Pretexts and Arguments to Maintain

♕ Today's Promise: "For with God nothing shall be impossible." Luke 1:37

Praise Report 800x533

I thank God for what He is doing in my life and in restoring my marriage.

My wife and I have been separated for more than six months, our marriage has been complicated from the beginning, since we both come from other marriages and both in a situation of adultery, it was not until 8 years ago that we met the Lord and of course he began to do many changes in our life. However, there were still many roots from the past that had not yet been uprooted and that caused this last separation, leaving everything in the open.

My wife was the one who in this time of separation found the Marriage Help ministry and began with the course, then she gave me the book of A Wise Man, the truth is that it takes me a while to start reading it, well after a few weeks I began to read the book, and I only read it but did not make the commitment or the exercises, until I reached the point where the book confronted me and took me to a point where I could no longer read since I did not want the restoration and only I was looking for pretexts and arguments to maintain my position of not continuing with the Marriage and it was obvious that the book and the word of God was telling me that it was not like that and that he did not want me to divorce.

That confrontation led me to brokenness and after that I began Course 1 that I am about to conclude, and which has helped me understand the role that God wants me to play as a man, husband and priest, I realized the responsibility that God has placed over us as the head of the home I must have and that I was not assuming.
and how obvious God wants the Marriage.

Since we both started the course and decided not to end our marriage, as Erin has expressed, we have had attacks and opposition from those closest to us and it has been extremely painful. However, God has been with us and we have decided to obey him and lift the rubble that has remained of our Marriage and get back up but this time cementing our relationship on the Rock, first recognizing our condition and participation in many sins, asking the Lord for forgiveness and whom we have offended, as well as making amends to those we have been able to do so.

Currently, we continue to live apart, but soon we will be together again and it is true that as that moment gets closer, more opposition is presented but as Erin said, that is a sign that our restoration will soon be completed.

Just as this crisis collapsed our Marriage spiritually and God is renewing us, we decided to do the same with our house, and we are in the process of rebuilding, hoping that in the same way that things are renewed in our house God is removing and renewing our mind in this process, and we are sure and confident that GOD will finish this work that has begun in us.
I encourage the Men who could read this Praise Testimony to continue with the course and with the rest of the material that the ministry provides, since everything is based on the word of God. and I am convinced that despite any circumstance God is faithful and for him there are no impossibilities, you just have to believe and obey him.My wife and I are very close to getting back together again, cementing on the Rock that is Christ. This has only been because of the intervention of God through this ministry, which together with the book of The Wise Man has changed the way I saw my marriage.

I encourage you to dare to do things God's way.

Luke 1:37 (KJV) because nothing is impossible for God.

~ Edik in Mexico