, futura esposa novamente.

🇺🇸On the Rock

We must not live for this world, we have to live for God, build our house on the rock, so that it is not destroyed by destruction, we have to be vigilant, meditating on the word of God.

We must always follow the word of God, we must not let ourselves be carried away by the things of the world, my family and I did this, we were dazzled by the world and today, we are separated, so be sure to pray, and always follow God's commandments, Have faith that everything will be made new, we are clay in the potter's hand.

I promise to remain silent, not to run, not to get angry, to let God work in the heart of my ex, future wife again.

~ Wilson

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